P4V JsApi MergeQuest ==================== MergeQuest JS comprises of example code demonstrating how a user can define a graphical view of branch relationships. This example was modeled after Eclipse's Merge Quest tool implemented by Perforce. Features Creating codelines •'Main', 'Release' and 'Development; Creating connectors •Connecting codelines with branches or specifying depot paths. Showing changelists that need integration •The sample code runs p4 interchanges using the P4JsApi to show in the connectors the submitted changelists that need integration between the codelines. Importing/Exporting graphs -------------------------- Creating a New Graph A user will first create a MergeQuest graph in P4V by choosing "MergeQuestJS" from the View menu. Presented with a blank canvas and a palette, the user will follow a similar use case to Eclipse's MergeQuest to define codelines (including 'Main', 'Release', and 'Development') as nodes, then connect two nodes together by dragging an arrow between the codelines. The user can then select how to connect the codelines by 'Branch Spec' or 'Depot Path'). The connectors will be able to specify a direction, either up, down, or bidirectional. The connector's visual representation shows how the codelines are connected and the number of submitted changelists that need integration. Exporting and Importing a Graph •Graphs can be Imported or Exported using Eclipse xml format •Currently the only way to save a graph is through exporting it and importing it.