#!/usr/bin/perl -w # -*- perl -*- package colorView ; use strict ; # # ################################################################# # Configuration file for color view of files ################################################################# # # # This module is designed to add colors to # file view. # The idea is to apply a filter (in this case # eval a perl script) that adds color to # the file. The filter is selected using # one of two methods: # 1. Check file name (typicall extension) # 2. Check first line in file my %fileNameRegexp ; # Store filter name by regexp for file name my %firstLineRegexp ; # Store filter name by regexp for first line in file to color # Initialize variables BEGIN() { %fileNameRegexp = ("\\\.html\$" => "colorHtml.pl" , "\\\.htm\$" => "colorHtml.pl" , "\\\.pl\$" => "colorPerl.pl", "\\\.c\$" => "colorC.pl", "\\\.C\$" => "colorC.pl", "\\\.cxx\$" => "colorC.pl", "\\\.cpp\$" => "colorC.pl", "\\\.h\$" => "colorC.pl", "\\\.H\$" => "colorC.pl", "\\\.hxx\$" => "colorC.pl", "\\\.hpp\$" => "colorC.pl", ) ; %firstLineRegexp = ("perl" => "colorPerl.pl") ; } ; # Subroutine to call sub color($;\$) { my $filename = shift @_ ; my $textref = shift @_ ; my $t ; my $FILE = $$textref ; foreach $t (keys %fileNameRegexp) { if($filename =~ /$t/) { eval `cat $fileNameRegexp{$t}` ; $$textref = $FILE unless $@ ; return ; } } ; $FILE =~ /^(.*?)\n/ ; my $firstLine = $1 ; foreach $t (keys %firstLineRegexp) { if($firstLine =~ /$t/) { eval `cat $firstLineRegexp{$t}` ; $$textref = $FILE unless $@ ; return ; } } } ; 1;