' VB Constants that should have been included. ' $File: //depot/vb_constants.tsl $ ' $DateTime: 2012/05/06 23:36:43 $ ' $Revision: #2 $ ' $Change: 2 $ ' $Author: pthompson $ ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONST VBBinaryCompare = 0 ' binary Comparison CONST VBTextCompare = 1 ' Text Comparison CONST VBDataBaseCompare = 2 ' Compare information inside database Dim vbCr , vbLf , vbCrLf , vbEol , vbQuote , vbSingleQuote , vbHtmlNewLine vbCr = Chr(13) vbLf = Chr(10) vbCrLf = vbCr & vbLf vbEol = "
" + vbCrLf vbHtmlNewLine = "
" + vbCrLf vbQuote = Chr(34) vbSingleQuote = Chr(39) ' VB VarType() constants ' Const vbEmpty = 0 'Uninitialized (default) ' Const vbNull = 1 'Contains no valid data ' Const vbInteger = 2 'Integer subtype ' Const vbLong = 3 'Long subtype ' Const vbSingle = 4 'Single subtype ' Const vbDouble = 5 'Double subtype ' Const vbCurrency = 6 'Currency subtype ' Const vbDate = 7 'Date subtype ' Const vbString = 8 'String subtype ' Const vbObject = 9 'Object ' Const vbError = 10 'Error subtype ' Const vbBoolean = 11 'Boolean subtype ' Const vbVariant = 12 'Variant (used only for arrays of variants) ' Const vbDataObject = 13 'Data access object ' Const vbDecimal = 14 'Decimal subtype ' Const vbByte = 17 'Byte subtype ' Const vbArray = 8192 'Array