#!/usr/bin/python # find old workspace. For example: find the workspaces that have not # been accessed for 60 days. import os import sys import time import datetime from subprocess import Popen, PIPE GAP = 3600*24*60 #two MONTH MAXITEMS = "1000" # max return clients PASSWD = b"abcd.1234\n" t = time.time() itime = int(t) - GAP os.environ['P4PORT']='' os.environ['P4USER']='root' os.environ['P4CHARSET'] = 'utf8' #os.environ['P4PASSWD'] = "abcd.1234" def run_cmd(cmd): # Popen call wrapper.return (code, stdout, stderr) child = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) out, err = child.communicate() ret = child.wait() return (ret, out, err) s = Popen("p4 login", stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) s.stdin.write(PASSWD) s.stdin.close() output = s.stdout.read().decode("GBK") s.stdout.close() print output cmdstr = 'p4 -ztag clients -m ' + MAXITEMS (ret, r, err) = run_cmd(cmdstr) if ret != 0: print r, err exit(1) oldws = [] curclient = "" lines = r.split('\n') i = 0 while i < len(lines): # print i, lines[i] x = lines[i] if x.find("... client ") != -1: curclient = x.split(' ')[2] y = lines[i+2].split(' ')[2] if (int(y) < itime): hacctime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(int(y))) owner = lines[i+3].split(' ')[2] oldws.append((owner, curclient,hacctime)) i = i + 12 i = i+1 for (o, c, t) in oldws: print ("%-15s %-45s %-20s"%(o, c, t))