============================================================================== Log is: /p4/sdp_upgrade.20211116-223356.log sdp_upgrade.sh v1.5.0 Starting SDP upgrade as perforce@siab-prod-commit at Tue 2021-11-16 22:33:56 UTC with this command line: ./sdp_upgrade.sh -p If you have any questions about the output from this script, contact support@perforce.com. Preflight Check: Get Current SDP Version from: /p4/sdp/Version Preflight Check: Get New SDP Version from: ../../../../../Version Verified: Current SDP Version [2020.1.27536] is at least 2020.1. The SDP will be upgraded from 2020.1.27536 to 2021.1.28261. Preflight Check: cd /p4/common Verified: cd works to: /p4/common Preflight Check: Checking current user owns /p4/common Verified: Current user [perforce] owns /p4/common HxDepots is: /hxdepots Detected and Assigned Settings: HxDepots: /hxdepots DownloadsDir: /hxdepots/downloads DownloadsDirNew: /hxdepots/downloads/new SDPEnvFileNewFormatVersion: 1.1 SDPInstanceCfgFileNewFormatVersion: 1.1 Old p4_vars version set to: 1.0 Changing p4_vars file format from version 1.0 to 1.1. Verified: /p4/common/bin/p4_vars can be generated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEGIN Diffs for: p4_vars 10a11,14 > # This defines the version of the format of this file, used when the SDP is > # upgraded. > SDP_P4_VARS_FORMAT=1.1 > 14c18 < # for an instance named acme, do --- > # for an instance named acme, do: 25c29 < # If the instance paramter is omitted, an instance name o '1' (the digit one) --- > # If the instance parameter is omitted, an instance name of '1' (the digit one) 28c32 < # This file should not be modified. If site-specific overrides or addtional --- > # This file should not be modified. If site-specific overrides or additional 41c45 < # Trap unbound (undefined) varialbes, treating them as an error. --- > # Trap unbound (undefined) variables, treating them as an error. 45c49 < export SDP_VERSION="Rev. SDP/MultiArch/2020.1/27536 (2021/02/28)." --- > export SDP_VERSION="Rev. SDP/MultiArch/2021.1/28261 (2021/11/13)." 52c56 < export SDPMAIL='/bin/echo Simulated mail' --- > export SDPMAIL=mail 59c63 < export SDPMAIL='/bin/echo Simulated mail' --- > export SDPMAIL=mailx 199c203 < # 'set +u'. This is a workround to a Linux bug: --- > # 'set +u'. This is a workaround to a Linux bug: 206c210 < # Linux and more specificallyb bash, the tab command completion is broken --- > # Linux and more specifically bash, the tab command completion is broken 208c212 < # instead of getting completion, you get a hideous error. This workaroud --- > # instead of getting completion, you get a hideous error. This workaround ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ END Diffs for: p4_vars Old Instance Vars version set to: 1.0 Changing /p4/common/config/p4_1.vars file format from version 1.0 to 1.1. [SDP_MAX_START_DELAY_P4P]=[60]. [SDP_MAX_STOP_DELAY_P4P]=[600]. [MAILTO]=[P4AdminList@p4demo.com]. [SDP_MAX_START_DELAY_P4BROKER]=[60]. [SDP_MAX_STOP_DELAY_P4BROKER]=[600]. [SNAPSHOT_SCRIPT]=[]. [SDP_AUTOMATION_USERS]=["swarm"]. [SDP_MAX_START_DELAY_P4D]=[120]. [SSL_PREFIX]=[ssl:]. [P4MASTER_ID]=[master.1]. [P4PORTNUM]=[1666]. [P4BROKERPORTNUM]=[1999]. [umask]=[0026]. [VERIFY_SDP_SKIP_TEST_LIST]=[]. [P4USER]=[perforce]. [P4DTG_CFG]=[$P4SERVER]. [MAILFROM]=[P4Admin@p4demo.com]. [SDP_ALWAYS_LOGIN]=[0]. [P4MASTERHOST]=[localhost]. Verified: This instance config file can be ugpraded: /p4/common/config/p4_1.vars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEGIN Diffs for: /p4/common/config/p4_1.vars 9a10,13 > # This defines the version of the format of this file, used when the SDP is > # upgraded. > SDP_INSTANCE_VARS_FORMAT=1.1 > 21c25 < # Specify the email adddress from which emails are sent in $MAILFROM. --- > # Specify the email address from which emails are sent in $MAILFROM. 47c51,58 < # This is the DNS name of the master server --- > > # P4MASTERHOST=DNS Name (or IP address) of master FOR THIS INSTANCE. > # A DNS Name is much easier to manage for failover purposes. > # Examples: > # - edge server: set this to DNS for commit-server > # - replica: set this to DNS for parent server > # - HA replica for commit: set this to DNS for commit-server > # - HA replica for edge: set this to DNS for edge-server 48a60 > 60c72 < # Use egrep becuase it works where we need it to. Shellcheck suggests --- > # Use egrep because it works where we need it to. Shellcheck suggests 65c77 < # Use 'echo' w/o quotes to remove leading/trailing whitepsace. --- > # Use 'echo' w/o quotes to remove leading/trailing whitespace. 86c98 < # Use 'echo' w/o quotes to remove leading/trailing whitepsace. --- > # Use 'echo' w/o quotes to remove leading/trailing whitespace. 105,107c117,126 < # script, daily_checkpoint.sh will call the referenced script to < # perform a snapshot. The following sample enable snapshots on the < # AWS master server only --- > # script, daily_checkpoint.sh will call the referenced scrip after > # checkpoints are created. It is expected that the called custom script > # will create a snapshot or perform some other backup activity. > > # The logic below allows for the called SNAPSHOT_SCRIPT to run only > # on the master server. > # > # A sample script to enable snapshots on an AWS master > # server is provided as: /p4/common/cloud/aws/bin/snapshot.sh > # 108a128 > # This snapshot script is exectued only on the master server. 110d129 < ###export SNAPSHOT_SCRIPT=/p4/common/cloud/aws/bin/snapshot.sh 111a131 > # Leave this value empty. 120,121c140,142 < # For more info, run: verify_sdp.sh -man < ###export VERIFY_SDP_SKIP_TEST_LIST="crontab" --- > # > # The value is a comma-delimited list of tests to skip, as defined in the > # documentation for verify_sdp.sh. For more info, run: verify_sdp.sh -man 147d167 < ###export SDP_AUTOMATION_USERS= 158,170d177 < < # SNS Alert Configurations < # Two methods of authentication are supported: key pair (on prem, azure, etc) and IAM role (AWS deployment) < # In the case of IAM role the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables must not be set, not even empty strings < < # To test SNS delivery use the following command: aws sns publish --topic-arn arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:541621974560:Perforce-Notifications-upgrade-Alerts-1CCDAWXMNZFPT --subject test --message "this is a test" < < # export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="" < # export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="" < < export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-east-1" < export SNS_ALERT_TOPIC_ARN="arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:541621974560:Perforce-Notifications-upgrade-Alerts-1CCDAWXMNZFPT" < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ END Diffs for: /p4/common/config/p4_1.vars List of valid SDP Instances: 1 All preflight checks were successful. Exiting early after successful preflight checks due to '-p'. Log is: /p4/sdp_upgrade.20211116-223356.log ==============================================================================