require 'puppet/provider/a2mod' Puppet::Type.type(:a2mod).provide(:redhat, :parent => Puppet::Provider::A2mod) do desc "Manage Apache 2 modules on RedHat family OSs" commands :apachectl => "apachectl" confine :osfamily => :redhat defaultfor :osfamily => :redhat require 'pathname' # modpath: Path to default apache modules directory /etc/httpd/mod.d # modfile: Path to module load configuration file; Default: resides under modpath directory # libfile: Path to actual apache module library. Added in modfile LoadModule attr_accessor :modfile, :libfile class << self attr_accessor :modpath def preinit @modpath = "/etc/httpd/mod.d" end end self.preinit def create,'w') do |f| f.puts "LoadModule #{resource[:identifier]} #{libfile}" end end def destroy File.delete(modfile) end def self.instances modules = apachectl("-M").collect { |line| m = line.match(/(\w+)_module \(shared\)$/) m[1] if m }.compact do |mod| new( :name => mod, :ensure => :present, :provider => :redhat ) end end def modfile modfile ||= "#{self.class.modpath}/#{resource[:name]}.load" end # Set libfile path: If absolute path is passed, then maintain it. Else, make it default from 'modules' dir. def libfile libfile =[:lib]).absolute? ? resource[:lib] : "modules/#{resource[:lib]}" end end