calspair Coordinates expressed as a pair of CALS graphic coordinates. linecolumn Coordinates expressed as a line and column. linecolumnpair Coordinates expressed as a pair of lines and columns. linerange Coordinates expressed as a line range. Identifies the units used in the coords attribute. The default units vary according to the type of callout specified: calspair for graphics and linecolumn for line-oriented elements. Indicates that non-standard units are used for this area . In this case otherunits must be specified. other Coordinates expressed in some non-standard units. Identifies the units used in the coords attribute when the units attribute is other . This attribute is forbidden otherwise.
calloutlist A list of callout s
callout A called out description of a marked area Identifies the areas described by this callout.
programlistingco A program listing with associated areas used in callouts
areaspec A collection of regions in a graphic or code example
area A region defined for a callout in a graphic or code example Point to the callout s which refer to this area. (This provides bidirectional linking which may be useful in online presentation.) Specifies an identifying number or string that may be used in presentation. The area label might be drawn on top of the figure, for example, at the position indicated by the coords attribute. Provides the coordinates of the area. The coordinates must be interpreted using the units specified.
area A region defined for a callout in a graphic or code example
areaset A set of related areas in a graphic or code example
screenco A screen with associated areas used in callouts
imageobjectco A wrapper for an image object with callouts
co The location of a callout embedded in text
coref A cross reference to a co