class PubsController < ApplicationController def index if params[:search] and params[:search][:query] @pubs = Pub.near(params[:search][:query]) if @pubs.any?[:success] = "Showing pubs near #{params[:search][:query]}" else[:warning] = "No pubs near #{params[:search][:query]}" end else @pubs = Pub.all end end def new @pub = end def create @pub = if flash[:success] = 'Thanks for the review' else flash[:error] = 'Sorry, couldn\'t do that' flash[:full] = @pub.errors.full_messages flash[:detail] = @pub.errors.each do | error | end end redirect_to pubs_path end def edit @pub = Pub.find(params[:id]) end def update @pub = Pub.find(params[:id]) if @pub.update(pub_params) flash[:success] = 'Thanks for the update' redirect_to edit_pub_path else flash[:error] = 'Sorry, there is nothing at this address.' if address_err? flash[:full] = @pub.errors.full_messages flash[:detail] = @pub.errors.each do | error | error end render :new end end def destroy if Pub.delete(params[:id]) flash[:succes] = 'Another one bites the dust' else flash[:error] = 'Sorry, couldn\'t do that' end redirect_to pubs_path end private def pub_params params.require(:pub).permit(:name,:address,:website,:description,:latitude,:longitude) end def address_err? @pub.errors.full_messages == ["Latitude cannot be blank","Longitude cannot be blank"] end end