# parents Return all the parent directories of a directory, inclusive of that directory. [![build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/substack/node-parents.png)](http://travis-ci.org/substack/node-parents) # example ## dirname ``` js var parents = require('parents'); var dirs = parents(__dirname); console.dir(dirs); ``` *** ``` [ '/home/substack/projects/node-parents/example', '/home/substack/projects/node-parents', '/home/substack/projects', '/home/substack', '/home', '/' ] ``` ## win32 ``` js var parents = require('parents'); var dir = 'C:\\Program Files\\Maxis\\Sim City 2000\\cities'; var dirs = parents(dir, { platform : 'win32' }); console.dir(dirs); ``` *** ``` [ 'C:\\Program Files\\Maxis\\Sim City 2000\\cities', 'C:\\Program Files\\Maxis\\Sim City 2000', 'C:\\Program Files\\Maxis', 'C:\\Program Files', 'C:' ] ``` # methods ``` js var parents = require('parents') ``` ## parents(dir, opts) Return an array of the parent directories of `dir`, including and starting with `dir`. If a `dir` isn't specified, `process.cwd()` will be used. Optionally specify an `opts.platform` to control whether the separator and paths works the unixy way with `'/'` or the windowsy way where sometimes things use `'/'` and sometimes they use `'\\'` and also there are leading drive letters and other exotic features. If `opts.platform` isn't specified, `process.platform` will be used. Anything that matches `/^win/` will use the windowsy behavior. # install With [npm](http://npmjs.org) do: ``` npm install parents ``` # licence MIT