Simple Tests for P4Java Methods Download dist/ and unzip. This will give you these files: JenkinsOps.jar lib/p4java-20NN.N.xxxxx-bundle.jar lib/commons-lang3-3.9.jar For help, run java -jar JenkinsOps.jar This package runs various p4java and other tests to isolate problems with Jenkins P4 Plugin operations. The goal is to determine if the problem is with Jenkins or the P4 Plugin, P4Java, or Java. You should run these tests as the jenkins OS user. General Syntax: java -cp JenkinsOps.jar Add Java system properties before the -cp. For example: java -DsecureSocketEnabledProtocols=TLSv1.2 -cp JenkinsOps.jar A P4Java uri looks like 'p4java://host:port' or 'p4javassl://host:port' The command and args are: test.Reconcile The user must already be logged in if password is zero-length string. test.Sync The user must already be logged in if password is zero-length string. Use java system prop -Dhave=false to not populate the have table. test.StreamingSync The user must already be logged in if password is zero-length string. Use java system prop -Dhave=false to not populate the have table. test.Link src-file link-name ---------- Common P4Java system properties: -DsecureSocketEnabledProtocols=TLSv1.2 -DwriteInPlace=true -DticketPath=c:\some\path\p4tickets.txt ---------- If you need a different p4java version, send email to You can also replace the p4java-*-bundle.jar in the lib dir but you MUST use the same filename.