About This Guide ----------------- The instructions in this guide are for registered Workshop users only. By [registering](https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/signup), you can contribute to, comment on, or just follow your favorite projects. A registered account is not necessary to [browse](browsing.md) the Workshop. This guide assumes that the reader is already familiar with the basics of Perforce usage. If you are a new Perforce user, we recommend reading the following documentation to get started: - [Introducing Perforce (PDF)](http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/intro/intro.pdf) - Introductory guide to Perforce concepts - [Getting Started with P4V (PDF)](http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4v-gs/p4v-gs.pdf) - Introductory guide to P4V, our cross-platform GUI - [P4 User's Guide](http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4guide/index.html) - Detailed guide to the P4 command-line client. Perforce client software is freely available on our [downloads page](http://www.perforce.com/downloads). Contributing to the Workshop ---------------------------- ### Setting Up - Connect to **public.perforce.com:1666** in your Perforce client, using the user name and password you received when you registered. - Create a workspace that maps your guest branch path, which will be **//guest/user name/...**. - You have **read** access to the entire depot, but only your guest branch is writable (and only to you). ### Working on Projects - If you're contributing a new project, add your project files to a subdirectory under your guest branch. - If you want to make modifications to an existing project, branch the files into a subdirectory under your guest branch. - Make any edits in your guest branch that you like. - If you're modifying someone else's project, remember to preserve any applicable license notices. ### Sharing Development - If you want to share edits you've made to someone else's project, let them know by emailing or shelving a change for [review](https://www.perforce.com/resources/tutorials/create-swarm-review). - If you want to incorporate someone else's edits into your project, just **p4 integrate** from their guest branch to yours, following any license restrictions. Contributing documentation ------------------------ - Every project, big or small, can and should have a project page. It is very easy to create a project page and they make it much easier for people to find the tools you have created. - If you aren't already familiar with Markdown, see [the official documentation](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/). ### Creating Project Pages - Simply submit a file named `README.md` to your main branch. - Your project page can contain any information you think will be useful to other users. - Remember to keep your project page updated. Over time, you may wish to add more detail, announce new features, et cetera. - You are responsible for verifying the accuracy and appropriateness of any content you submit. - Do not submit copyrighted work without permission.