# Release Process The following is the release process you should follow to publish a new version of `ember-cli-qunit`. ## Update The Changelog First, we need to update the `CHANGELOG.md` file for the project. We do this via the [GitHub Changelog Generator](https://github.com/skywinder/github-changelog-generator/), using the following command: ```bash github_changelog_generator --future-release vx.x.x ``` Where you replace the `x.x.x` with the appropriate version you are publishing. _Note: Ensure you set up a [GitHub Token](https://github.com/skywinder/github-changelog-generator/#github-token) when using the changelog generator, or else it will not work properly._ Review the changes and then commit them with a message like: ```bash git commit -am "Update CHANGELOG for vx.x.x." ``` ## Bump The Version Next, we bump the version of the addon and tag it. You can do this by using the default `npm version` command, like so: ```bash npm version x.x.x ``` That should bump the version in `package.json`, commit it, and then tag it. Next, push the version bump and the changelog changes to the repository. ## Publish The Release Once the changes have been pushed, run: ```bash npm publish ``` To actually publish the new release. Finally, update the [GitHub Releases page](https://github.com/ember-cli/ember-cli-qunit/releases) with a new release; using the changelog info as the release notes.