getName()); foreach (self::$_session as $namespace => $messages) { self::$_messages[$namespace] = $messages; unset(self::$_session->{$namespace}); } } } /** * postDispatch() - runs after action is dispatched, in this * case, it is resetting the namespace in case we have forwarded to a different * action, Flashmessage will be 'clean' (default namespace) * * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_FlashMessenger Provides a fluent interface */ public function postDispatch() { $this->resetNamespace(); return $this; } /** * setNamespace() - change the namespace messages are added to, useful for * per action controller messaging between requests * * @param string $namespace * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_FlashMessenger Provides a fluent interface */ public function setNamespace($namespace = 'default') { $this->_namespace = $namespace; return $this; } /** * resetNamespace() - reset the namespace to the default * * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_FlashMessenger Provides a fluent interface */ public function resetNamespace() { $this->setNamespace(); return $this; } /** * addMessage() - Add a message to flash message * * @param string $message * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_FlashMessenger Provides a fluent interface */ public function addMessage($message) { if (self::$_messageAdded === false) { self::$_session->setExpirationHops(1, null, true); } if (!is_array(self::$_session->{$this->_namespace})) { self::$_session->{$this->_namespace} = array(); } self::$_session->{$this->_namespace}[] = $message; return $this; } /** * hasMessages() - Wether a specific namespace has messages * * @return boolean */ public function hasMessages() { return isset(self::$_messages[$this->_namespace]); } /** * getMessages() - Get messages from a specific namespace * * @return array */ public function getMessages() { if ($this->hasMessages()) { return self::$_messages[$this->_namespace]; } return array(); } /** * Clear all messages from the previous request & current namespace * * @return boolean True if messages were cleared, false if none existed */ public function clearMessages() { if ($this->hasMessages()) { unset(self::$_messages[$this->_namespace]); return true; } return false; } /** * hasCurrentMessages() - check to see if messages have been added to current * namespace within this request * * @return boolean */ public function hasCurrentMessages() { return isset(self::$_session->{$this->_namespace}); } /** * getCurrentMessages() - get messages that have been added to the current * namespace within this request * * @return array */ public function getCurrentMessages() { if ($this->hasCurrentMessages()) { return self::$_session->{$this->_namespace}; } return array(); } /** * clear messages from the current request & current namespace * * @return boolean */ public function clearCurrentMessages() { if ($this->hasCurrentMessages()) { unset(self::$_session->{$this->_namespace}); return true; } return false; } /** * getIterator() - complete the IteratorAggregate interface, for iterating * * @return ArrayObject */ public function getIterator() { if ($this->hasMessages()) { return new ArrayObject($this->getMessages()); } return new ArrayObject(); } /** * count() - Complete the countable interface * * @return int */ public function count() { if ($this->hasMessages()) { return count($this->getMessages()); } return 0; } /** * Strategy pattern: proxy to addMessage() * * @param string $message * @return void */ public function direct($message) { return $this->addMessage($message); } }