synopsis A general-purpose element for representing the syntax of commands or functions
funcsynopsis The syntax summary for a function definition
funcsynopsisinfo Information supplementing the funcdefs of a funcsynopsis
funcprototype The prototype of a function
funcdef A function (subroutine) name and its return type
function The name of a function or subroutine, as in a programming language
void An empty element in a function synopsis indicating that the function in question takes no arguments
varargs An empty element in a function synopsis indicating a variable number of arguments
group A group of parameters
paramdef Information about a function parameter in a programming language opt Formatted to indicate that it is optional. req Formatted to indicate that it is required. Indicates optionality.
funcparams Parameters for a function referenced through a function pointer in a synopsis
classsynopsis The syntax summary for a class definition class This is the synopsis of a class interface This is the synopsis of an interface Specifies the nature of the synopsis
classsynopsisinfo Information supplementing the contents of a classsynopsis
ooclass A class in an object-oriented programming language
oointerface An interface in an object-oriented programming language
ooexception An exception in an object-oriented programming language
Can be used to indicate that whitespace in the modifier should be preserved (for multi-line annotations, for example). preserve Extra whitespace and line breaks must be preserved.
modifier Modifiers in a synopsis
interfacename The name of an interface
exceptionname The name of an exception
fieldsynopsis The name of a field in a class definition
initializer The initializer for a fieldsynopsis
constructorsynopsis A syntax summary for a constructor
destructorsynopsis A syntax summary for a destructor
methodsynopsis A syntax summary for a method
methodname The name of a method
methodparam Parameters to a method
group A group of method parameters
varname The name of a variable
returnvalue The value returned by a function
type The classification of a value
classname The name of a class, in the object-oriented programming sense
programlisting A literal listing of all or part of a program