
Uses of Class

Uses of PerforceException in com.perforce.api

Subclasses of PerforceException in com.perforce.api
 class CommitException
          Signals that an exception occurred during the process of committing a cacheable object to perforce.
 class SubmitException
          Signals that an exception occurred during a submit to Perforce.

Methods in com.perforce.api that throw PerforceException
 String Change.resolve(boolean force)
 String Change.deleteEmptyChange()
          Deletes the Changelist if it is empty.
static Change Branch.integrate(Env env, Vector fents, String branch, StringBuffer sb, String description)
          Integrate a set of files using the named branch.
static Change Branch.integrate(Env env, Vector fents, String branch, StringBuffer sb, Change c)
          Integrate a set of files using the named branch.
static Change Branch.integrate(Env env, String source, String branch, StringBuffer sb, Change c)
          Integrate a set of files using the named branch.


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