========== P4V Addins ========== :Author: Miki Tebeka :Version: _VERSION_ General ======= This project contains several addins to the P4V/P4Win Perforce clients. They are: Quick Label "One step" label. Label To Change Gives the last changelist in each label for label comparison. Checkout To Checkout files to specific change list. Publish Implement `Publish`_ process. Catchup Implement `Catchup`_ process. Create Development Branch Create development branch for task. Will create: * Development tree in "users" directory. * Development workspace. * Integration branch specification. Safe Sync Will save each checked-out file with a .keep extension before synchronizing to latest version. Installation ============ Just run the installer (make sure P4V/P4Win is closed before you install). .. _Publish: http://robertcowham.com/blog/scm/p4_auto_merge.html .. _Catchup: http://robertcowham.com/blog/scm/p4_auto_merge.html License ======= BSD License (new). See LICENSE_ .. _LICENSE: LICENSE.txt Changes ======= Version 0.7.0 (2005-01-10) * Catchup and Publish will now find all of owner branches * New installer (InnoSetup) * Install P4Win extensions as well For full list of changes see the ChangeLog_ .. _ChangeLog: ChangeLog