The Perforce directory browser. Version 1.0 alpha Change 41760 This package is Copyright 1999 Greg Spencer ( It is available under the "Artistic License", like perl. See ARTISTIC.txt for more info. Here are some features: - Nice looking directory listings - line-by-line listings of who changed what in a file, with the ability to follow branches. - direct browsing of HTML (and other web formats) from the depot. - syntax highlighting for C, C++, HTML, VRML, Makefiles and IDL files. (with any easy extension mechanism to add more), which creates very printable listings in HTML. - sorting of the directory listings by name, version, last change type, file type, last modification date *without* a round-trip to the server. - Integration with the p4browse script to provide access to some of these features from within that script (basically just adds branch following and syntax highlighting to the version listings). Some caveats: - This was designed to work with fourth generation browsers only (tested mainly with IE4.01 SP1 and NS Communicator 4.5). I doubt it will work on earlier versions. I have tried it on IE5 beta with no obvious problems, but I haven't tested it extensively. - I have only used this with IRIX versions of Apache and Netscape servers. I believe that there will be no problems with any server that can run perl scripts from a cgi-bin directory, which probably doesn't include the win32 servers, simply because my scripts don't have suffices. I'll correct that shortly. Be sure to read the INSTALL file included -- it outlines the installation procedures. As always, your mileage may vary. -Greg.