/* * Copyright 1993, 1995 Christopher Seiwald. * * This file is part of Jam - see jam.c for Copyright information. */ /* * jamgram.yy - jam grammar * * 04/13/94 (seiwald) - added shorthand L0 for null list pointer * 06/01/94 (seiwald) - new 'actions existing' does existing sources * 08/23/94 (seiwald) - Support for '+=' (append to variable) * 08/31/94 (seiwald) - Allow ?= as alias for "default =". * 09/15/94 (seiwald) - if conditionals take only single arguments, so * that 'if foo == bar' gives syntax error (use =). * 02/11/95 (seiwald) - when scanning arguments to rules, only treat * punctuation keywords as keywords. All arg lists * are terminated with punctuation keywords. */ %token ARG STRING %left `||` %left `&&` %left `!` %{ #include "jam.h" #include "lists.h" #include "parse.h" #include "scan.h" #include "compile.h" #include "newstr.h" # define F0 (void (*)())0 # define P0 (PARSE *)0 # define S0 (char *)0 # define pset( l,r,a ) parse_make( compile_set,P0,P0,S0,S0,l,r,a ) # define pset1( l,p,a ) parse_make( compile_settings,p,P0,S0,S0,l,L0,a ) # define pstng( p,l,r,a ) pset1( p, parse_make( F0,P0,P0,S0,S0,l,r,0 ), a ) # define prule( s,p ) parse_make( compile_rule,p,P0,s,S0,L0,L0,0 ) # define prules( l,r ) parse_make( compile_rules,l,r,S0,S0,L0,L0,0 ) # define pfor( s,p,l ) parse_make( compile_foreach,p,P0,s,S0,l,L0,0 ) # define psetc( s,p ) parse_make( compile_setcomp,p,P0,s,S0,L0,L0,0 ) # define psete( s,l,s1,f ) parse_make( compile_setexec,P0,P0,s,s1,l,L0,f ) # define pincl( l ) parse_make( compile_include,P0,P0,S0,S0,l,L0,0 ) # define pswitch( l,p ) parse_make( compile_switch,p,P0,S0,S0,l,L0,0 ) # define plocal( l,r,p ) parse_make( compile_local,p,P0,S0,S0,l,r,0 ) # define pnull() parse_make( compile_null,P0,P0,S0,S0,L0,L0,0 ) # define pcases( l,r ) parse_make( F0,l,r,S0,S0,L0,L0,0 ) # define pcase( s,p ) parse_make( F0,p,P0,s,S0,L0,L0,0 ) # define pif( l,r ) parse_make( compile_if,l,r,S0,S0,L0,L0,0 ) # define pthen( l,r ) parse_make( F0,l,r,S0,S0,L0,L0,0 ) # define pcond( c,l,r ) parse_make( F0,l,r,S0,S0,L0,L0,c ) # define pcomp( c,l,r ) parse_make( F0,P0,P0,S0,S0,l,r,c ) # define plol( p,l ) parse_make( F0,p,P0,S0,S0,l,L0,0 ) %} %% run : block { if( $1.parse->func == compile_null ) { parse_decref( $1.parse ); } else { parse_save( $1.parse ); } } ; /* * block - one or more rules * rule - any one of jam's rules */ block : /* empty */ { $$.parse = pnull(); } | rule block { $$.parse = prules( $1.parse, $2.parse ); } | `local` args `;` block { $$.parse = plocal( $2.list, L0, $4.parse ); } | `local` args `=` args `;` block { $$.parse = plocal( $2.list, $4.list, $6.parse ); } ; rule : `{` block `}` { $$.parse = $2.parse; } | `include` args `;` { $$.parse = pincl( $2.list ); } | ARG lol `;` { $$.parse = prule( $1.string, $2.parse ); } | arg1 assign args `;` { $$.parse = pset( $1.list, $3.list, $2.number ); } | arg1 `on` args assign args `;` { $$.parse = pstng( $3.list, $1.list, $5.list, $4.number ); } | arg1 `default` `=` args `;` { $$.parse = pset( $1.list, $4.list, ASSIGN_DEFAULT ); } | `for` ARG `in` args `{` block `}` { $$.parse = pfor( $2.string, $6.parse, $4.list ); } | `switch` args `{` cases `}` { $$.parse = pswitch( $2.list, $4.parse ); } | `if` cond `{` block `}` { $$.parse = pif( $2.parse, pthen( $4.parse, pnull() ) ); } | `if` cond `{` block `}` `else` rule { $$.parse = pif( $2.parse, pthen( $4.parse, $7.parse ) ); } | `rule` ARG rule { $$.parse = psetc( $2.string, $3.parse ); } | `actions` eflags ARG bindlist `{` { yymode( SCAN_STRING ); } STRING { yymode( SCAN_NORMAL ); } `}` { $$.parse = psete( $3.string,$4.list,$7.string,$2.number ); } ; /* * assign - = or += */ assign : `=` { $$.number = ASSIGN_SET; } | `+=` { $$.number = ASSIGN_APPEND; } | `?=` { $$.number = ASSIGN_DEFAULT; } ; /* * cond - a conditional for 'if' */ cond : arg1 { $$.parse = pcomp( COND_EXISTS, $1.list, L0 ); } | arg1 `=` arg1 { $$.parse = pcomp( COND_EQUALS, $1.list, $3.list ); } | arg1 `!=` arg1 { $$.parse = pcomp( COND_NOTEQ, $1.list, $3.list ); } | arg1 `<` arg1 { $$.parse = pcomp( COND_LESS, $1.list, $3.list ); } | arg1 `<=` arg1 { $$.parse = pcomp( COND_LESSEQ, $1.list, $3.list ); } | arg1 `>` arg1 { $$.parse = pcomp( COND_MORE, $1.list, $3.list ); } | arg1 `>=` arg1 { $$.parse = pcomp( COND_MOREEQ, $1.list, $3.list ); } | arg1 `in` args { $$.parse = pcomp( COND_IN, $1.list, $3.list ); } | `!` cond { $$.parse = pcond( COND_NOT, $2.parse, P0 ); } | cond `&&` cond { $$.parse = pcond( COND_AND, $1.parse, $3.parse ); } | cond `||` cond { $$.parse = pcond( COND_OR, $1.parse, $3.parse ); } | `(` cond `)` { $$.parse = $2.parse; } ; /* * cases - action elements inside a 'switch' * case - a single action element inside a 'switch' * * Unfortunately, a right-recursive rule. */ cases : /* empty */ { $$.parse = P0; } | case cases { $$.parse = pcases( $1.parse, $2.parse ); } ; case : `case` ARG `:` block { $$.parse = pcase( $2.string, $4.parse ); } ; /* * lol - list of lists */ lol : args { $$.parse = plol( P0, $1.list ); } | args `:` lol { $$.parse = plol( $3.parse, $1.list ); } ; /* * args - zero or more ARGs in a LIST * arg1 - exactly one ARG in a LIST */ args : argsany { yymode( SCAN_NORMAL ); } ; argsany : /* empty */ { $$.list = L0; yymode( SCAN_PUNCT ); } | argsany ARG { $$.list = list_new( $1.list, copystr( $2.string ) ); } ; arg1 : ARG { $$.list = list_new( L0, copystr( $1.string ) ); } ; /* * eflags - zero or more modifiers to 'executes' * eflag - a single modifier to 'executes' */ eflags : /* empty */ { $$.number = 0; } | eflags eflag { $$.number = $1.number | $2.number; } ; eflag : `updated` { $$.number = EXEC_UPDATED; } | `together` { $$.number = EXEC_TOGETHER; } | `ignore` { $$.number = EXEC_IGNORE; } | `quietly` { $$.number = EXEC_QUIETLY; } | `piecemeal` { $$.number = EXEC_PIECEMEAL; } | `existing` { $$.number = EXEC_EXISTING; } ; /* * bindlist - list of variable to bind for an action */ bindlist : /* empty */ { $$.list = L0; } | `bind` args { $$.list = $2.list; } ;