#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-
use P4CGI ;
use strict ;
use CGI::Carp ;
# All config info should be in P4CGI.pm
# List open files
# File argument
my $FSPC = P4CGI::cgi()->param("FSPC") ;
$FSPC = "//..." unless defined $FSPC ;
$FSPC = &P4CGI::htmlEncode($FSPC) ;
my $fspc=$FSPC ;
my @FSPC = split(/\s*\+?\s*(?=\/\/)/,$FSPC) ;
$FSPC = "".join(" and ",@FSPC)."" ;
my $FSPCcmd = "\"" . join("\" \"",@FSPC) . "\"" ;
my $SORTBY = P4CGI::cgi()->param("SORTBY") ;
$SORTBY="USER" unless defined $SORTBY and $SORTBY eq "NAME" ;
# Get info about opened status
my @opened ;
&P4CGI::p4call(\@opened,"opened -a $FSPCcmd $err2null") ;
map { /(.*)\#(\d+) - (\S+) (\S+\s\S+) \S+ by (\S+)@(\S+)/ ;
$_ = [$1,$2, $3,$4, $5,$6] ; } @opened ;
# file status user
# rev change client
my @options ;
my $noFiles=@opened ;
if($SORTBY eq "USER") {
my @tmp = sort { my @a = @$a ;
my @b = @$b ;
uc("$a[4] $a[5]").$a[0] cmp uc("$b[4] $b[5]").$b[0] ; } @opened ;
@opened = @tmp ;
push @options, &P4CGI::buttonCell($ENV{SCRIPT_NAME},
"Sort list by file name",
"Sort by file") ;
else {
push @options, &P4CGI::buttonCell($ENV{SCRIPT_NAME},
"Sort list by user",
"Sort by user") ;
} ;
@options = () if $noFiles == 0 ;
print &P4CGI::start_page("List open files for
$FSPC",@options) ;
# Create conversion hash for user -> fullname
my %userCvt ;
&P4CGI::p4user2name(\%userCvt );
my $filet = "$noFiles files" ;
$filet = "No files found" if $noFiles == 0 ;
$filet = "One file" if $noFiles == 1 ;
print &P4CGI::start_framedTable($filet) ;
my ($lastFile,$lastRev,$lastUser,$lastClient) = ("","","","") ;
sub printLine(@) {
my ($file,$rev,$status,$change,$user,$client) = @_ ;
$change =~ s/\s*change\s*// ;
my $Puser = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "userView.cgi",
-title=> "\"View user $userCvt{$user}\"",
"$user") . "/" ;
my $Pclient = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "clientView.cgi",
-title =>"\"View client\"",
"$client") ;
my $Pfile = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "fileLogView.cgi",
-title => "\"View file log\"",
"$file") ;
my $Prev = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "fileViewer.cgi",
-title => "\"View file\"",
"#$rev") ;
if($change =~ /^\d+$/) {
$change = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "changeView.cgi",
-title => "\"View change $change\"",
"$change") ;
if($SORTBY eq "NAME") {
if($file eq $lastFile) {
$Pfile = "" ;
if($rev eq $lastRev) {
$Prev = "" ;
print &P4CGI::table_row("${Pfile}$Prev",$status,$change,"$Puser$Pclient") ;
elsif ($SORTBY eq "USER") {
if($user eq $lastUser) {
$Puser = "" ;
if($client eq $lastClient) {
$Pclient = "" ;
print &P4CGI::table_row("$Puser$Pclient",$status,$change,"${Pfile}$Prev") ;
} ;
($lastFile,$lastRev,$lastUser,$lastClient) = ($file,$rev,$user,$client) ;
} ;
print &P4CGI::start_table("") ;
if($SORTBY eq "NAME") {
print &P4CGI::table_header("File","Status","Change","User/Client") ;
elsif($SORTBY eq "USER") {
print &P4CGI::table_header("User/Client","Status","Change","File") ;
} ;
map { printLine(@$_) ; } @opened ;
print &P4CGI::end_table() ;
print &P4CGI::end_framedTable() ;
print &P4CGI::end_page() ;
# That's all folks