#!/usr/local/bin/perl ###################################################################### # # This is a "pretty printer" for code # it takes various types of code as input, tries to identify it, # and outputs html with highlighted keywords, comments, etc. # # Copyright 1999 Greg Spencer (greg_spencer@acm.org) # ###################################################################### # Here is where we add the various configurations. Each instantiation of # these classes contains the same API for accessing things. They each have # a method for determining if a particular file is of a particular type, # called "IsA". package TxtType; ###################################################################### # text file filetype class ###################################################################### sub new { my $type = shift; my $self = {}; my @args = @_; bless $self; # $self->init(@args); return $self; } sub IsA { # it's always at least a text file -- we check this one *last* return 1; } sub GetHighlightList { my @highlight = (); return \@highlight; } sub GetKeywords { my %keywords = (); return \%keywords; } sub GetColors { my %color = (); return \%color; } sub GetStyles { my %style = (); return \%style; } package HtmlType; ###################################################################### # Html source. ###################################################################### sub new { my $type = shift; my $self = {}; my @args = @_; bless $self; # $self->init(@args); return $self; } sub IsA { my $self = shift; my $filename = shift; my $sample = shift; my $suffix = $filename; $suffix =~ s/.*?([^\/\\]+)$/$1/; # get basename $suffix =~ s/.*(\.[^.\/\\]+)$/$1/; # get suffix of basename, if any if ($suffix =~ m/\.(htm|html)$/i) { # print STDERR "It's an HTML file!\n"; return 1; } if ($sample=~m/<\s*(html|body).*>/i) { # use html or body tag # print STDERR "It's an HTML file!\n"; return 1; } # print STDERR "It's not an HTML file.\n"; return 0; } sub GetHighlightList { my @highlight = ("keyword", "variable"); return \@highlight; } sub GetKeywords { my %keywords = ( "keyword" => '(<[/!?]?[-_=A-Za-z0-9\s]+(?:.*?>)?|>)', "variable" => '((?:[%]|&)[#a-zA-Z0-9]+;?)', "comment start" => '<!--', "comment end" => '-->', "string start" => '\'"', "string end" => '\'"' ); return \%keywords; } sub GetColors { my %color = ( "keyword" => "#589a00", "comment" => "#00582e", "variable" => "#ff5d00", "string" => "#ae222f", ); return \%color; } sub GetStyles { my %style = ( "keyword" => "B", "comment" => "I", "variable" => "B", "string" => "I", ); return \%style; } package CxxType; ###################################################################### # C/C++/Microsoft Resource filetype class ###################################################################### sub new { my $type = shift; my $self = {}; my @args = @_; bless $self; # $self->init(@args); return $self; } sub IsA { my $self = shift; my $filename = shift; my $sample = shift; my $suffix = $filename; $suffix =~ s/.*?([^\/\\]+)$/$1/; # get basename $suffix =~ s/.*(\.[^.\/\\]+)$/$1/; # get suffix of basename, if any if ($suffix =~ m/\.(c|cpp|cxx|c\+\+|cc|h|hcc|h\+\+|incl?|rc)$/i) { # print STDERR "It's a C++ file!\n"; return 1; } if ($sample=~m/-\*-\s*([-\w+.]+)\s*-\*-/) { # use emacs hints, if present if ($1 =~ m/^(c\+\+|cc|c)$/i ) { # print STDERR "It's a C++ file!\n"; return 1; } } # print STDERR "It's not a C++ file.\n"; return 0; } sub GetHighlightList { my @highlight = ("keyword", "preprocessor", "type", "protection", "members"); return \@highlight; } sub GetKeywords { my $operators = '[-[<>+*%(^!=&|]+[]=)]?'; my $token = '[a-zA-Z_]\w*'; my %keywords = ( "type" => '\b(auto|bool|char|class|const|double|enum|extern|float|friend|inline|int|long|register|short|signed|static|struct|template|typedef|union|unsigned|virtual|void|volatile)\b', "protection" => '\b(public|private|protected)\b', "preprocessor" => '(^#\s*\w+)', "members" => "((?:$token\\s*::\\s*)+(?:~?$token|operator\\s*(?:\\s+$token|$operators)))", "keyword" => '((?:\b(break|case|catch|continue|default|delete|do|false|for|goto|new|return|switch|then|this|throw|true|try|while)\b)|(?:(?!\#).\b(?:else|if)))', "comment start" => '/\*', "comment end" => '\*/', "string start" => '\'"', "string end" => '\'"', "comment inline" => '//' ); return \%keywords; } sub GetColors { my %color = ( "keyword" => "#589a00", "comment" => "#00582e", "type" => "#00acac", "preprocessor" => "#ff5d00", "protection" => "#1f0058", "members" => "#000080", "string" => "#ae222f", ); return \%color; } sub GetStyles { my %style = ( "keyword" => "B", "comment" => "I", "string" => "I", "type" => "B", "preprocessor" => "B", "protection" => "I", "members" => "B", ); return \%style; } package VrmlType; ###################################################################### # VRML file class # There's an awful lot of non-vrml stuff here, but that's # because it highlights javascript too. ###################################################################### sub new { my $type = shift; my $self = {}; my @args = @_; bless $self; # $self->init(@args); return $self; } sub IsA { my $self = shift; my $filename = shift; my $sample = shift; my $suffix = $filename; $suffix =~ s/.*?([^\/\\]+)$/$1/; # get basename $suffix =~ s/.*(\.[^.\/\\]+)$/$1/; # get suffix of basename, if any if ($suffix =~ m/\.(wrl|pfx)$/i) { # print STDERR "It's a VRML file!\n"; return 1; } if ($sample=~m/#\s*(vrml|inventor)\s+v[0-9.]+/i) { # print STDERR "It's a VRML file!\n"; return 1; } # print STDERR "It's not a VRML file.\n"; return 0; } sub GetHighlightList { my @highlight = ("keyword", "type", "members", "vrml keyword"); return \@highlight; } sub GetKeywords { my %keywords = ( "type" => '\b(bool|class|float|int|unsigned|var|DEF|PROTO|EXTERNPROTO|USE)\b', "keyword" => '((?:\b(break|case|catch|continue|default|delete|do|false|for|goto|new|return|switch|then|this|true|while|nul)\b)|(?:(?!\#).\b(?:else|if)))', "members" => '(function\s+\w+\s*\(.*?\))', "vrml keyword" => '\b(AsciiText|Cone|Cube|Cylinder|IndexedFaceSet|IndexedLineSet|PointSet|Sphere|Coordinate3|FontStyle|Info|LOD|Material|MaterialBinding|Normal|NormalBinding|Texture2|Texture2Transform|TextureCoordinate2|ShapeHints|MatrixTransform|Rotation|Scale|Transform|Translation|OrthographicCamera|PerspectiveCamera|DirectionalLight|PointLight|SpotLight|Group|Separator|Switch|TransformSeparator|WWWAnchor|WWWInline|Anchor|Appearance|AudioClip|Background|Billboard|Box|Collision|Color|ColorInterpolator|Coordinate|CoordinateInterpolator|CylinderSensor|DiskSensor|ElevationGrid|Extrusion|Fog|FontStyle|ImageTexture|Inline|MovieTexture|NavigationInfo|NormalInterpolator|OrientationInterpolator|PixelTexture|PlaneSensor|PositionInterpolator|ProximitySensor|ScalarInterpolator|Script|Shape|Sound|SphereSensor|Text|TextureTransform|TextureCoordinate|TimeSensor|TouchSensor|Viewpoint|VisibilitySensor|WorldInfo|eventIn|eventOut|field|exposedField|ROUTE|TO|IS|TRUE|FALSE|NULL)\b', "string start" => '\'"', "string end" => '\'"', "comment inline" => '//|#' ); return \%keywords; } sub GetColors { my %color = ( "keyword" => "#589a00", "comment" => "#00582e", "type" => "#00acac", "vrml keyword" => "#1f0058", "members" => "#000080", "string" => "#ae222f", ); return \%color; } sub GetStyles { my %style = ( "keyword" => "B", "comment" => "I", "string" => "I", "type" => "B", "vrml keyword" => "B", "members" => "B", ); return \%style; } package IDLType; ###################################################################### # Microsoft ODL/IDL filetype class ###################################################################### sub new { my $type = shift; my $self = {}; my @args = @_; bless $self; # $self->init(@args); return $self; } sub IsA { my $self = shift; my $filename = shift; my $sample = shift; my $suffix = $filename; $suffix =~ s/.*?([^\/\\]+)$/$1/; # get basename $suffix =~ s/.*(\.[^.\/\\]+)$/$1/; # get suffix of basename, if any if ($suffix =~ m/\.(odl|idl)$/i) { # print STDERR "It's an ODL/IDL file!\n"; return 1; } if ($sample=~m/-\*-\s*([-\w+.]+)\s*-\*-/) { # use emacs hints, if present (yea, right!) if ($1 =~ m/^(odl|idl)$/i ) { # print STDERR "It's an ODL/IDL file!\n"; return 1; } } # print STDERR "It's not an ODL/IDL file.\n"; return 0; } sub GetHighlightList { my @highlight = ("keyword", "directive", "interface", "typekind", "attribute"); return \@highlight; } sub GetKeywords { my $operators = '[-[<>+*%(^!=&|]+[]=)]?'; my $token = '[a-zA-Z_]\w*'; my %keywords = ( "keyword" => '\b(library|typedef|module|coclass|cpp_quote)\b', "directive" => '\b(importlib|import)\b', "interface" => "\\b((?:disp)?interface\\s+$token\\s*:\\s*$token)\\b", "typekind" => '\b(enum|struct|union|base_type|far|auto|bool|char|class|const|double|enum|extern|float|friend|inline|int|long|register|short|signed|static|struct|template|union|unsigned|virtual|void|volatile|public|private|protected)\b', "attribute" => '\b(auto_handle|callback|context_handle|endpoint|first_is|handle|helpcontext|helpstring|hidden|ignore|implicit_handle|in|last_is|length_is|local|max_is|object|out|pointer_default|ptr|ref|size_is|string|switch_type|transmit_as|unique|uuid|version)\b', "comment start" => '/\*', "comment end" => '\*/', "string start" => '\'"', "string end" => '\'"', "comment inline" => '//' ); return \%keywords; } sub GetColors { my %color = ( "keyword" => "#00acac", "comment" => "#00582e", "string" => "#ae222f", "directive" => "#ff5d00", "typekind" => "#580000", "attribute" => "#589a00", "interface" => "#000080", ); return \%color; } sub GetStyles { my %style = ( "keyword" => "B", "comment" => "I", "string" => "I", "typekind" => "B", "attribute" => "B", "directive" => "B", "interface" => "B", ); return \%style; } package MakeType; ###################################################################### # Makefile filetype class ###################################################################### sub new { my $type = shift; my $self = {}; my @args = @_; bless $self; # $self->init(@args); return $self; } sub IsA { my $self = shift; my $filename = shift; my $sample = shift; my $basename = $filename; $basename =~ s/.*?([^\/\\]+)$/$1/; # get basename my $suffix = $basename; $suffix =~ s/.*(\.[^.\/\\]+)$/$1/; # get suffix of basename, if any if ($basename =~ m/makefile/i) { # print STDERR "It's a Makefile!\n"; return 1; } # Cosmo-specific -- this gets leafdefs and ismdefs files. if ($basename =~ m/.*(defs|rules)$/i) { # print STDERR "It's a Makefile!\n"; return 1; } if ($suffix =~ m/\.mak/i) { # print STDERR "It's a Makefile!\n"; return 1; } if ($sample=~m/-\*-\s*([-\w+.]+)\s*-\*-/) { # use emacs hints, if present if ($1 =~ m/make/i) { # print STDERR "It's a Makefile!\n"; return 1; } } # print STDERR "It's not a Makefile.\n"; return 0; } sub GetHighlightList { my @highlight = ("keyword", "macroassign", "dependency", "variables"); return \@highlight; } sub GetKeywords { my %keywords = ( "keyword" => "^(include|ifndef|ifdef|if|else|endif|define|endef)", # Regex used to find macro assignment lines in a makefile. "macroassign" => "^(\\w*\\s*[*:+]?:?=)", # Variable references even in targets/strings/comments: "variables" => "(\\\$[({](?:[A-Za-z_][\\w:.=]*[})]))", # Regex used to find dependency lines in a makefile. "dependency" => "^([^\\s#:]+(?:\\s+[^\\s#:]+)*\\s*:(?:\\s*|[^=\\n].*))\$", # comment regexp "comment inline" => '#' ); return \%keywords; } sub GetColors { my %color = ( "keyword" => "#584c00", "comment" => "#00582e", "macroassign" => "#580000", "dependency" => "#003358", "variables" => "#1f0058", ); return \%color; } sub GetStyles { my %style = ( "keyword" => "B", "comment" => "I", "macroassign" => "B", "dependency" => "B", "variables" => "I", ); return \%style; } package CollectType; ###################################################################### # InstallBuilder collection filetype class ###################################################################### sub new { my $type = shift; my $self = {}; my @args = @_; bless $self; # $self->init(@args); return $self; } sub IsA { my $self = shift; my $filename = shift; my $sample = shift; my $basename = $filename; $basename =~ s/.*?([^\/\\]+)$/$1/; # get basename my $suffix = $basename; $suffix =~ s/.*(\.[^.\/\\]+)$/$1/; # get suffix of basename, if any if ($basename =~ m/collect\..+/i) { # print STDERR "It's an InstallBuilder collection file!\n"; return 1; } # print STDERR "It's not an InstallBuilder collection file .\n"; return 0; } sub GetHighlightList { my @highlight = ("keyword", "tag"); return \@highlight; } sub GetKeywords { my %keywords = ( "keyword" => '^(\s*(file|dir))', # IDB tag "tag" => '(\s+\w+)$', # comment regexp "comment inline" => '#' ); return \%keywords; } sub GetColors { my %color = ( "keyword" => "green", "tag" => "maroon", "comment" => "purple", ); return \%color; } sub GetStyles { my %style = ( "keyword" => "B", "tag" => "B", "comment" => "I", ); return \%style; } package SpecType; ###################################################################### # InstallBuilder specification filetype class ###################################################################### sub new { my $type = shift; my $self = {}; my @args = @_; bless $self; # $self->init(@args); return $self; } sub IsA { my $self = shift; my $filename = shift; my $sample = shift; my $basename = $filename; $basename =~ s/.*?([^\/\\]+)$/$1/; # get basename my $suffix = $basename; $suffix =~ s/.*(\.[^.\/\\]+)$/$1/; # get suffix of basename, if any if ($basename =~ m/spec\.dat/i) { # print STDERR "It's an InstallBuilder spec file!\n"; return 1; } # print STDERR "It's not an InstallBuilder spec file .\n"; return 0; } sub GetHighlightList { my @highlight = ("keyword"); return \@highlight; } sub GetKeywords { my %keywords = ( "keyword" => '^(\s*(product|uiName|defaultInstallDir|endproduct|subsys|export|endsubsys))', # comment regexp "comment inline" => '#' ); return \%keywords; } sub GetColors { my %color = ( "keyword" => "green", "comment" => "purple", ); return \%color; } sub GetStyles { my %style = ( "keyword" => "B", "comment" => "I", ); return \%style; } package SourceType; # always check TxtType last, since it always returns true. @types = qw(CxxType MakeType CollectType SpecType IDLType HtmlType VrmlType TxtType) unless @types; sub FindSourceType { my $filename = shift; my $sample = shift; # print STDERR "There are ".($#types+1)." types.\n"; foreach (@types) { # print STDERR "Testing $_...\n"; my $tester = eval("new $_"); return $tester if $tester->IsA($filename,$sample); } return undef; } package SourceToHtml; ###################################################################### # # Variable Init # ###################################################################### # constructor sub new { my $type = shift; my $self = {}; my @args = @_; bless $self; $self->init(@args); return $self; } sub init { # constructor takes: # (file, sample, numbering, confidential, standalone, timestamp, title) my $self = shift; my $filename = shift; my $sample = shift; $self->{"number lines"}=shift; $self->{"confidential"}=shift; $self->{"standalone"}=shift; $self->{"extra cols"}=[]; $self->{"extra colwidths"}=[]; my $timestamp = shift; my $title = shift; my $label = shift; $self->{"timestamp"}=""; $self->{"stamp label"} = "Listing Date:"; if ("$timestamp" eq "1") { $self->{"timestamp"}=&Timestamp(time); } elsif ($timestamp) { $self->{"timestamp"}= $timestamp; $self->{"stamp label"} = $label if $label; } # $self->{"timestamp"}=&Timestamp(time) if ($timestamp == 1); $self->{"title"} = $title; $self->{"head"} = $self->{"title"}; $self->{"title"} =~ s|[^\s]*[/\\](.+)$|$1|; $self->{"user keys"} = ""; $self->{"user color"} = "#000080"; $self->{"user style"} = "B"; $self->{"output"} = ""; # print STDERR "File: $filename\n"; # print STDERR "Sample: $sample\n"; my $typeinfo = SourceType::FindSourceType($filename,$sample); # print STDERR "Found File Type.\n"; if ($typeinfo == undef) { # print STDERR "Unable to determine source type -- no highlighting performed.\n"; $self->{"highlight"} = []; $self->{"keywords"} = ""; $self->{"color"} = ""; $self->{"style"} = ""; } else { $self->{"highlight"} = $typeinfo->GetHighlightList(); $self->{"keywords"} = $typeinfo->GetKeywords(); $self->{"color"} = $typeinfo->GetColors(); $self->{"style"} = $typeinfo->GetStyles(); } } ###################################################################### # # Member functions # ###################################################################### sub SetUserKeywords { my $self = shift; if (@_) { push (@{$self->{"highlight"}},"user"); @{$self->{"user keys"}} = '\b('."@_".')\b'; } else { #remove "user" from the list. @{$self->{"user keys"}} = ""; my @newlist = (); while ($_ = shift @{$self->{"highlight"}}) { push(@newlist,$_) if $_ ne "user"; } @{$self->{"highlight"}} = @newlist; } } # args are the index of the column to set, and a reference # to the array to set it to. sub SetExtraColumn { my $self = shift; my $idx = shift; if ($idx > scalar(@{$self->{"extra cols"}})) { $idx = scalar(@{$self->{"extra cols"}}); } ${$self->{"extra colwidths"}}[$idx] = shift; ${$self->{"extra cols"}}[$idx] = shift; } sub Print { my $self = shift; $self->{"output"} .= "@_"; } sub PrintStandaloneHeader { my $self = shift; $self->Print(""); if ($self->{"head"}) { my $tmp = " (".$self->{"timestamp"}.")" if $self->{"timestamp"}; $self->Print("".$self->{"head"}." $tmp\n"); } else { my $tmp = "-- Generated ".$self->{"timestamp"} if $self->{"timestamp"}; $self->Print("Source Listing $tmp\n"); } $self->Print(""); } sub PrintHeader { my $self = shift; return if (!$self->{"title"} && !$self->{"timestamp"} && !$self->{"confidential"}); my $lefthead=""; my $righthead=""; my $middlehead=""; $self->Print(""); if ($self->{"title"}) { $lefthead="".$self->{"title"}.""; } if ($self->{"timestamp"}) { $righthead="".$self->{"stamp label"}." ". $self->{"timestamp"}.""; } if ($self->{"confidential"}) { $middlehead=$self->{"confidential"}; } $self->Print("
$lefthead". "$middlehead". "$righthead
\n"); } sub Timestamp { local($ltime) = shift; local(@now); local($ampm) = "AM"; local($month); local($weekday); @now = localtime($ltime); if ($now[2]>12 && $now[2]!=24) { $now[2] -= 12; $ampm = "PM"; } elsif ($now[2] == 12) { # fix for "noon" $ampm = "PM"; } elsif ($now[2] == 24) { # fix for "midnight" $ampm = "AM"; $now[2] = 12; } switch1: { $month="Jan", last switch1 if ($now[4] == 0); $month="Feb", last switch1 if ($now[4] == 1); $month="Mar", last switch1 if ($now[4] == 2); $month="Apr", last switch1 if ($now[4] == 3); $month="May", last switch1 if ($now[4] == 4); $month="Jun", last switch1 if ($now[4] == 5); $month="Jul", last switch1 if ($now[4] == 6); $month="Aug", last switch1 if ($now[4] == 7); $month="Sep", last switch1 if ($now[4] == 8); $month="Oct", last switch1 if ($now[4] == 9); $month="Nov", last switch1 if ($now[4] == 10); $month="Dec", last switch1 if ($now[4] == 11); } switch2: { $weekday="Sun", last switch2 if ($now[6] == 0); $weekday="Mon", last switch2 if ($now[6] == 1); $weekday="Tue", last switch2 if ($now[6] == 2); $weekday="Wed", last switch2 if ($now[6] == 3); $weekday="Thu", last switch2 if ($now[6] == 4); $weekday="Fri", last switch2 if ($now[6] == 5); $weekday="Sat", last switch2 if ($now[6] == 6); } return sprintf ("%02d:%02d:%02d $ampm $weekday $month %02d, 19%02d", $now[2],$now[1],$now[0],$now[3],$now[5]); } sub Words { my $self = shift; my $arg = shift; $suffix=""; if ($self->{"keywords"}{"comment inline"} && $arg=~m{(.*?)($self->{"keywords"}{"comment inline"})(.*)}) { chomp $3; $suffix = "<".$self->{"style"}{"comment"}.">".$2.$3."{"style"}{"comment"}.">
"; $arg=$1; } if ($self->{"keywords"}{"string start"}) { my $i; my $starts = $self->{"keywords"}{"string start"}; my $ends = $self->{"keywords"}{"string end"}; for ($i = 0; $i/>/g; $en=~s/&/&/g; $en=~s/\"/"/g; $en=~s//>/g; if ($arg=~m{(.*?)\Q$st\E(.*?)\Q$en\E(.*)}) { my $p1 = $1; my $p2 = $2; my $p3 = $3; my $part1 = $self->Words($p1); $part1=~s/
//g; my $part2 = $p2; my $part3 = $self->Words($p3); $part3=~s/
//g; $suffix=~s/
//g; return $part1. "<".$self->{"style"}{"string"}.">$st". $part2."$en{"style"}{"string"}.">". $part3.$suffix."
"; } } } foreach (@{$self->{"highlight"}}) { if ($self->{"color"}{$_} eq "") { print STDERR "Highlight type '$_' doesn't have a color...\n"; } if ($self->{"style"}{$_} eq "") { print STDERR "Highlight type '$_' doesn't have a style...\n"; } if ($_ ne "user") { $begin = "<".$self->{"style"}{$_}.">"; $end = "{"style"}{$_}.">"; $search= $self->{"keywords"}{$_}; } else { $begin = "<".$self->{"user style"}.">"; $end = "{"user style"}.">"; $search= $self->{"user keys"}; } $arg=~s{$search}{$begin$1$end}g; } return $arg.$suffix; } # this is health care for html escape sequences... :-) sub metachar { s/&/&/g; s/\"/"/g; s//>/g; } ###################################################################### # # Convert member # ###################################################################### sub Convert { my $self = shift; my @input = @_; my $linecnt=0; my $incomment=0; if ($self->{"standalone"}) { $self->PrintStandaloneHeader(); } $self->PrintHeader(); $self->Print("
") if ($self->{"title"} || $self->{"timestamp"} || $self->{"confidential"}); if ($self->{"number lines"}) { my $numcols = 3 + scalar(@{$self->{"extra cols"}}); $self->Print(""); } else { $self->Print("

    while ($_ = shift(@input)) {
	if ($self->{"number lines"} && $linecnt%10 == 0) {
"); } } if ($self->{"number lines"}) { $self->Print("
\n"); $self->Print("$linecnt\n"); $self->Print("\n"); for ($j=0;$j{"extra cols"}});$j++) { $self->Print("\n"); $self->Print(""); for ($i=0;$i<10;$i++) { $self->Print($self->{"extra cols"}[$j][$linecnt+$i]."
\n"); } $self->Print("
"); } $self->Print("
	    if ($incomment) {
	# quote html stuff
	# fix multi-line comments (if any)
	if ($self->{"keywords"}{"comment start"}) {
	    my $start = $self->{"keywords"}{"comment start"};
	    my $end = $self->{"keywords"}{"comment end"};
	    if ($incomment && m@(.*)($end)(.*)@) {
		$self->Print($1.$2."{"style"}{"comment"}."> ");
		$incomment = 0;
		chomp $3;
		$_ = $3."\n";
	    if ($incomment) { goto rinse; }
	    elsif (m@(.*)($start)(.*)@) {
		chomp $3;
		$incomment = 1;
		goto lather;
	if ($self->{"number lines"} && $linecnt%10 == 0) {
"); } else { $self->Print(""); } $self->Print("
") if ($self->{"title"} || $self->{"timestamp"} || $self->{"confidential"}); $self->PrintHeader(); if ($self->{"standalone"}) { $self->Print(""); $self->Print("\n"); } # now zero the output my $retval = $self->{"output"}; $self->{"output"} = ""; return $retval; } sub Highlight { my $self = shift; my @input = @_; my $linecnt=0; my $incomment=0; $self->Print("

    while ($_ = shift(@input)) {
	# quote html stuff
	# fix multi-line comments (if any)
	if ($self->{"keywords"}{"comment start"}) {
	    my $start = $self->{"keywords"}{"comment start"};
	    my $end = $self->{"keywords"}{"comment end"};
	    if ($incomment && m@(.*)($end)(.*)@) {
		$self->Print($1.$2."{"style"}{"comment"}."> ");
		$incomment = 0;
		chomp $3;
		$_ = $3."\n";
	    if ($incomment) { goto rinse; }
	    elsif (m@(.*)($start)(.*)@) {
		chomp $3;
		$incomment = 1;
		goto lather;
"); # now zero the output my $retval = $self->{"output"}; $self->{"output"} = ""; return $retval; }