require 'open-uri' DEBUG = true abort("Come back when you get a mac!") unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ abort("The actors have come down with a bad case of laryngitis") unless system("which -s say") class Actor attr_reader :voice def initialize(voice) @voice = voice.match(/([A-Z][a-z]+)/)[1] end def say(text) system("say -v #{voice} \"#{text}\"") end def to_s voice end end class Cast VOICES_THAT_IRRITATE_ME = ['Albert', 'BadNews', 'Bahh'] attr_reader :roles attr_reader :actors def initialize @roles = {} @actos = [] hire_actors cast_role( "NARARATOR") end def hire_actors @actors = [] Dir.foreach('/System/Library/Speech/Voices') do |file| array = file.split('.') unless array.empty? voice = array.first next if VOICES_THAT_IRRITATE_ME.include?(voice) @actors << end end abort("We can't find any actors for this performance!") if @actors.empty? puts "[HIRED ACTORS] #{actors.join(', ')}" if DEBUG end def [](role) cast_role(role) unless roles[role] roles[role] end def cast_role(role) index = roles.keys.size % actors.size roles[role] = actors[index] puts "[CAST] #{actors[index]} as #{role}" if DEBUG roles[role] end end class Director def initialize @script = open('') end def run_lines actor_line = '' role = nil at_start = false @script.each_line do |line| next unless at_start || line =~ /Scene/ #skip to first scene line.gsub!(/[_\|]/, '') line.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ') next if line == ' ' at_start = true if (line =~ /\[/ || line =~ /Scene/) yield role, actor_line unless yield "NARARATOR", line actor_line = '' next end if (line =~ /[A-Z0-9 #]+:/).nil? actor_line += line else yield role, actor_line unless role, actor_line = split_line(line) end end yield role, actor_line unless end def split_line(line) line.split(':') end end director = cast = director.run_lines {|role, line| role = "KING ARTHUR" if role == "ARTHUR" #there is an inconsistency in the script puts "[#{role}] #{line}" cast[role].say(line) }