slowmilt -C

slowlist -C configfile

The location of the slowmilt configuration file is hardcode when slowmilt is built. The default (unless otherwise defined) is:

The contents of the configuration file are documented in Edit slow.conf.

In the event that you wish to use a configuration file other than the default, you may specifiy it with this -C command-line switch. The -C command-line switch takes a single argument, the path to the different configuration file:

slowmilt -C /path/file
If the /path/file doesn't exist or cannot be read, the slowmilt program will print an error and exit.

If the /path/file is specified as an empty string:

slowmilt -C ""
the slowmilt program's internal default values will be used. This is the technique used for regression testing.

In the event that slowmilt is run by root (which it should never be run as) use of the -C command-line switch is disallowed.