/ * @todo Add support for the following commands: * integrate */ class P4_Branch extends P4_Spec_PluralAbstract { const FETCH_BY_NAME = 'name'; const FETCH_BY_OWNER = 'owner'; protected static $_specType = 'branch'; protected static $_idField = 'Branch'; protected static $_accessors = array( 'Update' => 'getUpdateDateTime', 'Access' => 'getAccessDateTime', 'Owner' => 'getOwner', 'Description' => 'getDescription', 'Options' => 'getOptions', 'View' => 'getView' ); protected static $_mutators = array( 'Owner' => 'setOwner', 'Description' => 'setDescription', 'Options' => 'setOptions', 'View' => 'setView' ); /** * Get all Branches from Perforce. Adds filtering options. * * @param array $options optional - array of options to augment fetch behavior. * supported options are: * * FETCH_MAXIMUM - set to integer value to limit to the * first 'max' number of entries. * FETCH_BY_NAME - set to branch name pattern (e.g. 'bran*'). * FETCH_BY_OWNER - set to owner's username (e.g. 'jdoe'). * * @param P4_Connection_Interface $connection optional - a specific connection to use. * @return P4_Model_Iterator all records of this type. */ public static function fetchAll($options = array(), P4_Connection_Interface $connection = null) { // simply return parent - method exists to document options. return parent::fetchAll($options, $connection); } /** * Determine if the given branch id exists. * * @param string $id the id to check for. * @param P4_Connection_Interface $connection optional - a specific connection to use. * @return bool true if the given id matches an existing branch. */ public static function exists($id, P4_Connection_Interface $connection = null) { // check id for valid format if (!static::_isValidId($id)) { return false; } $branches = static::fetchAll( array( static::FETCH_BY_NAME => $id, static::FETCH_MAXIMUM => 1 ), $connection ); return (bool) count($branches); } /** * Get the last update time for this branch spec. * This value is read only, no setUpdateTime function is provided. * * If this is a brand new spec, null will be returned in lieu of a time. * * @return string|null Date/Time of last update, formatted "2009/11/23 12:57:06" or null */ public function getUpdateDateTime() { return $this->_getValue('Update'); } /** * Get the last access time for this branch spec. * This value is read only, no setAccessTime function is provided. * * If this is a brand new spec, null will be returned in lieu of a time. * * @return string|null Date/Time of last access, formatted "2009/11/23 12:57:06" or null */ public function getAccessDateTime() { return $this->_getValue('Access'); } /** * Get the owner of this branch. * * @return string|null User who owns this record. */ public function getOwner() { return $this->_getValue('Owner'); } /** * Set the owner of this branch to passed value. * * @param string|null $owner A string containing username or null for none * @return P4_Branch provides a fluent interface. * @throws InvalidArgumentException Owner is incorrect type. */ public function setOwner($owner) { if (!is_string($owner) && !is_null($owner)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Owner must be a string or null.'); } return $this->_setValue('Owner', $owner); } /** * Get the description for this branch. * * @return string description for this branch. */ public function getDescription() { return $this->_getValue('Description'); } /** * Set a description for this branch. * * @param string|null $description description for this branch. * @return P4_Branch provides a fluent interface. * @throws InvalidArgumentException Description is incorrect type. */ public function setDescription($description) { if (!is_string($description) && !is_null($description)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Description must be a string or null.'); } return $this->_setValue('Description', $description); } /** * Get options for this branch. * * @return string options which are set on this branch ('locked' or 'unlocked'). */ public function getOptions() { return $this->_getValue('Options'); } /** * Set the options for this branch. See getOptions for expected values. * * @param string|null $options options to set on this branch. * @return P4_Branch provides a fluent interface. * @throws InvalidArgumentException Options are incorrect type. */ public function setOptions($options) { if (!is_string($options) && !is_null($options)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Options must be a string or null.'); } return $this->_setValue('Options', $options); } /** * Get the view for this branch. * View entries will be returned as an array with 'source' and 'target' entries, e.g.: * array ( * 0 => array ( * 'source' => '//depot/branchA/with space/...', * 'target' => '//depot/branchB/with space/...' * ) * ) * * @return array list view entries for this branch. */ public function getView() { // The raw view data is formatted as: // array ( // 0 => '"//depot/example/with space/..." //depot/example/nospace/...', // ) // // We split this into 'source' and 'target' components via the str_getcsv function // and key the two resulting entries as 'source' and 'target' $view = array(); // The ?: translates empty views into an empty array foreach ($this->_getValue('View') ?: array() as $entry) { $entry = str_getcsv($entry, ' '); $view[] = array_combine(array('source','target'), $entry); } return $view; } /** * Set the view for this branch. * View is passed as an array of view entries. Each view entry can be an array with * 'source' and 'target' entries or a raw string. * * @param array $view View entries, formatted into source/target sub-arrays. * @return P4_Branch provides a fluent interface. * @throws InvalidArgumentException View array, or a view entry, is incorrect type. */ public function setView($view) { if (!is_array($view)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('View must be passed as array.'); } // The View array contains either: // - Child arrays keyed on source/target which we glue together // - Raw strings which we simply leave as is // The below foreach run will normalize the whole thing for storage $parsedView = array(); foreach ($view as $entry) { if (is_array($entry) && isset($entry['source'], $entry['target']) && is_string($entry['source']) && is_string($entry['target'])) { $entry = '"'. $entry['source'] .'" "'. $entry['target'] .'"'; } if (!is_string($entry)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Each view entry must be a 'source' and 'target' array or a string." ); } $validate = str_getcsv($entry, ' '); if (count($validate) != 2 || trim($validate[0]) === '' || trim($validate[1]) === '') { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Each view entry must contain two depot paths, no more, no less." ); } $parsedView[] = $entry; }; return $this->_setValue('View', $parsedView); } /** * Add a view mapping to this Branch. * * @param string $source the source half of the view mapping. * @param string $target the target half of the view mapping. * @return P4_Branch provides a fluent interface. */ public function addView($source, $target) { $mappings = $this->getView(); $mappings[] = array("source" => $source, "target" => $target); return $this->setView($mappings); } /** * Produce set of flags for the spec list command, given fetch all options array. * Extends parent to add support for filter option. * * @param array $options array of options to augment fetch behavior. * see fetchAll for documented options. * @return array set of flags suitable for passing to spec list command. */ protected static function _getFetchAllFlags($options) { $flags = parent::_getFetchAllFlags($options); if (isset($options[static::FETCH_BY_NAME])) { $name = $options[static::FETCH_BY_NAME]; if (!is_string($name) || trim($name) === "") { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Filter by Name expects a non-empty string as input' ); } $flags[] = '-e'; $flags[] = $name; } if (isset($options[static::FETCH_BY_OWNER])) { $owner = $options[static::FETCH_BY_OWNER]; // We allow empty values as this returns branches with no owner if (!is_string($owner) || trim($owner) === "") { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Filter by Owner expects a non-empty string as input' ); } $flags[] = '-u'; $flags[] = $owner; } return $flags; } /** * Get the fetch all command, generally a plural version of the spec type. * * @return string Perforce command to use for fetchAll */ protected static function _getFetchAllCommand() { // Branch is a special case; over-ridden to add 'es' instead of 's' to spec type. return static::_getSpecType() . "es"; } /** * Given a spec entry from spec list output (p4 branches), produce * an instance of this spec with field values set where possible. * * @param array $listEntry a single spec entry from spec list output. * @param array $flags the flags that were used for this 'fetchAll' run. * @param P4_Connection_Interface $connection a specific connection to use. * @return P4_Branch a (partially) populated instance of this spec class. */ protected static function _fromSpecListEntry($listEntry, $flags, P4_Connection_Interface $connection) { // update/access time are return as longs. Unset to avoid figuring out timezone // for a proper conversion. unset($listEntry['update']); unset($listEntry['access']); return parent::_fromSpecListEntry($listEntry, $flags, $connection); } }