The files in this tree are an INITIAL start at at "Perforce" plug-in to the Java build tool named "ant". There's a bootstrap issue to be dealt with, so follow carefully: 1. You need to get the JDK and ANT built and installed. Be sure to set ANT_HOME and JDK_HOME in your environment and try a few tests first. 2. Extract this set of files, preserving directory structure. (If you don't extract it into ANT_HOME, be prepared to modify line 21 of 'build.xml' so that it points to ${ANT_HOME}/lib/ant.jar. Otherwise, "" won't compile.) 3. Type "ant" and watch it build one .class file (p4sync.class). It will put this into dist/lib/p4sync.jar. 4. Test it out, by running including that 'dist/lib/p4sync.jar' into your path and then building using ant -f build.users-p4sync.xml If it doesn't find the method then your CLASSPATH isn't set right or you didn't compile it after all - check the output from step #3 again. Things to do: 1. Document this. What it does: If you include the task: into your build.xml file, it'll run a "p4 sync" on that directory (it assumes it's part of a workspace that's mapped in) to the specified revision. And... 1. "dir" is mandatory, the rest are optional; 2. If you specify date, midnight is implied. 3. You cannot specify more than one of (date, label, revision). 4. Any "sync" error is considered a fatal error, and a BuildException is returned. For the label/date parms, it'll prepend "@" as needed; for the revision, it'll prepend "#" as needed. Examples: