#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Eric Wallengren # This file is part of the Continuous Automated Build and Integration # Environment (CABIE) # # CABIE is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public # License version 2 or any later version. See the file COPYING for copying # permission or http://www.gnu.org. # # THIS MATERIAL IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR # IMPLIED, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ANY USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. # # Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted, # provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was # modified is included with the above copyright notice. # BEGIN { push @INC, "lib"; push @INC, "../lib"; push @INC, "../../lib"; } use File::Path; use File::Copy; use File::Basename; use File::Find; use Cwd; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use Sys::Hostname; use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS ); use POSIX qw (:sys_wait_h); # # Get name of the build server # my $hostname = hostname(); my $ospackage; # # See what OS this is # if ($ =~ /MSWin32/) { $ospackage = "winsys"; } else { $ospackage = "unixsys"; } require "$hostname.pm"; require "$ospackage.pm"; # # Grab configuration data from buildconf # my $config = new $hostname; my $os = new $ospackage; my $cmd = $ARGV[0]; my $dir = getcwd(); my $i = @ARGV; for ($a=1; $a < $i; $a++) { push @Args, $ARGV[$a]; } my $return = &$cmd(@Args); exit $return; sub removecomments { my $sqlquery = "delete from comments where comment=\"Information:\n.\""; $os->run_sql_remove($sqlquery); } sub nqueuetest { my $testname = shift; my $buildsvr = shift; my $job = shift; my $num = shift; my $patchname = shift; my $entry; my @tests = split(/ /, $testname); foreach $entry (@tests) { my $sqlquery; my @sqlarray; my @empty; my @submitarray = @empy; my $tserver; my $tdeploy; my $timagename; my $tbootscript; my $ttitle = $entry; my $tbldsvr = $buildsvr; my $tjobname = $job; my $tjob = $num; $sqlquery = "select server, deployto, imagename, bootscript ". "from testconfiguration where binary ". "title=\"$entry\""; @sqlarray = $os->run_sql_query($sqlquery, ";"); ($tserver, $tdeploy, $timagename, $tbootscript) = split(/;/, $sqlarray[0]); $sqlquery = "select * from stage where binary title=\"$entry\" ". "and binary jobname=\"$job\" and binary job=\"$num\""; @sqlarray = $os->run_sql_query($sqlquery, ";"); if (!@sqlarray) { push @submitarray, "$tserver"; push @submitarray, "$tdeploy"; push @submitarray, "$timagename"; push @submitarray, "$tbootscript"; push @submitarray, "$ttitle"; push @submitarray, "$tbldsvr"; push @submitarray, "$tjobname"; push @submitarray, "$tjob"; push @submitarray, "0"; push @submitarray, "$patchname"; $os->run_sql_submit("stage", @submitarray); } else { print "job $tjobname build $tjob from $tbldsvr already ". "staged for deployment on $tdeploy\n"; } } } sub queuetest { my $testname = shift; my $testserver = shift; my $deployto = shift; my $buildsvr = shift; my $job = shift; my $num = shift; my $sqlquery; my @sqlarray; my @empty; $sqlquery = "select title from stagetest where binary ". "title=\"$testname\""; @sqlarray = $os->run_sql_query($sqlquery, ";"); if (@sqlarray < 1) { @sqlarray = @empty; push @sqlarray, "$testserver"; push @sqlarray, "$deployto"; push @sqlarray, "$testname"; push @sqlarray, "$buildsvr"; push @sqlarray, "$job"; push @sqlarray, "$num"; push @sqlarray, "0"; $os->run_sql_submit("stagetest", @sqlarray); } } sub cleancvsignore { my $dir = shift; if (! -d $dir) { _logger( "invalid dir $dir\n" ); exit 1; } find(\&process_file, $dir); } sub p4params { my $buildname = shift; my $sqlquery = "select port, client from configuration where binary ". "server=\"$hostname\" and binary title=\"$buildname\""; my @sqlarray = $os->run_sql_query($sqlquery, ","); my ($port, $client) = split(/,/, $sqlarray[0]); my $user = $config->P4USER; my $pass = $config->P4PASSWD; print "-p $port -c $client -u $user -P $pass"; } sub getvernum { my $buildname = shift; my $thisdir = shift; if (! -d "$dir/$thisdir") { print 0; } chdir ("$dir/$thisdir"); $ENV{"PWD"} = "$dir/$thisdir"; my @c4stuff = `c4 changes -m 1 ...`; my @rec = split(/ /, $c4stuff[0]); print $rec[1]; } sub buildinfo { my $buildname = shift; my $buildnum = shift; my $targetdir = shift; my $isbody = 0; my $formatted = "%s %s %s"; open(BIOUT, ">$targetdir/build.info.html") || die "open: $!"; $old_fh = select(BIOUT); $| = 1; select($old_fh); print BIOUT "$buildname $buildnum bill of materials". "\n"; print BIOUT "

    open(BIIN, "<$targetdir/build.info") || die "open: $!";

    while () {


        if ($isbody == 1) {

            ($mod, $file, $ver) = split(/ /, $_);

            $string = sprintf("$formatted\n", $mod, $mod, $file, $ver, $file, 
            print BIOUT "$string";

        } else {
            print BIOUT "$_\n";

        if ($_ =~ /^---/) {

            $isbody = 1;




    print BIOUT "
\n"; print BIOUT "\n"; print BIOUT "\n"; close(BIOUT); } sub metrics { my $bname = shift; my $bnumber = shift; my $pid; my $home = $ENV{'HOME'}; $classpath = "$home/jncss/javancss17.37/lib/javancss.jar:". "$home/jncss/javancss17.37/lib/ccl.jar:". "$home/jncss/javancss17.37/lib/jhbasic.jar"; $ENV{'JAVA_HOME'} = "/usr/java"; $ENV{'JAVANCSS_HOME'} = "$home/jncss/javancss17.37"; pipe(READ, WRITE); if ($pid = fork) { close(WRITE); } else { die "cannot fork: $!" unless defined $pid; # child open (STDERR, ">/dev/null"); open(STDOUT, ">&=WRITE"); exec("java", "-classpath", "$classpath", "javancss.Main", "-all", "-recursive"); } _logger( "$bname metrics started $pid" ); open (METRICS, ">/tmp/$bname.buildmetrics.out") || die "open: $!"; while () { print METRICS "$_"; } close(READ); close(METRICS); _logger( "waiting on $pid" ); waitpid($pid, 0); _logger( "$pid completed" ); } sub removegenerated { my $job = shift; my $num = shift; # # SQL Stuff... # my $sqlquery; my @sqlarray; my $line; my $port; my $client; my $sccs; my $bHaschange = 0; $sqlquery = "select port, client, sccs from configuration where ". "binary server=\"$hostname\" and binary title=". "\"$job\" and state=\"0\""; open (DBG, ">/tmp/buildfuncs.dbg"); @sqlarray = $os->run_sql_query("$sqlquery", ";", 0); foreach $line (@sqlarray) { ($port, $client, $sccs) = split(/;/, $line); } $ENV{'CVSROOT'} = "$port"; my @modules = split(/ /,$client); foreach $line (@modules) { _logger( "removegenerated module=$line" ); } if ($sccs =~ /^cvs$/ ) { my @children; my $counter = 0; my $nm = @modules; my $archive; my $bcommit; _logger( "opening read/write pipe" ); pipe(READ, WRITE); _logger( "pipe opened" ); foreach $entry (@modules) { _logger("processing $entry"); if ($entry =~ /^!/) { $entry =~ s/^!//g; } if ( -d $entry) { _logger("going to fork for $entry"); if ($children[$counter] = fork) { if ($counter == $nm-1) { close(WRITE); } } else { die "cannot fork: $!" unless defined $children[$counter]; open (STDERR, ">&=STDOUT"); open (STDOUT, ">&=WRITE"); exec ("cvs", "-n", "up", "-R", "$entry"); } $counter++; } } while () { chomp $_; _logger( "removegenerated $_" ); print DBG "$_\n"; ($action, $name) = split(/ /, $_); if ($action =~ /^\?$/) { if (-f $name) { print DBG "file: $name\n"; unlink ($name) || die "unlink: $?"; } if (-d $name) { print DBG "directory: $name\n"; rmtree ($name) || die "rmtree: $?"; } } if ($action =~ /M/) { if ($name =~ /\.tar$/ic || $name =~ /\.zip$/ic || $name =~ /\.war$/ic || $name =~ /\.jar$/ic || $name =~ /\.car$/ic) { if (! -d "/tmp/$job" ) { system("mkdir -p /tmp/$job"); } $archive = basename($name); print DBG "File updated by build: $name\n"; system("cp $name /tmp/$job"); unlink($name); system ("cvs up -dP $name >/dev/null 2>&1"); $bcommit = jdiff($name, "/tmp/$job/$archive"); print DBG "bcommit: $bcommit\n"; if ($bcommit) { system("cp /tmp/$job/$archive $name >/dev/null 2>&1"); system("cvs ci -m \"auto-checkin of $archive from build $num of $job\" $name"); print DBG "cvs ci -m \"auto-checkin of $archive from build $num of $job\" $name"; } } else { print DBG "merge found: $name\n"; unlink($name); system ("cvs up -dP $name >/dev/null 2>&1"); } } } close(READ); close(DBG); foreach $c (@children) { waitpid($c, 0); } } elsif ($sccs =~ /^perforce$/) { if (! -f ".p4list.txt") { _logger("no .p4list.txt for job $job\n"); return 0; } open(I, "<.p4list.txt"); @modules = ; close(I); my @vmodules; my @children; my $counter = 0; my $nm = @modules; my $archive; my $bcommit; my $here = $ENV{"PWD"}; foreach $entry (@modules) { chomp $entry; if (-d $entry) { push @vmodules, $entry; } } my $nm = @vmodules; _logger( "opening read/write pipe" ); pipe(READ, WRITE); _logger( "pipe opened" ); foreach $entry (@vmodules) { chomp $entry; _logger("processing $entry"); if ($entry =~ /^!/) { $entry =~ s/^!//g; } if ( -d "$dir/$entry") { print "chdir to $dir/$entry\n"; $ENV{"PWD"} = "$dir/$entry"; _logger("going to fork $entry"); if ($children[$counter] = fork) { if ($counter == $nm-1) { close(WRITE); } } else { die "cannot fork: $!" unless defined $children[$counter]; open (STDERR, ">&=STDOUT"); open (STDOUT, ">&=WRITE"); chdir "$dir/$entry" || die "chdir: $?"; exec ("c4", "update", "-n", "..."); } $counter++; } } while () { chomp $_; if ($_ !~ /^Directory/) { if ($_ =~ /^\?\?\?/) { my $fn = $_; $fn =~ s/\?+//g; $fn =~ s/^ +//g; $fn =~ s/^\t+//g; $fullname = _getfullpath($fn, @vmodules); print("rm $fullname\n"); unlink($fullname) || warn "unlink: $?"; } elsif ($_ =~ /^edit/) { $fn = $_; $fn =~ s/^edit//g; $fn =~ s/^ +//g; $fn =~ s/^\t+//g; $fullname = _getfullpath($fn, @vmodules); if ( $fullname !~ /propert/) { my $archive = basename($fullname); print "cp $fullname /tmp/$job/$archive\n"; system("cp $fullname /tmp/$job/$archive"); print("c4 sync -f $fullname"); system("c4 sync -f $fullname"); print "jdiff $fullname /tmp/$job/$archive\n"; my $isdiff = jdiff("$fullname", "/tmp/$job/$archive"); print "isdiff = $isdiff\n"; if ($isdiff) { $bHaschange = 1; print("cp /tmp/$job/$archive $fullname\n"); system("cp /tmp/$job/$archive $fullname"); system ("c4 open $fullname"); } } else { print "c4 sync -f $fullname\n"; system("c4 sync -f $fullname"); } } } } close(READ); close(DBG); foreach $c (@children) { waitpid($c, 0); } if ($bHaschange) { print("c4 change -o |sed \"s//auto checkin from $job $num/g\" |c4 submit -i"); system("c4 change -o |sed \"s//auto checkin from $job $num/g\" |c4 submit -i"); } } } sub _getfullpath { my $name = shift; my @mods = @_; my $entry; $name =~ s/^\.\///g; foreach $entry (@mods) { if ( -f "$dir/$entry/$name") { return "$dir/$entry/$name"; } } return "NOTFOUND: $name"; } sub jdiff { my $verbose = 0; my $reallyverbose = 0; my $file1 = shift; my $file2 = shift; my $members1; my $members2; my $checksum1; my $checksum2; my @memberarray1; my @memberarray2; my @sp; my $sc; my $ret; my $m1; my $m2; # # Make sure the list files exist... # die "$file1 not readable" if ! -r $file1; die "$file2 not readable" if ! -r $file2; # # Stat the files, if the sizes have changed, then so have the # contents... # my @stat1 = stat($file1); my @stat2 = stat($file2); # # The 8th element in the stat array is the size (see stat and lstat) # if ($stat1[7] != $stat2[7]) { if ($verbose) { print STDERR "jdiff diffs found: filesize ($file1, $file2)\n"; } return 1; } my $zip1 = Archive::Zip->new(); my $zip2 = Archive::Zip->new(); if ($verbose) { print STDERR "reading $_[0]\n"; } die "whoops" if $zip1->read($file1) != AZ_OK; die "whoops" if $zip2->read($file2) != AZ_OK; # # This will probably never happen, but if for some chance the jar # sizes are the same but the number of files in the archive are # different, write to log file... # $members1 = $zip1->numberOfMembers(); $members2 = $zip2->numberOfMembers(); if ($members1 != $members2) { if ($verbose) { print STDERR "jdiff diffs found: members ($file1, $file2)\n"; } return 1; } # # Generate sorted member arrays... # @memberarray1 = sort($zip1->memberNames()); @memberarray2 = sort($zip2->memberNames()); # # Use the first list for testing the second, there are # the same number of entries, so if one has been renamed, we'll # find it below... # foreach (@memberarray1) { # # We just want the file name... # @sp = split(/\//, $_); $sc = @sp; # # Get information about the entry in the first jar archive... # $m1 = $zip1->memberNamed($_); # # We don't care about directories... # if (! $m1->isDirectory()) { # # This is where we'll catch the renaming of a file... # $m2 = $zip2->memberNamed($_); if (! defined($m2)) { if ($verbose) { print STDERR "jdiff diffs found: noexist ($file1, $file2)\n"; } return 1; } # # Ignore the manifest... # if ("$sp[$sc-1]" !~ "MANIFEST.MF") { # # Get 32bit CRC's for entries... $checksum1 = $m1->crc32String(); $checksum2 = $m2->crc32String(); if ($reallyverbose) { $file1 =~ s/\\/\//g; $file2 =~ s/\\/\//g; print STDERR "\ncrc32 for $file1\->$_: $checksum1\n"; print STDERR "crc32 for $file2\->$_: $checksum2\n"; } # # If the checksums aren't the same return 1... # if ($checksum1 !~ /^$checksum2$/) { if ($verbose) { print STDERR "jdiff: checksums ($file1\->$_, $file2\->$_)\n"; } return 1; } } } } return 0; } sub logfile { open (F, ">>$dir/jdiff.out"); print F "$_[0], $_[1]\n"; close(F); } sub process_file { my $dir; $fullname = $File::Find::name; if (! -d "$fullname" && $fullname =~ /.cvsignore$/) { $file = basename($fullname); $dir = dirname($fullname); if ($file =~ /\.cvsignore/) { _logger( "process_file opening $dir/$file" ); open (CVSIG, "$dir/$file" ) || die "open: $?"; @contents = ; close(CVSIG) || die "close: $?"; foreach $line (@contents) { chomp $line; if ( -f "$file" ) { unlink("$dir/$line"); } } } } } sub _logger { my $string = shift; my $formattime; my $reqtime = scalar localtime; print "[$reqtime]: $string\n"; }