PerforceOT V0.4.5 ----- GENERAL INFORMATION ----- The Perforce opentool is a free integration between the Perfroce version system and JBuilder. The opentool is compatible with JBuilder Foundation, Personal, Professional, and Enterprise version 4 and 5. This software is free for commercial and personal use. For more information please refer to the included copy of the GNU LGPL license located in docs/license.txt file. ----- INSTALLATION ----- As with all JBuilder opentools, just place the perforceOT.jar file in the /lib/ext directory and restart JBuilder. ----- BUILDING ----- 1) Create a new project in JBuilder and point to the opentool source code. 2) Add the "opentools" library to the project 3) Create a jar named "perforceOT.jar" and include the included "classes.opentools" file as the manaifest. Ex. jar cfm perforceOT.jar classes.opentools com Thank you for getting the Perforce opentool, I hope this tool makes your job easier. David Freels