#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2011 Sven Erik Knop, Perforce Software Ltd # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PERFORCE # SOFTWARE, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # User contributed content on the Perforce Public Depot is not supported by Perforce, # although it may be supported by its author. This applies to all contributions # even those submitted by Perforce employees. # # PerforceTransfer.py # # This python script will provide the means to update a server # with the data of another server. This is useful for transferring # changes between independent servers when no remote depots are possible. # # # The script requires a config file, normally called transfer.cfg, # that provides the Perforce connection information for both servers. # The script also needs a directory in which # it can place the mapped files. This directory has to be the root # of both servers' workspaces (this will be verified). # # The config file has two sections: [server1] and [server2]. # Each section takes the following parameters: # P4PORT # P4CLIENT # P4USER # COUNTER # P4PASSWD (optional) # # The counter represents the last transferred change number and must # be initialized with a base change. # # usage: # # python PerforceTransfer.py [options] # # options: # -c configfile # --config configfile # specifies the configfile to use (default offline.cfg) # # -n # do not replicate, only show what would happen # # -i # --ignore replace integrations by adds and edits # # -v # --verbose # verbose mode # # (more too follow, undoubtedly) # # $Id: //guest/lester_cheung/p4util/p4util/script/PerforceExchange.py#1 $ from __future__ import print_function import sys from P4 import P4, P4Exception, Resolver, Map if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: from configparser import ConfigParser else: from ConfigParser import ConfigParser import argparse import os.path CONFIG='transfer.cfg' class ChangeRevision: def __init__( self, r, a, t, d ): self.rev = r self.action = a self.type = t self.depotFile = d self.localFile = None def setIntegrationInfo(self, integ): self.integration = integ def setLocalFile(self, localFile): self.localFile = localFile def __repr__(self): return 'rev = %s action = %s type = %s depotFile = %s' \ % (self.rev, self.action, self.type, self.depotFile) class P4Config: section = None P4PORT = None P4CLIENT = None P4USER = None P4PASSWD = None COUNTER = None counter = 0 def __init__(self, section, options): self.section = section self.myOptions = options def __str__(self): return '[section = %s P4PORT = %s P4CLIENT = %s P4USER = %s P4PASSWD = %s COUNTER = %s]' \ % ( self.section, self.P4PORT, self.P4CLIENT, self.P4USER, self.P4PASSWD, self.COUNTER, ) def connect(self, progname): self.p4 = P4() self.p4.port = self.P4PORT self.p4.client = self.P4CLIENT self.p4.user = self.P4USER self.p4.prog = progname self.p4.exception_level = P4.RAISE_ERROR self.p4.connect() if not self.P4PASSWD == None: self.p4.password = self.P4PASSWD self.p4.run_login() clientspec = self.p4.fetch_client(self.p4.client) self.root = clientspec._root self.p4.cwd = self.root self.clientmap = Map(clientspec._view) ctr = Map('//"'+clientspec._client+'/..." "' + clientspec._root + '/..."') self.localmap = Map.join(self.clientmap, ctr) self.depotmap = self.localmap.reverse() def disconnect(self): self.p4.disconnect() def verifyCounter(self): change = self.p4.run_changes('-m1', '...') self.changeNumber = (int(change[0]['change']) if change else 0) return self.counter < self.changeNumber def missingChanges(self): changes = self.p4.run_changes('-l', '...@%d,#head' % (self.counter + 1)) changes.reverse() return changes def resetWorkspace(self): self.p4.run_sync('...#none') def getChange(self, change): """Expects change number as a string""" self.p4.run_sync('-f', '...@%s,%s' % (change, change)) change = self.p4.run_describe(change)[0] files = [] for (n, rev) in enumerate(change['rev']): # 'p4 where' tests if the file is mapped to this workspace localFile = self.localmap.translate(change['depotFile'][n]) if localFile > 0: chRev = ChangeRevision(rev, change['action'][n], change['type'][n], change['depotFile'][n]) files.append(chRev) chRev.setLocalFile(localFile) if chRev.action in ('branch', 'integrate', 'add', 'delete'): depotFile = self.p4.run_filelog('-m1', '%s#%s' % (chRev.depotFile, chRev.rev))[0] revision = depotFile.revisions[0] if len(revision.integrations) > 0: for integ in revision.integrations: if 'from' in integ.how or integ.how == "ignored": chRev.setIntegrationInfo(integ) integ.localFile = self.localmap.translate(integ.file) break if chRev.action == 'move/add': depotFile = self.p4.run_filelog('-m1', '%s#%s' % (chRev.depotFile, chRev.rev))[0] revision = depotFile.revisions[0] integration = revision.integrations[0] chRev.setIntegrationInfo(integration) integration.localFile = self.localmap.translate(integration.file) return files def checkWarnings(self, where): if self.p4.warnings: print ('warning in ', where, ' : ', self.p4.warnings) def replicateChange(self, files, change, sourcePort ): """This is the heart of it all. Replicate all changes according to their description""" for f in files: print( f ) if not self.myOptions.preview: if f.action == 'edit': self.p4.run_sync('-k', f.localFile) self.p4.run_edit('-t', f.type, f.localFile) self.checkWarnings('edit') elif f.action == 'add': if 'integration' in f.__dict__: self.replicateBranch(f, True) # dirty branch else: self.p4.run_add('-t', f.type, f.localFile) self.checkWarnings('add') elif f.action == 'delete': if 'integration' in f.__dict__: self.replicateIntegration(f) self.checkWarnings('integrate (delete)') else: self.p4.run_delete('-v', f.localFile) self.checkWarnings('delete') elif f.action == 'purge': # special case. Type of file is +S, and source.sync removed the file # create a temporary file, it will be overwritten again later dummy = open(f.localFile, 'w') dummy.write('purged file') dummy.close() self.p4.run_sync('-k', f.localFile) self.p4.run_edit('-t', f.type, f.localFile) if self.p4.warnings: self.p4.run_add('-t', f.type, f.localFile) self.checkWarnings('purge -add') elif f.action == 'branch': self.replicateBranch(f, False) self.checkWarnings('branch') elif f.action == 'integrate': self.replicateIntegration(f) self.checkWarnings('integrate') elif f.action == 'move/add': self.move(f) opened = self.p4.run_opened() if len(opened) > 0: description = change['desc'] \ + ''' Transferred from p4://%s@%s''' % (sourcePort, change['change']) result = self.p4.run_submit('-d', description) # the submit information can be followed by resfreshFile lines # need to go backwards to find submittedChange a = -1 while 'submittedChange' not in result[a]: a -= 1 return result[a]['submittedChange'] else: return None def replicateBranch(self, file, dirty): if self.myOptions.ignore == False \ and file.integration.localFile: if file.integration.how == 'add from': # determine the filelog of the file in the target database # this is not so easy since filelog will return nothing for a deleted file # so we need to find the depotFile for the localFile first df = self.depotmap.translate(file.localFile) f = self.p4.run_filelog(df) if len(f) > 0 and len(f[0].revisions) >= 2: # in 2011.1 we can ignore into deleted files, so we need to make sure # we catch a real version i = 0 while f[0].revisions[i].action == 'delete': i += 1 rev = f[0].revisions[i] # this is the revision just before the delete self.p4.run_sync('-f', '%s#%d' % (rev.depotFile, rev.rev)) self.p4.run_add(file.localFile) else: # something fishy going on. Just add the file self.p4.run_add('-t', file.type, file.localFile) else: self.p4.run_integrate('-v', file.integration.localFile, file.localFile) if dirty: self.p4.run_edit(file.localFile) else: self.p4.run_add('-t', file.type, file.localFile) def replicateIntegration(self, file): if self.myOptions.ignore == False \ and file.integration.localFile: if file.integration.how == 'edit from': with open(file.localFile) as f: content = f.read() self.p4.run_sync('-f', file.localFile) # to avoid tamper checking self.p4.run_integrate(file.integration.localFile, file.localFile) class MyResolver(Resolver): def __init__(self, content): self.content = content def resolve(self, mergeData): with open(mergeData.result_path, 'w') as f: f.write(self.content) return 'ae' self.p4.run_resolve(resolver=MyResolver(content)) else: self.p4.run_sync('-f', file.localFile) # to avoid tamper checking self.p4.run_integrate(file.integration.localFile, file.localFile) if file.integration.how == 'copy from': self.p4.run_resolve('-at') elif file.integration.how == 'ignored': self.p4.run_resolve('-ay') elif file.integration.how in ('delete', 'delete from'): self.p4.run_resolve('-at') elif file.integration.how == 'merge from': # self.p4.run_edit(file.localFile) # to overcome tamper check self.p4.run_resolve('-am') else: print ('Cannot deal with ', file.integration) else: if file.integration.how in ('delete', 'delete from'): self.p4.run_delete('-v', file.localFile) else: self.p4.run_sync('-k', file.localFile) self.p4.run_edit(file.localFile) def move(self, file): source = file.integration.localFile self.p4.run_sync('-f', source) self.p4.run_edit(source) self.p4.run_move('-k', source, file.localFile) class P4Exchange: def __init__(self, *argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="PerforceTransfer", epilog="Copyright (C) 2011,2012 Sven Erik Knop, Perforce Software Ltd" ) parser.add_argument('-n', '--preview', action='store_true', help="Preview only, no transfer") parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', default=CONFIG, help="Default is " + CONFIG) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', nargs='?', const="INFO", default="WARNING", choices=('DEBUG', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'ERROR', 'FATAL') , help="Various levels of debug output") parser.add_argument('-i', '--ignore', action='store_true') self.myOptions = parser.parse_args() def readConfig(self): self.parser = ConfigParser() self.myOptions.parser = self.parser # for later use try: self.parser.readfp(open(self.myOptions.config)) except: print( 'Could not read %s' % self.myOptions.config ) sys.exit(2) self.server1 = P4Config('server1', self.myOptions) self.server2 = P4Config('server2', self.myOptions) self.readSection(self.server1) self.readSection(self.server2) print( 'server1 = %s' % self.server1 ) print( 'server2 = %s' % self.server2 ) def writeConfig(self): with open(self.myOptions.config, 'w') as f: self.parser.write(f) def readSection(self, p4config): if self.parser.has_section(p4config.section): self.readOptions(p4config) else: print( 'Config file needs section %s' % p4config.section ) sys.exit(3) def readOptions(self, p4config): self.readOption('P4CLIENT', p4config) self.readOption('P4USER', p4config) self.readOption('P4PORT', p4config) self.readOption('COUNTER', p4config) self.readOption('P4PASSWD', p4config, optional=True) def readOption( self, option, p4config, optional=False, ): if self.parser.has_option(p4config.section, option): p4config.__dict__[option] = \ self.parser.get(p4config.section, option) elif not optional: print( 'Required option %s not found in section %s' \ % (option, p4config.section) ) sys.exit(1) def setCounter(self, section, value): """Sets the counter to value. Value must be a string""" self.parser.set(section, 'COUNTER', value) # # This is the central method # It provides the replication process # Algorithm: # Read the config file # Connect to server1 and server # Determine if counter is there def replicate(self): """Central method that performs the replication between server1 and server2""" print( 'Configfile = %s' % self.myOptions.config ) self.readConfig() self.server1.connect('server1 replicate') self.server2.connect('server2 replicate') print( 'server1 = %s' % self.server1.p4 ) print( 'server2 = %s' % self.server2.p4 ) # determine which version is newer self.server1.counter = int(self.server1.COUNTER) self.server2.counter = int(self.server2.COUNTER) mv = self.server1.verifyCounter() lv = self.server2.verifyCounter() source = None target = None if mv and not lv: print( 'Replicate from server1 to server2.' ) source = self.server1 target = self.server2 elif lv and not mv: print( 'Replicate from server2 to server1.' ) source = self.server2 target = self.server1 elif lv and mv: print( 'Both sides out of sync. Giving up.' ) sys.exit(4) else: print( 'Nothing to do.' ) sys.exit(0) if not source.root == target.root: print( 'server1 and server2 workspace root directories must be the same' ) sys.exit(5) source.resetWorkspace() for change in source.missingChanges(): print ('Processing : ', change['change'], change['desc']) files = source.getChange(change['change']) resultedChange = target.replicateChange(files, change, source.p4.port) if resultedChange: self.setCounter(source.section, change['change']) self.setCounter(target.section, resultedChange) self.writeConfig() source.disconnect() target.disconnect() if __name__ == '__main__': prog = P4Exchange(*sys.argv[1:]) prog.replicate()