Installation notes for CDSP4 Perforce doesn't support # in file names. The most common problems in filenames come from the use of ".". There are a bunch of others, since Cadence name mapping turns in foo#2ebar. You must ELIMINATE these names from your directory structure and fix all references in your design. You can use the code to do this. Please read the comments at the top of the file and backup your data before running the fixm procedure. bin.sun4: p4fisrv: the all important GDM files server p4gdmconfig: also needed by GDM Install these two files in cds_root/tools/bin p4skillserver: the p4 client used by the Skill. Spawned in Install this file in your UNIX path. perl: delete*.pl: There is some ugliness in the delete functions in early 4.4.1/4.4.2 releases. This may or may not exist in 4.4.3, but these files are required by the DeleteObj trigger defined in Install these files in your UNIX path or cds_root/tools/bin Loading the Skill and set the variables. Please look in Utils/ on how to setup cdsp4 loading and variables. Please also check the cdsp4 guide to understand the setting of CDS_Project and CDS_ProjectRev. Variables: You MUST define CDS_Project and CDS_ProjectRev somewhere in your loadable Skill Tree. You must also load the file that is generated by addp4user. See Utils/ Please see the cdsp4 guide for more info. CdsP4Core: The main interface. ListBoxBrowser: The cdsp4 ListBoxBrowser interface. IMPORTANT: YOU MUST use listBoxBrowser() instead of the default Library Browser. The correct way to make this the default browser is to edit tools/dfII/etc/tools/menus/ciw.menus here is the patch: 17c17 < ciwLibManager = '(LibMan "Library Manager..." "listBoxBrowser()") --- > ciwLibManager = '(LibMan "Library Manager..." "ddsOpenLibManager()") triggers: This registers the deTriggers: deRegUserTriggers("maskLayout" nil nil 'CDS_P4WindowTrigger) deRegUserTriggers("maskLayout" 'CDS_P4EditTrigger nil nil) If you are working on other viewTypes, do the same. If you already have triggers defined, add the code for both triggers into your existing triggers. THESE TWO TRIGGERS ARE CRUCIAL to ensuring database consistency and exclusivity. Make sure they are installed correctly. If you are using the Avanti Explorer Skill interface, you need to take extra care since they de-register the default triggers. Please email me if you need help. I'm working on an automated solution to this problem. HAVE FUN Shiv