#!/usr/local/bin/python from __future__ import print_function """A Python version of the Perforce "p4" client. This uses the Python type P4API.P4Adapter, which is a wrapper for the Perforce ClientApi object. $Id: //depot/main/p4-python/P4.py#81 $ #******************************************************************************* # Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Perforce Software, Inc. All rights reserved. # Portions Copyright (c) 1999, Mike Meyer. All rights reserved. # Portions Copyright (c) 2004-2007, Robert Cowham. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PERFORCE SOFTWARE, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #******************************************************************************* Copyright 2007-2010 Perforce Software, Inc. All rights reserved License: See accompanying LICENSE.txt including for redistribution permission. """ import sys, datetime import re import shutil from contextlib import contextmanager import uuid, tempfile # P4Exception - some sort of error occurred class P4Exception(Exception): """Exception thrown by P4 in case of Perforce errors or warnings""" def __init__(self, value): Exception.__init__(self) if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) and len(value) > 2: self.value = value[0] self.errors = value[1] self.warnings = value[2] else: self.value = value def __str__(self): return str(self.value) class Spec(dict): """Subclass of dict, representing the fields of a spec definition. Attributes can be accessed either with the conventional dict format, spec['attribute'] or with shorthand spec._attribute. Instances of this class will preventing any unknown keys. """ def __init__(self, fieldmap=None): self.__dict__['_Spec__fields'] = fieldmap def permitted_fields(self): return self.__fields def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not isinstance(value, str) and not isinstance(value, list): raise P4Exception("Illegal value of type %s, must be string or list" % value.__class__) if key in self or self.__fields == None: dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) elif str(key).lower() in self.__fields: dict.__setitem__(self, self.__fields[key.lower()], value) else: raise P4Exception("Illegal field '%s'" % str(key)) def __getattr__(self, attr): key = str(attr).lower() if key[0] != '_': raise AttributeError(attr) key = key[1:] if key in self: return self[key] elif key in self.__fields: return self[self.__fields[key]] def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if attr == 'comment': self.__dict__[attr] = value else: key = str(attr).lower() if key[0] != '_': raise AttributeError(attr) key = key[1:] self[key] = value # # P4Integration objects hold details about the integrations that have # been performed on a particular revision. Used primarily with the # P4Revision class # class Integration: def __init__( self, how, file, srev, erev ): self.how = how self.file = file self.srev = srev self.erev = erev def __repr__(self): return "Integration (how = %s file = %s srev = %s erev = %s)" \ % (self.how, self.file, self.srev, self.erev) # # Each P4Revision object holds details about a particular revision # of a file. It may also contain the history of any integrations # to/from the file # class Revision: def __init__( self, depotFile ): self.depotFile = depotFile self.integrations = [] self.rev = None self.change = None self.action = None self.type = None self.time = None self.user = None self.client = None self.desc = None self.digest = None self.fileSize = None def integration( self, how, file, srev, erev ): rec = Integration( how, file, srev, erev ) self.integrations.append( rec ) return rec # iterator over the collection calling a provided function # Python's poor man version of the Ruby block def each_integration(self): for i in self.integrations: yield i def __repr__(self): return "Revision (depotFile = %s rev = %s change = %s action = %s type = %s time = %s user = %s client = %s)" % \ (self.depotFile, self.rev, self.change, self.action, self.type, self.time, self.user, self.client) # # Each DepotFile entry contains details about one depot file. # class DepotFile: def __init__( self, name ): self.depotFile = name self.revisions = [] def new_revision(self): r = Revision( self.depotFile ) self.revisions.append( r ) return r def each_revision(self): for r in self.revisions: yield r def __repr__(self): return "DepotFile (depotFile = %s, %s revisions)" % ( self.depotFile, len( self.revisions ) ) # # Resolver class used in p4.run_resolve() # # The default simply checks that p4.input is set to sensible value # This class is meant to be subclassed for a custom resolver and # Resolver.resolve() overriden # class Resolver: def __init__(self): pass def resolve(self, mergeInfo): if mergeInfo.merge_hint == "e": print("Standard resolver encountered merge conflict, skipping resolve") return "s" else: return mergeInfo.merge_hint def actionResolve(self, mergeInfo): return mergeInfo.merge_hint # # OutputHandler base class # # Extend this class if you want to use the handler interface # class OutputHandler: REPORT = 0 HANDLED = 1 CANCEL = 2 def __init__(self): pass def outputText(self, s): return OutputHandler.REPORT def outputBinary(self, b): return OutputHandler.REPORT def outputStat(self, h): return OutputHandler.REPORT def outputInfo(self, i): return OutputHandler.REPORT def outputMessage(self, e): return OutputHandler.REPORT class ReportHandler( OutputHandler ): def __init__(self): OutputHandler.__init__(self) def outputText(self, s): print( "text: ", s) return OutputHandler.HANDLED def outputBinary(self, b): print( "binary: ", b) return OutputHandler.HANDLED def outputStat(self, h): print( "stat:", h) return OutputHandler.HANDLED def outputInfo(self, i): print( "info: ", i) return OutputHandler.HANDLED def outputMessage(self, e): print( "error:", e) return OutputHandler.HANDLED class Progress: TYPE_SENDFILE = 1 TYPE_RECEIVEFILE = 2 UNIT_PERCENT = 1 UNIT_FILES = 2 UNIT_KBYTES = 3 UNIT_MBYTES = 4 def __init__(self): pass def init(self, type): self.type = type def setDescription( self, description, units ): self.description = description self.units = units def setTotal( self, total ): self.total = total def update( self, position ): self.position = position def done( self, fail ): pass class TextProgress(Progress): TYPES = [ "Unknown", "Submit", "Sync" ] UNITS = [ "Unknown", "Percent", "Files", "KBytes", "MBytes" ] def __init__(self): Progress.__init__(self) def init(self, type): Progress.init(self, type) print( "Progress.init with '%s'" % self.TYPES[type] ) def setDescription(self, description, units): Progress.setDescription(self, description, units) print( "Progress.setDescription with '%s' and units '%s'" % (description, self.UNITS[units]) ) def setTotal( self, total ): Progress.setTotal(self, total) print( "Progress.setTotal with '%s' " % total ) def update( self, position ): Progress.update(self, position ) print( "Progress.update with '%s'" % position ) def done( self, fail ): Progress.done(self, fail) print( "Progress.done with '%s"'' % fail ) def processFilelog(h): if "depotFile" in h: df = DepotFile( h[ "depotFile" ] ) for n, rev in enumerate( h[ "rev" ]): # Create a new revision of this file ready for populating r = df.new_revision() # Populate the base attributes of each revision r.rev = int( rev ) r.change = int( h[ "change" ][ n ] ) r.action = h[ "action" ][ n ] r.type = h[ "type" ][ n ] r.time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( int( h[ "time" ][ n ]) ) r.user = h[ "user" ][ n ] r.client = h[ "client" ][ n ] r.desc = h[ "desc" ][ n ] if "digest" in h and n < len(h[ "digest" ]): r.digest = h[ "digest" ][ n ] if "fileSize" in h and n < len(h[ "fileSize" ]): r.fileSize = h[ "fileSize" ][ n ] # Now if there are any integration records for this revision, # add them in too if (not "how" in h) or (n >= len(h["how"]) or h["how"][n] == None): continue else: for m, how in enumerate( h[ "how" ][ n ] ): file = h[ "file" ][ n ][ m ] srev = h[ "srev" ][ n ][ m ].lstrip('#') erev = h[ "erev" ][ n ][ m ].lstrip('#') if srev == "none": srev = 0 else: srev = int( srev ) if erev == "none": erev = 0 else: erev = int( erev ) r.integration( how, file, srev, erev ) return df else: raise Exception("Not a filelog object: " + h) class FilelogOutputHandler(OutputHandler): def __init__(self): OutputHandler.__init__(self) def outputStat(self, h): df = processFilelog(h) return self.outputFilelog(df) def outputFilelog(self, f): return OutputHandler.REPORT # This is where the C/C++ shared library is loaded # It has to be in this place because the library needs to access # the classes defined above. Accessing classes defined below this # entry would cause an endless loop import P4API class P4(P4API.P4Adapter): """Use this class to communicate with a Perforce server Instances of P4 will use the environment settings (including P4CONFIG) to determine the connection parameters such as P4CLIENT and P4PORT. This attributes can also be set separately before connecting. To run any Perforce commands, users of this class first need to run the connect() method. It is good practice to disconnect() after the program is complete. """ # Constants useful for exception_level # RAISE_ALL: Errors and Warnings are raised as exceptions (default) # RAISE_ERROR: Only Errors are raised as exceptions # RAISE_NONE: No exceptions are raised, instead False is returned RAISE_ALL = 2 RAISE_ERROR = 1 RAISE_ERRORS = 1 RAISE_NONE = 0 # Named values for generic error codes returned by # P4API.Message.generic EV_NONE = 0 # misc # The fault of the user EV_USAGE = 0x01 # request not consistent with dox EV_UNKNOWN = 0x02 # using unknown entity EV_CONTEXT = 0x03 # using entity in wrong context EV_ILLEGAL = 0x04 # trying to do something you can't EV_NOTYET = 0x05 # something must be corrected first EV_PROTECT = 0x06 # protections prevented operation # No fault at all EV_EMPTY = 0x11 # action returned empty results # not the fault of the user EV_FAULT = 0x21 # inexplicable program fault EV_CLIENT = 0x22 # client side program errors EV_ADMIN = 0x23 # server administrative action required EV_CONFIG = 0x24 # client configuration inadequate EV_UPGRADE = 0x25 # client or server too old to interact EV_COMM = 0x26 # communications error EV_TOOBIG = 0x27 # not even Perforce can handle this much # Named values for error severities returned by # P4API.Message.severity E_EMPTY = 0 # nothing yet E_INFO = 1 # something good happened E_WARN = 2 # something not good happened E_FAILED = 3 # user did something wrong E_FATAL = 4 # system broken -- nothing can continue # mappings for __iterate # list-of-specs => ( name-of-one-spec, field-name-in-list-of-specs ) specfields = { 'clients' : ('client', 'client'), 'labels' : ('label', 'label'), 'branches' : ('branch', 'branch'), 'changes' : ('change', 'change'), 'streams' : ('stream', 'Stream'), 'jobs' : ('job', 'Job'), 'users' : ('user', 'User'), 'groups' : ('group', 'group'), 'depots' : ('depot', 'name'), 'servers' : ('server', 'Name') } def __init__(self, *args, **kwlist): P4API.P4Adapter.__init__(self, *args, **kwlist) def __del__(self): if self.debug > 3: print("P4.__del__()", file=sys.stderr) def __getattr__(self, name): if name.startswith("run_"): cmd = name[len("run_"):] return lambda *args, **kargs: self.run(cmd, *args, **kargs) elif name.startswith("delete_"): cmd = name[len("delete_"):] return lambda *args, **kargs: self.run(cmd, "-d", *args, **kargs) elif name.startswith("fetch_"): cmd = name[len("fetch_"):] return lambda *args, **kargs: self.run(cmd, "-o", *args, **kargs)[0] elif name.startswith("save_"): cmd = name[len("save_"):] return lambda *args, **kargs: self.__save(cmd, *args, **kargs) elif name.startswith("parse_"): cmd = name[len("parse_"):] return lambda *args, **kargs: self.__parse_spec(cmd, *args, **kargs) elif name.startswith("format_"): cmd = name[len("format_"):] return lambda *args, **kargs: self.__format_spec(cmd, *args, **kargs) elif name.startswith("iterate_"): cmd = name[len("iterate_"):] return lambda *args, **kargs: self.__iterate(cmd, *args, **kargs) else: raise AttributeError(name) def __save(self, cmd, *args, **kargs): self.input = args[0] return self.run(cmd, "-i", args[1:], **kargs) def __parse_spec(self, cmd, *args, **kargs): form = args[0] comments = "\n".join( [ x for x in form.split('\n') if x.startswith('#') ] ) + "\n" spec = self.parse_spec(cmd, *args, **kargs) spec.__dict__['comment'] = comments return spec def __format_spec(self, cmd, *args, **kargs): spec = args[0] form = self.format_spec(cmd, *args, **kargs) if 'comment' in spec.__dict__: form = spec.__dict__['comment'] + "\n" + form return form def __iterate(self, cmd, *args, **kargs): if cmd in self.specfields: specs = self.run(cmd, *args, **kargs) spec = self.specfields[cmd][0] field = self.specfields[cmd][1] # Return a generators (Python iterator object) # On iteration, this will retrieve one spec at a time return ( self.run(spec, '-o', x[field])[0] for x in specs ) else: raise Exception('Unknown spec list command: %s', cmd) def __repr__(self): state = "disconnected" if self.connected(): state = "connected" return "P4 [%s@%s %s] %s" % \ (self.user, self.client, self.port, state) def identify(cls): return P4API.identify() identify = classmethod(identify) def run(self, *args, **kargs): "Generic run method" context = {} for (k,v) in list(kargs.items()): context[k] = getattr(self, k) setattr(self, k, v) result = P4API.P4Adapter.run(self, *self.__flatten(args)) for (k,v) in list(context.items()): setattr( self, k, v) return result def run_submit(self, *args, **kargs): "Simplified submit - if any arguments is a dict, assume it to be the changeform" nargs = list(args) form = None for n, arg in enumerate(nargs): if isinstance( arg, dict): self.input = arg nargs.pop(n) nargs.append("-i") break return self.run("submit", *nargs, **kargs) def run_shelve(self, *args): "Simplified shelve - if any arguments is a dict, assume it to be the changeform" nargs = list(args) form = None for n, arg in enumerate(nargs): if isinstance( arg, dict): self.input = arg nargs.pop(n) nargs.append("-i") break return self.run("shelve", *nargs) def delete_shelve(self, *args): "Simplified deletion of shelves - if no -c is passed in, add it to the args" nargs = list(args) if '-c' not in nargs: nargs = ['-c'] + nargs # prepend -c if it is not there nargs = ['-d'] + nargs return self.run("shelve", *nargs) def run_login(self, *args): "Simple interface to make login easier" self.input = self.password return self.run("login", *args) def run_password( self, oldpass, newpass ): "Simple interface to allow setting of the password" if( oldpass and len(oldpass) > 0 ): self.input = [ oldpass, newpass, newpass ] else: self.input = [ newpass, newpass ] return self.run( "password" ) # # run_filelog: convert "p4 filelog" responses into objects with useful # methods # # Requires tagged output to be of any real use. If tagged output it not # enabled then you just get the raw data back # def run_filelog( self, *args, **kargs ): raw = self.run( 'filelog', args, **kargs ) if (not self.tagged or not raw): # untagged mode returns simple strings, which breaks the code below # raw could be None if a handler is used return raw result = [] for h in raw: df = None if isinstance( h, dict ): df = processFilelog( h ) else: df = h result.append( df ) return result def run_print(self, *args, **kargs): raw = self.run('print', args, **kargs) result = [] if raw: for line in raw: if isinstance(line, dict): result.append(line) result.append("") else: # to support encoding for Python 3, we have to do a little dance # we cannot add bytes to the str "", but we expect that all lines # are either str or bytes. So if we encounter bytes, we replace the content try: result[-1] += line except TypeError: if type(line) == bytes and type(result[-1]) == str and result[-1] == "": result[-1] = line else: raise return result else: return [] def run_resolve(self, *args, **kargs): if self.resolver: myResolver = self.resolver else: myResolver = Resolver() if "resolver" in kargs: myResolver = kargs["resolver"] savedResolver = self.resolver self.resolver = myResolver result = self.run("resolve", args) self.resolver = savedResolver return result def run_tickets(self, *args): fname = self.ticket_file with open(fname) as f: tickets_raw = f.readlines() pattern = re.compile('([^=]*)=(.*):([^:]*)\n') tickets = [ pattern.match(x).groups() for x in tickets_raw ] keys = [ "Host", "User", "Ticket" ] result = [ dict(zip(keys, x)) for x in tickets ] return result def __flatten(self, args): result = [] if isinstance(args, tuple) or isinstance(args, list): for i in args: result.extend(self.__flatten(i)) else: result.append(args) return tuple(result) def __enter__( self ): return self def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb ): if self.connected(): self.disconnect() return False def connect( self ): P4API.P4Adapter.connect( self ) return self @contextmanager def while_tagged( self, t ): old = self.tagged self.tagged = t yield self.tagged = old @contextmanager def at_exception_level( self, e ): old = self.exception_level self.exception_level = e yield self.exception_level = old @contextmanager def using_handler( self, c ): old = self.handler self.handler = c yield self.handler = old @contextmanager def saved_context( self , **kargs): """Saves the context of this p4 object and restores it again at the end of the block""" saved_context = {} for attr in self.__members__: saved_context[attr] = getattr(self, attr) for (k,v) in list(kargs.items()): setattr( self, k, v) yield # now restore the context again. Ignore AttributeError exception # Exception is expected because some attributes only have getters, no setters for (k,v) in list(saved_context.items()): if k not in ("port", "track"): try: setattr( self, k, v ) except AttributeError: pass # expected for server_level and p4config_file @contextmanager def temp_client( self, prefix, template ): """Creates a temporary workspace with a temporary root. To be used with the "with" statement. Will clean up the temporary root and client workspace after the block has finished. The prefix is prepended to the workspace name and should be used in conjunction with the SpecMap of a spec depot to avoid creating entries there. """ name = "{prefix}_{id}".format(prefix=prefix, id=str(uuid.uuid1())) ws = self.fetch_client('-t', template, name) try: root = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix) ws._root = root self.save_client(ws) oldName = self.client self.client = name yield ws self.client = oldName finally: self.delete_client(name) shutil.rmtree(root) class Map(P4API.P4Map): def __init__(self, *args): P4API.P4Map.__init__(self, *args) if len(args) > 0: self.insert( *args ) LEFT2RIGHT = True RIGHT2LEFT = False def __str__( self ): result = "" for a in self.as_array(): result += a + "\n" return result def is_empty(self): """Returns True if this map has no entries yet, otherwise False""" return self.count() == 0 def includes(self, *args): return self.translate(*args) != None def reverse(self): return Map(P4API.P4Map.reverse(self).as_array()) def insert(self, *args): """Insert an argument to the map. The argument can be: A String, Either of the form "[+-]//lhs/... //rhs/..." or "[+-]//lhs/..." for label style maps. A List: This is a list of strings of one of the single string formats described above. A pair of Strings: P4.Map.insert(lhs, rhs) """ if len(args) == 1 : arg = args[0] if isinstance( arg, str ): P4API.P4Map.insert( self, arg ) elif isinstance( arg, list ): for s in arg: P4API.P4Map.insert( self, s ) else: # expecting 2 args in this case: left, right left = args[0].strip() right = args[1].strip() P4API.P4Map.insert(self, left, right ) if __name__ == "__main__": p4 = P4() p4.connect() try: ret = p4.run(sys.argv[1:]) for line in ret: if isinstance(line, dict): print("-----") for k in list(line.keys()): print(k, "=", line[k]) else: print(line) except: for e in p4.errors: print(e)