Mondrian home page
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$Id: //guest/paul_dymecki/mondrian/doc/index.html#1 $
(C) Copyright 2002, Kana Software, Inc. and others
Author Julian Hyde (
Created February 14th, 2002


Mondrian is an OLAP engine written in Java.

Read the overview.

It is named after the artist Piet Mondrian, whose pictures look kind of like how cubes seem in my brain.

Which is kind of worrying:

Everything in his life was reasoned or calculated. He was a compulsive neurotic and could never bear to see anything disordered or untidy. He seemed to suffer acutely, for instance, if a table had not been laid with perfect symmetry.

— Hannah Höch on Piet Mondrian, quoted by Edouard Roditi

The project is hosted at SourceForge.

The source code (including this page) is hosted in Perforce's public depot.

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