Fielding of the trigger routines: Logging is labeled with a ##DEBUG suffix and can be removed using something similar to the following: egrep -v '##DEBUG$' file.rb > file.rb.clean P4Data.rb : Site specific data for EJP P4Form.rb : Class file for dealing with P4 structured forms P4Jobs.rb : Collection of routines used by P4Logic.rb P4Logic.rb : Site specific routines for job processing logic P4Mail.rb : Class file for simple mailing to sendmail P4Valid.old : Local backup of P4Valid.rb P4Valid.rb : Local field validation data created from jobspec README : This file job_commit.rb* : Trigger script for 'form-commit job' job_delete.rb* : Trigger script for 'delete job' job_in.rb* : Trigger script for 'in job' logs/ : Local dir containing the log output of the triggers old/ : Dir of unused exploratory scripts etc spec_save.rb* : Trigger script for 'save spec' submit_commit.rb* : Trigger script for 'commit' tests/ : Dir of tests for EJP utils/ : Dir of utility type scripts etc