asXML(); } else if (is_string($xmlData)) { $strXmlData = $xmlData; } else { throw new Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Exception("Invalid Data provided to create instance"); } $sxe = simplexml_load_string($strXmlData); if($sxe->getName() != "SecurityTokenReference") { throw new Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Exception("Invalid XML Block provided for SecurityTokenReference"); } return simplexml_load_string($strXmlData, "Zend_InfoCard_Xml_SecurityTokenReference"); } /** * Return the Key Identifier XML Object * * @return Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Element * @throws Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Exception */ protected function _getKeyIdentifier() { $this->registerXPathNamespace('o', ''); list($keyident) = $this->xpath('//o:KeyIdentifier'); if(!($keyident instanceof Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Element)) { throw new Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Exception("Failed to retrieve Key Identifier"); } return $keyident; } /** * Return the Key URI identifying the thumbprint type used * * @return string The thumbprint type URI * @throws Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Exception */ public function getKeyThumbprintType() { $keyident = $this->_getKeyIdentifier(); $dom = self::convertToDOM($keyident); if(!$dom->hasAttribute('ValueType')) { throw new Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Exception("Key Identifier did not provide a type for the value"); } return $dom->getAttribute('ValueType'); } /** * Return the thumbprint encoding type used as a URI * * @return string the URI of the thumbprint encoding used * @throws Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Exception */ public function getKeyThumbprintEncodingType() { $keyident = $this->_getKeyIdentifier(); $dom = self::convertToDOM($keyident); if(!$dom->hasAttribute('EncodingType')) { throw new Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Exception("Unable to determine the encoding type for the key identifier"); } return $dom->getAttribute('EncodingType'); } /** * Get the key reference data used to identify the public key * * @param bool $decode if true, will return a decoded version of the key * @return string the key reference thumbprint, either in binary or encoded form * @throws Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Exception */ public function getKeyReference($decode = true) { $keyIdentifier = $this->_getKeyIdentifier(); $dom = self::convertToDOM($keyIdentifier); $encoded = $dom->nodeValue; if(empty($encoded)) { throw new Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Exception("Could not find the Key Reference Encoded Value"); } if($decode) { $decoded = ""; switch($this->getKeyThumbprintEncodingType()) { case self::ENCODING_BASE64BIN: if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.2.0", ">=")) { $decoded = base64_decode($encoded, true); } else { $decoded = base64_decode($encoded); } break; default: throw new Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Exception("Unknown Key Reference Encoding Type: {$this->getKeyThumbprintEncodingType()}"); } if(!$decoded || empty($decoded)) { throw new Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Exception("Failed to decode key reference"); } return $decoded; } return $encoded; } }