RBLList - slow.conf configuration item


The RBLList slow.conf configuration item lists the hosts that should be contacted to see if the IP address should be rejected. These black-hole sites (RBL sites) all work by the same. The IP number is prefixed to the site, and then it is looked up. If the prefixed name is found, the IP number is that of a bad host and should be rejected.

If this RBLList item is declared, it is given a list of sites, each separated from the next by a comma. For example:

By default, RBLList is empty, so no lookups are made.

The IP number is looked up at each RBL site in turn, left to right. It only takes one rejected to mark the IP number as bad. If it is found as bad by one RBL site, no further lookups will be made.

If an IP number is found to be black-listed by an RBL site, the rbl event (as described in the standard event set) will be set.