using Perforce.P4;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnitTests
///This is a test class for P4WorkspaceTest and is intended
///to contain all P4WorkspaceTest Unit Tests
public class P4WorkspaceTest
String TestDir = "c:\\MyTestDir";
private TestContext testContextInstance;
///Gets or sets the test context which provides
///information about and functionality for the current test run.
public TestContext TestContext
return testContextInstance;
testContextInstance = value;
#region Additional test attributes
//You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
//Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
//public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
//Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
//public static void MyClassCleanup()
//Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
//public void MyTestInitialize()
//Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
//public void MyTestCleanup()
///A test for Delete
public void DeleteTest()
bool unicode = false;
string server = "localhost:6666";
string user = "admin";
string pass = string.Empty;
string ws_client = "admin_space";
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) // run once for ascii, once for unicode
Process p4d = Utilities.DeployP4TestServer( TestDir, unicode );
using (P4Server target = new P4Server(server, user, pass, ws_client))
P4Workspace actual = P4Workspace.Fetch(target, "admin_space");
actual.Delete( true );
catch (Exception ex)
Assert.Fail("Exception Thrown: {0} : {1}", ex.ToString(), ex.Message);
Utilities.RemoveTestServer(p4d, TestDir);
unicode = !unicode;
///A test for Fetch
public void FetchTest()
bool unicode = false;
string server = "localhost:6666";
string user = "admin";
string pass = string.Empty;
string ws_client = "admin_space";
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) // run once for ascii, once for unicode
Process p4d = Utilities.DeployP4TestServer( TestDir, unicode );
using (P4Server target = new P4Server(server, user, pass, ws_client))
P4Workspace actual = P4Workspace.Fetch(target, "admin_space");
catch (Exception ex)
Assert.Fail("Exception Thrown: {0} : {1}", ex.ToString(), ex.Message);
Utilities.RemoveTestServer(p4d, TestDir);
unicode = !unicode;
///A test for GetView
public void GetViewTest()
bool unicode = false;
string server = "localhost:6666";
string user = "admin";
string pass = string.Empty;
string ws_client = "admin_space";
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) // run once for ascii, once for unicode
Process p4d = Utilities.DeployP4TestServer(TestDir, unicode);
using (P4Server target = new P4Server(server, user, pass, ws_client))
P4Workspace actual = P4Workspace.Fetch(target, "admin_space");
StringList view = actual.GetView();
Assert.AreEqual(view[0], "//depot/... //admin_space/...");
catch (Exception ex)
Assert.Fail("Exception Thrown: {0} : {1}", ex.ToString(), ex.Message);
Utilities.RemoveTestServer(p4d, TestDir);
unicode = !unicode;
///A test for Parse
public void ParseTest()
P4Server pserver = new P4Server(false);
P4Workspace target = new P4Workspace(pserver, "temp");
bool actual = target.Parse(spec);
Assert.AreEqual(target.Name, "XP1_usr");
///A test for ToString
public void ToStringTest()
P4Server pserver = new P4Server(false);
P4Workspace target = new P4Workspace(pserver, "temp");
bool result = target.Parse(spec);
Assert.AreEqual(target.Name, "XP1_usr");
String actual = target.ToString();
///A test for Save
public void SaveTest()
bool unicode = false;
string server = "localhost:6666";
string user = "admin";
string pass = string.Empty;
string ws_client = "admin_space";
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) // run once for ascii, once for unicode
Process p4d = Utilities.DeployP4TestServer(TestDir, unicode);
using (P4Server target = new P4Server(server, user, pass, ws_client))
P4Workspace actual = P4Workspace.Fetch(target, "admin_space");
String newDescription = "This is an new description";
actual.Description = newDescription;
actual.Save( false );
P4Workspace newActual = P4Workspace.Fetch(target, "admin_space");
Assert.AreEqual(newActual.Description.TrimEnd(' ','\r','\n'), newDescription);
catch (Exception ex)
Assert.Fail("Exception Thrown: {0} : {1}", ex.ToString(), ex.Message);
Utilities.RemoveTestServer(p4d, TestDir);
unicode = !unicode;
string spec =
@"# A Perforce Client Specification.
# Client: The client name.
# Update: The date this specification was last modified.
# Access: The date this client was last used in any way.
# Owner: The user who created this client.
# Host: If set, restricts access to the named host.
# Description: A short description of the client (optional).
# Root: The base directory of the client workspace.
# AltRoots: Up to two alternate client workspace roots.
# Options: Client options:
# [no]allwrite [no]clobber [no]compress
# [un]locked [no]modtime [no]rmdir
# SubmitOptions:
# submitunchanged/submitunchanged+reopen
# revertunchanged/revertunchanged+reopen
# leaveunchanged/leaveunchanged+reopen
# LineEnd: Text file line endings on client: local/unix/mac/win/share.
# View: Lines to map depot files into the client workspace.
# Use 'p4 help client' to see more about client views and options.
Client: XP1_usr
Update: 2010/11/29 15:30:32
Access: 2010/11/23 08:26:17
Owner: XP1
Host: XPPro001
Created by xp1.
Root: c:\XP1_dev
Options: noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime normdir
SubmitOptions: submitunchanged
LineEnd: local
//depot/dev/xp1/... //XP1_usr/depot/dev/xp1/...
// Brain dead property tests
///A test for AltRoots
public void AltRootsTest()
P4Server pserver = null;
P4Workspace target = new P4Workspace(pserver, "Fred");
StringList expected = new StringList();
expected.Add("Pooh Bear");
expected.Add("Smokey Bear");
StringList actual;
target.AltRoots = expected;
actual = target.AltRoots;
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
///A test for LastAccess
//public void LastAccessTest()
// P4Server pserver = null;
// P4Workspace target = new P4Workspace(pserver, "Fred");
// DateTime expected = DateTime.Now;
// DateTime actual;
// target.LastAccess = expected;
// actual = target.LastAccess;
// Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
///A test for Description
public void DescriptionTest()
P4Server pserver = null;
P4Workspace target = new P4Workspace(pserver, "Fred");
string expected = "Handy Manny";
string actual;
target.Description = expected;
actual = target.Description;
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
///A test for Host
public void HostTest()
P4Server pserver = null;
P4Workspace target = new P4Workspace(pserver, "Fred");
string expected = "Handy Manny";
string actual;
target.Host = expected;
actual = target.Host;
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
///A test for LastUpdate
//public void LastUpdateTest()
// P4Server pserver = null;
// P4Workspace target = new P4Workspace(pserver, "Fred");
// DateTime expected = DateTime.Now;
// DateTime actual;
// target.LastUpdate = expected;
// actual = target.LastUpdate;
// Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
///A test for P4Workspace.LineEndOptions
public void LineEndOptionsTest()
P4Server pserver = new P4Server(false);
P4Workspace target = new P4Workspace(pserver, "Fred");
// possible values: local, unix, uac, win, share
String spec = "local";
P4Workspace.LineEndFlags expected = new P4Workspace.LineEndFlags(spec); //
P4Workspace.LineEndFlags actual;
target.LineEndOptions = expected;
actual = target.LineEndOptions;
String formatted = actual.ToString();
Assert.AreEqual(spec, formatted);
spec = "unix";
expected = new P4Workspace.LineEndFlags(spec); //
target.LineEndOptions = expected;
actual = target.LineEndOptions;
formatted = actual.ToString();
Assert.AreEqual(spec, formatted);
spec = "mac";
expected = new P4Workspace.LineEndFlags(spec); //
target.LineEndOptions = expected;
actual = target.LineEndOptions;
formatted = actual.ToString();
Assert.AreEqual(spec, formatted);
spec = "win";
expected = new P4Workspace.LineEndFlags(spec); //
target.LineEndOptions = expected;
actual = target.LineEndOptions;
formatted = actual.ToString();
Assert.AreEqual(spec, formatted);
spec = "share";
expected = new P4Workspace.LineEndFlags(spec); //
target.LineEndOptions = expected;
actual = target.LineEndOptions;
formatted = actual.ToString();
Assert.AreEqual(spec, formatted);
///A test for Name
public void NameTest()
P4Server pserver = null;
P4Workspace target = new P4Workspace(pserver, "Fred");
string expected = "Handy Manny";
string actual;
target.Name = expected;
actual = target.Name;
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
///A test for Options
public void OptionsTest()
P4Server pserver = new P4Server(false);
P4Workspace target = new P4Workspace(pserver, "Fred");
String spec = "noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime normdir";
P4Workspace.ClientFlags expected = new P4Workspace.ClientFlags(spec);
P4Workspace.ClientFlags actual;
target.Options = expected;
actual = target.Options;
String formatted = actual.ToString();
Assert.AreEqual(spec, formatted);
spec = "allwrite clobber compress locked modtime rmdir";
expected = new P4Workspace.ClientFlags(spec);
target.Options = expected;
actual = target.Options;
formatted = actual.ToString();
Assert.AreEqual(spec, formatted);
///A test for Owner
public void OwnerTest()
P4Server pserver = null;
P4Workspace target = new P4Workspace(pserver, "Fred");
string expected = "Handy Manny";
string actual;
target.Owner = expected;
actual = target.Owner;
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
///A test for Root
public void RootTest()
P4Server pserver = null;
P4Workspace target = new P4Workspace(pserver, "Fred");
string expected = "Handy Manny";
string actual;
target.Root = expected;
actual = target.Root;
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
///A test for SubmitOptions
public void SubmitOptionsTest()
P4Server pserver = new P4Server(false);
P4Workspace target = new P4Workspace(pserver, "Fred");
// possible values: "submitunchanged", "revertunchanged", "leaveunchanged", "submitunchanged+reopen", "revertunchanged+reopen", "leaveunchanged+reopen";
String spec = "submitunchanged";
P4Workspace.SubmitFlags expected = new P4Workspace.SubmitFlags(spec);
P4Workspace.SubmitFlags actual;
target.SubmitOptions = expected;
actual = target.SubmitOptions;
String formatted = actual.ToString();
Assert.AreEqual(spec, formatted);
spec = "revertunchanged";
expected = new P4Workspace.SubmitFlags(spec);
target.SubmitOptions = expected;
actual = target.SubmitOptions;
formatted = actual.ToString();
Assert.AreEqual(spec, formatted);
spec = "leaveunchanged";
expected = new P4Workspace.SubmitFlags(spec);
target.SubmitOptions = expected;
actual = target.SubmitOptions;
formatted = actual.ToString();
Assert.AreEqual(spec, formatted);
spec = "submitunchanged+reopen";
expected = new P4Workspace.SubmitFlags(spec);
target.SubmitOptions = expected;
actual = target.SubmitOptions;
formatted = actual.ToString();
Assert.AreEqual(spec, formatted);
spec = "revertunchanged+reopen";
expected = new P4Workspace.SubmitFlags(spec);
target.SubmitOptions = expected;
actual = target.SubmitOptions;
formatted = actual.ToString();
Assert.AreEqual(spec, formatted);
spec = "leaveunchanged+reopen";
expected = new P4Workspace.SubmitFlags(spec);
target.SubmitOptions = expected;
actual = target.SubmitOptions;
formatted = actual.ToString();
Assert.AreEqual(spec, formatted);
///A test for View
public void ViewTest()
P4Server pserver = new P4Server(false);
P4Workspace target = new P4Workspace(pserver, "Fred");
WorkspaceView expected = new WorkspaceView(pserver, new String[] { "//depot/a //workspace/a" });
WorkspaceView actual;
target.View = expected;
actual = target.View;
Assert.AreEqual(expected.Count, actual.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(expected.GetLeft(0), actual.GetLeft(0));
Assert.AreEqual(expected.GetRight(0), actual.GetRight(0));
Assert.AreEqual(expected.GetType(0), actual.GetType(0));