getConfig()->setHost('http://localhost/api'); } $this->apiClient = $apiClient; } /** * Get API client * @return \HelixWebServices\ApiClient get the API client */ public function getApiClient() { return $this->apiClient; } /** * Set the API client * @param \HelixWebServices\ApiClient $apiClient set the API client * @return AlphaApi */ public function setApiClient(ApiClient $apiClient) { $this->apiClient = $apiClient; return $this; } /** * serverChangesPost * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\ChangelistRequest $changelist_request Description of changes to make (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverChangesPost($server, $changelist_request) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverChangesPostWithHttpInfo ($server, $changelist_request); return $response; } /** * serverChangesPostWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\ChangelistRequest $changelist_request Description of changes to make (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverChangesPostWithHttpInfo($server, $changelist_request) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverChangesPost'); } // verify the required parameter 'changelist_request' is set if ($changelist_request === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $changelist_request when calling serverChangesPost'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/changes"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "POST"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($changelist_request)) { $_tempBody = $changelist_request; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverGitFusionReposGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\GitFusionRepoId[] * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGitFusionReposGet($server) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverGitFusionReposGetWithHttpInfo ($server); return $response; } /** * serverGitFusionReposGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\GitFusionRepoId[], HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGitFusionReposGetWithHttpInfo($server) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverGitFusionReposGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/git-fusion-repos"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\GitFusionRepoId[]' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\GitFusionRepoId[]', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\GitFusionRepoId[]', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverGitFusionReposPost * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\GitFusionRepoConfig $body The new configuration (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGitFusionReposPost($server, $body) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverGitFusionReposPostWithHttpInfo ($server, $body); return $response; } /** * serverGitFusionReposPostWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\GitFusionRepoConfig $body The new configuration (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGitFusionReposPostWithHttpInfo($server, $body) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverGitFusionReposPost'); } // verify the required parameter 'body' is set if ($body === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $body when calling serverGitFusionReposPost'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/git-fusion-repos"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "POST"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($body)) { $_tempBody = $body; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverGitFusionReposRepoGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $repo The Git Fusion Repo ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\GitFusionRepoConfig * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGitFusionReposRepoGet($server, $repo) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverGitFusionReposRepoGetWithHttpInfo ($server, $repo); return $response; } /** * serverGitFusionReposRepoGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $repo The Git Fusion Repo ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\GitFusionRepoConfig, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGitFusionReposRepoGetWithHttpInfo($server, $repo) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverGitFusionReposRepoGet'); } // verify the required parameter 'repo' is set if ($repo === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $repo when calling serverGitFusionReposRepoGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/git-fusion-repos/{repo}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($repo !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "repo" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($repo), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\GitFusionRepoConfig' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\GitFusionRepoConfig', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\GitFusionRepoConfig', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverGitFusionReposRepoDelete * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $repo The Git Fusion Repo ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGitFusionReposRepoDelete($server, $repo) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverGitFusionReposRepoDeleteWithHttpInfo ($server, $repo); return $response; } /** * serverGitFusionReposRepoDeleteWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $repo The Git Fusion Repo ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGitFusionReposRepoDeleteWithHttpInfo($server, $repo) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverGitFusionReposRepoDelete'); } // verify the required parameter 'repo' is set if ($repo === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $repo when calling serverGitFusionReposRepoDelete'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/git-fusion-repos/{repo}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "DELETE"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($repo !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "repo" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($repo), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverGitFusionReposRepoPatch * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $repo The Git Fusion Repo ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\GitFusionRepoConfig $body The new configuration (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGitFusionReposRepoPatch($server, $repo, $body) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverGitFusionReposRepoPatchWithHttpInfo ($server, $repo, $body); return $response; } /** * serverGitFusionReposRepoPatchWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $repo The Git Fusion Repo ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\GitFusionRepoConfig $body The new configuration (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGitFusionReposRepoPatchWithHttpInfo($server, $repo, $body) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverGitFusionReposRepoPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'repo' is set if ($repo === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $repo when calling serverGitFusionReposRepoPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'body' is set if ($body === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $body when calling serverGitFusionReposRepoPatch'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/git-fusion-repos/{repo}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "PATCH"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($repo !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "repo" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($repo), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($body)) { $_tempBody = $body; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } }