Specifies the base form of the term, the one that appears in the glossary. This allows adjectival, plural, and other variations of the term to appear in the element. The element content is the default base form.
glosslist A wrapper for a list of glossary entries
glossentry An entry in a glossary or glosslist Specifies the string by which the element's content is to be sorted; if unspecified, the content is used
glossdef A definition in a glossentry Specifies a list of keywords for the definition
glosssee A cross-reference from one glossentry to another Identifies the other term @otherterm on glosssee must point to a glossentry.
glossseealso A cross-reference from one glossentry to another Identifies the other term @otherterm on glossseealso must point to a glossentry.
firstterm The first occurrence of a term @linkend on firstterm must point to a glossentry.
firstterm The first occurrence of a term, with limited content @linkend on firstterm must point to a glossentry.
glossterm A glossary term @linkend on glossterm must point to a glossentry.
glossterm A glossary term @linkend on glossterm must point to a glossentry.
glossary A glossary
glossdiv A division in a glossary
termdef An inline definition of a term A termdef must contain exactly one firstterm