#!/usr/local/bin/ruby # # Copyright 2005 Perforce Software. All rights reserved. # require "../../cur.triggers/P4Data.rb" require "../../cur.triggers/P4Form.rb" failures = 0 if ischangelist("1") then # TEST FOR CLEAN SYSTEM printf("System currently populated restart server and try again\n") else printf("Populating system with test data\n") `p4 jobspec -i < history-spec.txt` # Define the jobspec `sh changelist.sh one` # Create changelist 1 `sh changelist.sh two` # Create changelist 2 `sh changelist.sh three` # Create changelist 3 `sh newjob.sh` # Create job000001 `sh newjob.sh` # Create job000002 `sh newjob.sh` # Create job000003 `p4 job -o job000001 | grep -v 'Date' | sed -e 's=..../../.. ..:..:..=yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss=' > job.step0` printf(`diff job.step0.base job.step0`) printf("Adding Fields...") `cat history-add.txt > job01.tmp` # Copy job for reported date print `p4 job -o job000001 | egrep '^ReportedDate:' >> job01.tmp` print `echo \"EJPUserID: one\" >> job01.tmp` print `p4 job -f -i < job01.tmp` `p4 job -o job000001 | grep -v 'Date' | sed -e 's=..../../.. ..:..:..=yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss=' > job.step1` printf(`diff job.step1.base job.step1`) printf("Modifying Fields...") `cat history-mod.txt > job01.tmp` # Copy job for reported date print `p4 job -o job000001 | egrep '^ReportedDate:' >> job01.tmp` print `echo \"EJPUserID: one\" >> job01.tmp` print `p4 job -f -i < job01.tmp` `p4 job -o job000001 | grep -v 'Date' | sed -e 's=..../../.. ..:..:..=yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss=' > job.step2` printf(`diff job.step2.base job.step2`) printf("Deleting Fields...") `cat history-del.txt > job01.tmp` # Copy job for reported date print `p4 job -o job000001 | egrep '^ReportedDate:' >> job01.tmp` print `echo \"EJPUserID: one\" >> job01.tmp` print `p4 job -f -i < job01.tmp` `p4 job -o job000001 | grep -v 'Date' | sed -e 's=..../../.. ..:..:..=yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss=' > job.step3` printf(`diff job.step3.base job.step3`) File.unlink("job01.tmp") File.unlink("job.step0") File.unlink("job.step1") File.unlink("job.step2") File.unlink("job.step3") end