$Id: //guest/mike_delaney/perforce-commons-mvn/README.txt#1 $ Perforce Commons Maven project * Overview ------------------------------------- This is a simple project that I put together to automate the creation of our Perforce Commons installations. The Maven project will create standalone Apache tomcat distirbutions that you can then deploy to your servers. * Requirements ------------------------------------- 1.6 or newer, Java JDK (OpenJDK, or OracleJDK) Apache Maven (tested 3.0.5 but any 2.10/11 or 3.0 variant should work) * Configure Perforce Commons Properties ------------------------------------- This project uses Mavens property filter mechanism to manage port and hostname configurations throughtout the parts of Perforce Commons. These properties are stored in the file 'src/main/assembly/filter.properties'. By changing the properties in that file, you can update your standlone distrubtions to listen on a different port, or change the Perforce server Commons tries to connect to. By default, we'll use the Perforce defaults for ports / hostname ** NOTES ** If you're running these on the same hosts, be sure that the shutdown ports are unique or you'll get an unexpected behaviro when you go to shutdown any component within Perforce commons. * Build the Distributuions ------------------------------------- Running 'mvn package', will create three unique distributions: 1) perforce-commons-${version}-commons.tar.gz 2) perforce-p4combine-${version}-p4combine.tar.gz 3) perforce-p4preview-${version}-p4preview.tar.gz 4) perforce-pdfcompare-${version}-p4dcompare.tar.gz The packages are attached so if you use a Maven repository, you can also use 'mvn deploy' to have each artifact uploaded to your maven reporitory. This can be useful when you run Configuration Managment (Puppet / CFEngine / Chef) and have your server managed automatically by pulling new versions from your Maven repository.