_build ====== This directory contains the Apache ANT-based build infrastructure for transforming Perforce guides in DocBook XML into PDF and HTML. The following provides a brief overview of the structure and content of this directory. assets/ directory contains one directory for each available transformation target. A transformation target is a combination of an ANT build target and the assets in the identically named folder. For example, to produce a PDF version of a guide, within the guide's directory you would invoke "ant pdf", which executes the 'pdf' target in build.xml, which uses the asset files within 'assets/pdf'. common_xml/ directory contains DocBook XML files that most, if not all, guides require. build.properties declares properties that are transformation-independent, e.g. specifying which XSLT processor to use. build.xml contains the ANT targets used to transform guides into various forms. global.properties declares a mix of ANT and DocBook XML properties that provide defaults for all transformations. indexer.py is a Python script that produces inverted indexes which are used in the HTML presentation to faciliate searching within a guide. sample_oxygen.catalog If you use the oXygen XML editor, customize this file to to specify where the common_xml and manuals directories have been sync'd on your system. Then configure oXygen to use this catalog file to allow oXygen to validate our DocBook XML guides. # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=80 ai si: