# VSS to Perforce Converter Configuration File. # # Keywords in this file must start at the left column and end with a colon. # Values must be on the same line as the keyword or on subsequent lines # starting with a tab. # # Some new additions to make it easier to import into existing depot. # root of tree of projects to be converted. # RHGC - note that this now allows multiple roots to be specified, # separated by '|' # DAH - root may now contain spaces # root: $/Proj1|$/Proj2|$/Proj3 #root: $/java root: $/ # Perforce client workspace to use # Defaults to "vss" client: vss # start date time (format "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss") from which to start processing changelist # set to 0 or don't set to process all changelists start_time: 2002/04/10 11:42:00 # Files that are handled with p4 typemap # typemap disabled because it breaks verify... #typemap_regexp: (makefile|\.(pdf|a|o|obj|lib|dll|exe|abc|flo|h|hpp|c|cpp|nc|s|ld|lnt|mak|txt|dxy|dox|html?|bat|pl|dbg|cfg|ico|def|rc))$ # time interval (in seconds) between two checkins which can be considered # part of the same change time_interval: 600 # - whether to convert all pathnames to lowercase lowercase_pathnames: no # - whether to convert all filenames to lowercase lowercase_filenames: no # - whether to convert all extensions to lowercase lowercase_extensions: yes # - whether to convert all user names to lowercase lowercase_usernames: yes # - debugging level - set to zero to speed things up, > 0 to track down # problems debug_level: 10 # 980504 SAB - Added to be able to bypass the re-creation of the metadata/ # files (in case debugging mkdepot.pl or later). bypass_metadata: no # 2002-02-07/ps: don't pause asking for a key to start verify. Either do it or don't... perform_verify: no # 980504 SAB - We've got some corruptions in our SS database...add ability # to skip 'ss get' failures. # (only set this to "yes" if you really need to) skip_ss_get_errors: no # Add ss user stuff if required # ss_options: -Yuser,password ss_options: -Yrobert,robert # RHGC - depot to use e.g. //ourdepot specified as # depot: ourdepot depot: depot # RHGC - Prefix to prepend to labels - makes importing nicer. label_prefix: vss_ # RHGC - depot root to use (defaults to main) # depot_root: import/proj with depot: ourdepot => //ourdepot/import/proj/... # Remember that this needs to correspond with the client mapping an example # of which is shown in config. # DAH - may contain spaces depot_root: import