require 'optparse' require 'P4' class MSF attr_accessor :root def initialize(root=Dir.pwd()) @root = root @options = {} end def parse_opts() @options[:add] = false @options[:binary] = false @options[:volume] = 1 @options[:size] = "1K" @options[:transaction] = false @options[:fill] = false @options[:wlineend] = false @options[:llineend] = false do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: example.rb [options]" opts.on("-a", "--[no-]add", "Add to p4 server") do |a| @options[:add] = a end opts.on("-t", "--[no-]transaction", "Separate transaction mode, Each file submitted as a changelist") do |t| @options[:transaction] = t end opts.on("-b", "--[no-]binary", "Make binaries") do |b| @options[:binary] = b end opts.on("-v", "--volume NUM", Integer, "Make NUM files") do |v| @options[:volume] = v end opts.on("-s", "--size SIZE", "Make files SIZE big (can take B K M G, K assumed") do |s| @options[:size] = s end opts.on("-f", "--[no-]fill", "Fill with data") do |f| @options[:fill] = f end opts.on("-w", "--[no-]wlineendings", "Add win line endings every 50 chars") do |l| @options[:wlineend] = l end opts.on("-l", "--[no-]lineendings", "Add linux line endings every 50 chars") do |l| @options[:llineend] = l end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end end.parse!(ARGV) p @options end def write_file(fname, write_type) f =, write_type) if @options[:fill] and @options[:llineend] format_size(@options[:size].dup).times do |val| if val % 50 == 0 f.write("\n") else f.write('b') end f.write("\n") end elsif @options[:fill] and @options[:wlineend] format_size(@options[:size].dup).times do |val| if val % 50 == 0 f.write("\r\n") else f.write('b') end f.write("\r\n") end elsif @options[:fill] and !(@options[:llineend] or @options[:wlineend]) format_size(@options[:size].dup).times do |val| f.write('b') end else[:size].dup) - 1, IO::SEEK_SET) f.write('a') end f.close puts "\nFILE :: " + fname + "\nType :: " + write_type + "\nSize :: " + @options[:size] + "\n" end def format_size(size) unit_hash = {"B" => 1, "K" => 1024, "M" => (1024*1024), "G" => (1024*1024*1024)} unit = size[-1,1] if unit.is_a? Integer size = size.to_i * 1024 else size.slice!(-1,1) size = size.to_i * unit_hash[unit.upcase] end return size end def add_to_p4() if @options[:add] p4 = p4.connect if @options[:transaction] for i in 0...@options[:volume] do begin p4.run_add(@root+'\file'+i.to_s()) p4.run_submit("-d", '"add single' + " file of size " + @options[:size] + '"') puts "Uploaded :: file" + i.to_s rescue P4Exception p4.errors.each { |e| $stdout.puts( e ) } end end else begin for x in 0...@options[:volume] do p4.run_add(@root+'\file'+x.to_s()) puts "Added :: file" + x.to_s end p4.run_submit("-d", '"add ' + @options[:volume].to_s + " files of size " + @options[:size] + '"') puts "Submitted :: file0 -> file" + @options[:volume].to_s rescue P4Exception p4.errors.each { |e| $stdout.puts( e ) } end end end end def run() parse_opts() if @options[:binary] write_type = 'wb' else write_type = 'w' end for i in 0...@options[:volume] do write_file(@root+'\file'+i.to_s(), write_type) end add_to_p4() return "Done" end end msf = puts