source '' # Install omnibus gem 'omnibus', github: 'chef/omnibus' # Use Chef's software definitions. It is recommended that you write your own # software definitions, but you can clone/fork Chef's to get you started. gem 'omnibus-software', github: 'chef/omnibus-software' # This development group is installed by default when you run `bundle install`, # but if you are using Omnibus in a CI-based infrastructure, you do not need # the Test Kitchen-based build lab. You can skip these unnecessary dependencies # by running `bundle install --without development` to speed up build times. group :development do # Use Berkshelf for resolving cookbook dependencies gem 'berkshelf', '~> 3.0' # Use Test Kitchen with Vagrant for converging the build environment gem 'test-kitchen', '~> 1.2' gem 'kitchen-vagrant', '~> 0.14' end