// DYNAMIC: "NUMBONES" "0..3" #include "common_vs_fxc.h" static const int g_NumBones = NUMBONES; const float4 cBumpTexCoordTransform[2] : register( SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_1 ); const float g_CoreColorTexCoordOffset : register( SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_3 ); struct VS_INPUT { float4 vPos : POSITION; float4 vBoneWeights : BLENDWEIGHT; float4 vBoneIndices : BLENDINDICES; float3 vNormal : NORMAL; float4 vBaseTexCoord : TEXCOORD0; float4 vUserData : TANGENT; }; struct VS_OUTPUT { float4 vProjPos : POSITION; float vFog : FOG; float4 oT0 : TEXCOORD0; float4 oT1 : TEXCOORD1; float4 oT2 : TEXCOORD2; // float3 oT3 : TEXCOORD3; float4 fogFactorW : COLOR1; }; float LengthThroughSphere( float3 vecRayOrigin, float3 vecRayDelta, float3 vecSphereCenter, float flRadius, out float alpha ) { // Solve using the ray equation + the sphere equation // P = o + dt // (x - xc)^2 + (y - yc)^2 + (z - zc)^2 = r^2 // (ox + dx * t - xc)^2 + (oy + dy * t - yc)^2 + (oz + dz * t - zc)^2 = r^2 // (ox - xc)^2 + 2 * (ox-xc) * dx * t + dx^2 * t^2 + // (oy - yc)^2 + 2 * (oy-yc) * dy * t + dy^2 * t^2 + // (oz - zc)^2 + 2 * (oz-zc) * dz * t + dz^2 * t^2 = r^2 // (dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2) * t^2 + 2 * ((ox-xc)dx + (oy-yc)dy + (oz-zc)dz) t + // (ox-xc)^2 + (oy-yc)^2 + (oz-zc)^2 - r^2 = 0 // or, t = (-b +/- sqrt( b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a // a = DotProduct( vecRayDelta, vecRayDelta ); // b = 2 * DotProduct( vecRayOrigin - vecCenter, vecRayDelta ) // c = DotProduct(vecRayOrigin - vecCenter, vecRayOrigin - vecCenter) - flRadius * flRadius; float3 vecSphereToRay; vecSphereToRay = vecRayOrigin - vecSphereCenter; float a = dot( vecRayDelta, vecRayDelta ); // This would occur in the case of a zero-length ray // if ( a == 0.0f ) // { // *pT1 = *pT2 = 0.0f; // return vecSphereToRay.LengthSqr() <= flRadius * flRadius; // } float b = 2 * dot( vecSphereToRay, vecRayDelta ); float c = dot( vecSphereToRay, vecSphereToRay ) - flRadius * flRadius; float flDiscrim = b * b - 4 * a * c; // if ( flDiscrim < 0.0f ) // return 0.0f; float hack = flDiscrim; flDiscrim = sqrt( flDiscrim ); float oo2a = 0.5f / a; if( hack < 0.0f ) { alpha = 0.0f; return 0.0f; } else { alpha = 1.0f; return abs( flDiscrim ) * 2 * oo2a; } // *pT1 = ( - b - flDiscrim ) * oo2a; // *pT2 = ( - b + flDiscrim ) * oo2a; // return true; } VS_OUTPUT main( const VS_INPUT v ) { VS_OUTPUT o = ( VS_OUTPUT )0; float4 projPos; float3 worldNormal, worldPos, worldTangentS, worldTangentT; SkinPositionNormalAndTangentSpace( g_NumBones, v.vPos, v.vNormal, v.vUserData, v.vBoneWeights, v.vBoneIndices, worldPos, worldNormal, worldTangentS, worldTangentT ); // Projected position o.vProjPos = projPos = mul( float4( worldPos, 1 ), cViewProj ); // calculate fog o.fogFactorW = o.vFog = CalcFog( worldPos, projPos, FOGTYPE_RANGE ); // Eye vector float3 vWorldEyeVect = cEyePos - worldPos; // Transform to the tangent space o.oT1.x = dot( vWorldEyeVect, worldTangentS ); o.oT1.y = dot( vWorldEyeVect, worldTangentT ); o.oT1.z = dot( vWorldEyeVect, worldNormal ); // Tranform bump coordinates float2 bumpTexCoord; bumpTexCoord.x = dot( v.vBaseTexCoord, cBumpTexCoordTransform[0] ); bumpTexCoord.y = dot( v.vBaseTexCoord, cBumpTexCoordTransform[1] ); // dudv map o.oT0.xy = bumpTexCoord; // flip Y by multiplying by -1 projPos.y *= -1.0f; // transform from [-w,w] to [0,2*w] // The reason this is w is because we are in perspective space/homogenous clip space. projPos.xy += projPos.w; // transform from [0,2*w] to [0,w] // We'll end up dividing by w in the pixel shader to get to [0,1] projPos.xy *= 0.5f; o.oT1.xy = projPos.xy; // emit w to both z and w in case the driver screws up and divides by z o.oT1.z = o.oT1.w = projPos.w; // hack float3 g_SphereCenter = { 2688.0f, 12139.0f, 5170.0f }; // float g_SphereDiameter = 430.0f; float g_SphereDiameter = 530.0f; float g_SphereRadius = g_SphereDiameter * 0.5f; float dummyAlpha; float lengthThroughSphere = LengthThroughSphere( cEyePos, normalize( vWorldEyeVect ), g_SphereCenter, g_SphereRadius, dummyAlpha ); float normalizedLengthThroughSphere = saturate( lengthThroughSphere / g_SphereDiameter ); o.oT2.xy = saturate( float2( normalizedLengthThroughSphere, g_CoreColorTexCoordOffset ) ); // hack texcoord shit // o.oT0.xy = 3.0f * ( worldPos.xy - g_SphereCenter.xy ) / g_SphereRadius; return o; }