Merge branch 'local_map'
MultiBranch support for 'HelixBranches' local and remote Mappings.
Allows MultiBranches to map Depot paths external to the MultiBranch projects root. For example, a MultiBranch project with the following Jenkinsfiles:
ProjA >> main
ProjA>> dev
An 'Includes' path for Branch Sources set to: //depot/projA/...
Jenkins will now create two branches 'main' and 'dev'.
The default Mapping is '...' so the 'src/...' and any other files under the branch root will appear in the project's workspace. To import an extenal location we can add another line to the mapping:
Now both branches 'main' and 'dev' will have a folder 'depot/external/stuff' with the mapped files. We can also use the `BRANCH_NAME` environment variable in the remote path uses the branch name.
and in 'main' you will now see the remote files in ' depot/external/main' along with the local project files mapped with '...'