getConfig()->setHost('http://localhost/api'); } $this->apiClient = $apiClient; } /** * Get API client * @return \HelixWebServices\ApiClient get the API client */ public function getApiClient() { return $this->apiClient; } /** * Set the API client * @param \HelixWebServices\ApiClient $apiClient set the API client * @return DefaultApi */ public function setApiClient(ApiClient $apiClient) { $this->apiClient = $apiClient; return $this; } /** * configP4dsGet * * * * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\P4dConfigId[] * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function configP4dsGet() { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->configP4dsGetWithHttpInfo (); return $response; } /** * configP4dsGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\P4dConfigId[], HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function configP4dsGetWithHttpInfo() { // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/hws/v16.1/config/p4ds"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\P4dConfigId[]' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\P4dConfigId[]', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\P4dConfigId[]', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * loginPost * * * * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\LoginRequest $login_request The user login and password. (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\LoginResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function loginPost($login_request) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->loginPostWithHttpInfo ($login_request); return $response; } /** * loginPostWithHttpInfo * * * * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\LoginRequest $login_request The user login and password. (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\LoginResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function loginPostWithHttpInfo($login_request) { // verify the required parameter 'login_request' is set if ($login_request === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $login_request when calling loginPost'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/hws/v16.1/login"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "POST"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($login_request)) { $_tempBody = $login_request; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\LoginResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\LoginResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\LoginResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * statusGet * * * * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\HWSStatus * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function statusGet() { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->statusGetWithHttpInfo (); return $response; } /** * statusGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\HWSStatus, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function statusGetWithHttpInfo() { // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/hws/v16.1/status"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\HWSStatus' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\HWSStatus', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\HWSStatus', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverBranchesGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\BranchesCommand[] * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverBranchesGet($server) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverBranchesGetWithHttpInfo ($server); return $response; } /** * serverBranchesGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\BranchesCommand[], HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverBranchesGetWithHttpInfo($server) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverBranchesGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/branches"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\BranchesCommand[]' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\BranchesCommand[]', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\BranchesCommand[]', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverBranchesPost * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\BranchCommand $body The branch specification. (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverBranchesPost($server, $body) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverBranchesPostWithHttpInfo ($server, $body); return $response; } /** * serverBranchesPostWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\BranchCommand $body The branch specification. (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverBranchesPostWithHttpInfo($server, $body) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverBranchesPost'); } // verify the required parameter 'body' is set if ($body === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $body when calling serverBranchesPost'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/branches"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "POST"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($body)) { $_tempBody = $body; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverBranchesBranchGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $branch The branch ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\BranchCommand * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverBranchesBranchGet($server, $branch) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverBranchesBranchGetWithHttpInfo ($server, $branch); return $response; } /** * serverBranchesBranchGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $branch The branch ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\BranchCommand, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverBranchesBranchGetWithHttpInfo($server, $branch) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverBranchesBranchGet'); } // verify the required parameter 'branch' is set if ($branch === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $branch when calling serverBranchesBranchGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/branches/{branch}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($branch !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "branch" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($branch), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\BranchCommand' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\BranchCommand', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\BranchCommand', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverBranchesBranchDelete * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $branch The branch ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverBranchesBranchDelete($server, $branch) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverBranchesBranchDeleteWithHttpInfo ($server, $branch); return $response; } /** * serverBranchesBranchDeleteWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $branch The branch ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverBranchesBranchDeleteWithHttpInfo($server, $branch) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverBranchesBranchDelete'); } // verify the required parameter 'branch' is set if ($branch === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $branch when calling serverBranchesBranchDelete'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/branches/{branch}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "DELETE"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($branch !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "branch" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($branch), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverBranchesBranchPatch * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $branch The branch ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\BranchCommand $body Fields of the branch to update (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverBranchesBranchPatch($server, $branch, $body) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverBranchesBranchPatchWithHttpInfo ($server, $branch, $body); return $response; } /** * serverBranchesBranchPatchWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $branch The branch ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\BranchCommand $body Fields of the branch to update (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverBranchesBranchPatchWithHttpInfo($server, $branch, $body) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverBranchesBranchPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'branch' is set if ($branch === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $branch when calling serverBranchesBranchPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'body' is set if ($body === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $body when calling serverBranchesBranchPatch'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/branches/{branch}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "PATCH"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($branch !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "branch" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($branch), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($body)) { $_tempBody = $body; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverChangesGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param int $max Limit the number of change results (optional) * @param string $status The status of the changes, e.g., `submitted` (optional) * @param string $user The user's login who submitted the change (optional) * @param string $files Limit changes to the depot path expressions. See the link:[changes] command description. (optional) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\ChangesCommand[] * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverChangesGet($server, $max = null, $status = null, $user = null, $files = null) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverChangesGetWithHttpInfo ($server, $max, $status, $user, $files); return $response; } /** * serverChangesGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param int $max Limit the number of change results (optional) * @param string $status The status of the changes, e.g., `submitted` (optional) * @param string $user The user's login who submitted the change (optional) * @param string $files Limit changes to the depot path expressions. See the link:[changes] command description. (optional) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\ChangesCommand[], HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverChangesGetWithHttpInfo($server, $max = null, $status = null, $user = null, $files = null) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverChangesGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/changes"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // query params if ($max !== null) { $queryParams['max'] = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toQueryValue($max); }// query params if ($status !== null) { $queryParams['status'] = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toQueryValue($status); }// query params if ($user !== null) { $queryParams['user'] = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toQueryValue($user); }// query params if ($files !== null) { $queryParams['files'] = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toQueryValue($files); } // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\ChangesCommand[]' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\ChangesCommand[]', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\ChangesCommand[]', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverChangesChangeGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $change The change ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\ChangeCommand * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverChangesChangeGet($server, $change) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverChangesChangeGetWithHttpInfo ($server, $change); return $response; } /** * serverChangesChangeGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $change The change ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\ChangeCommand, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverChangesChangeGetWithHttpInfo($server, $change) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverChangesChangeGet'); } // verify the required parameter 'change' is set if ($change === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $change when calling serverChangesChangeGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/changes/{change}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($change !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "change" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($change), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\ChangeCommand' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\ChangeCommand', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\ChangeCommand', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverClientsGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\ClientsCommand[] * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverClientsGet($server) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverClientsGetWithHttpInfo ($server); return $response; } /** * serverClientsGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\ClientsCommand[], HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverClientsGetWithHttpInfo($server) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverClientsGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/clients"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\ClientsCommand[]' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\ClientsCommand[]', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\ClientsCommand[]', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverClientsPost * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\ClientCommand $client The client spec (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverClientsPost($server, $client) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverClientsPostWithHttpInfo ($server, $client); return $response; } /** * serverClientsPostWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\ClientCommand $client The client spec (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverClientsPostWithHttpInfo($server, $client) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverClientsPost'); } // verify the required parameter 'client' is set if ($client === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $client when calling serverClientsPost'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/clients"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "POST"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($client)) { $_tempBody = $client; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverClientsClientGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $client The client ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\ClientCommand * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverClientsClientGet($server, $client) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverClientsClientGetWithHttpInfo ($server, $client); return $response; } /** * serverClientsClientGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $client The client ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\ClientCommand, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverClientsClientGetWithHttpInfo($server, $client) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverClientsClientGet'); } // verify the required parameter 'client' is set if ($client === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $client when calling serverClientsClientGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/clients/{client}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($client !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "client" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($client), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\ClientCommand' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\ClientCommand', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\ClientCommand', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverClientsClientDelete * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $client The client ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverClientsClientDelete($server, $client) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverClientsClientDeleteWithHttpInfo ($server, $client); return $response; } /** * serverClientsClientDeleteWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $client The client ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverClientsClientDeleteWithHttpInfo($server, $client) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverClientsClientDelete'); } // verify the required parameter 'client' is set if ($client === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $client when calling serverClientsClientDelete'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/clients/{client}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "DELETE"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($client !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "client" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($client), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverClientsClientPatch * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $client The client ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\ClientCommand $body Fields of the client to update (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverClientsClientPatch($server, $client, $body) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverClientsClientPatchWithHttpInfo ($server, $client, $body); return $response; } /** * serverClientsClientPatchWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $client The client ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\ClientCommand $body Fields of the client to update (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverClientsClientPatchWithHttpInfo($server, $client, $body) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverClientsClientPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'client' is set if ($client === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $client when calling serverClientsClientPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'body' is set if ($body === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $body when calling serverClientsClientPatch'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/clients/{client}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "PATCH"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($client !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "client" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($client), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($body)) { $_tempBody = $body; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverCommandsCommandGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $command The command name (required) * @param string[] $arg Command arguments (optional) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverCommandsCommandGet($server, $command, $arg = null) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverCommandsCommandGetWithHttpInfo ($server, $command, $arg); return $response; } /** * serverCommandsCommandGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $command The command name (required) * @param string[] $arg Command arguments (optional) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverCommandsCommandGetWithHttpInfo($server, $command, $arg = null) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverCommandsCommandGet'); } // verify the required parameter 'command' is set if ($command === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $command when calling serverCommandsCommandGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/commands/{command}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // query params if (is_array($arg)) { for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($arg); ++$idx) { $queryParams["arg$idx"] = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toQueryValue($arg[$idx]); } } // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($command !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "command" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($command), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverCommandsCommandPost * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $command The command name (required) * @param string[] $arg Command arguments (optional) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandRequest $input A hash used as input to the command (optional) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverCommandsCommandPost($server, $command, $arg = null, $input = null) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverCommandsCommandPostWithHttpInfo ($server, $command, $arg, $input); return $response; } /** * serverCommandsCommandPostWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $command The command name (required) * @param string[] $arg Command arguments (optional) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandRequest $input A hash used as input to the command (optional) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverCommandsCommandPostWithHttpInfo($server, $command, $arg = null, $input = null) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverCommandsCommandPost'); } // verify the required parameter 'command' is set if ($command === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $command when calling serverCommandsCommandPost'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/commands/{command}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "POST"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // query params if (is_array($arg)) { for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($arg); ++$idx) { $queryParams["arg$idx"] = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toQueryValue($arg[$idx]); } } // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($command !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "command" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($command), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($input)) { $_tempBody = $input; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverCountersGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\Counter[] * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverCountersGet($server) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverCountersGetWithHttpInfo ($server); return $response; } /** * serverCountersGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\Counter[], HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverCountersGetWithHttpInfo($server) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverCountersGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/counters"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\Counter[]' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\Counter[]', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\Counter[]', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverCountersCounterGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $counter The counter ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\Counter * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverCountersCounterGet($server, $counter) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverCountersCounterGetWithHttpInfo ($server, $counter); return $response; } /** * serverCountersCounterGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $counter The counter ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\Counter, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverCountersCounterGetWithHttpInfo($server, $counter) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverCountersCounterGet'); } // verify the required parameter 'counter' is set if ($counter === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $counter when calling serverCountersCounterGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/counters/{counter}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($counter !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "counter" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($counter), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\Counter' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\Counter', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\Counter', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverCountersCounterPut * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $counter The counter ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\Counter $body Fields of the counter to update (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverCountersCounterPut($server, $counter, $body) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverCountersCounterPutWithHttpInfo ($server, $counter, $body); return $response; } /** * serverCountersCounterPutWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $counter The counter ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\Counter $body Fields of the counter to update (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverCountersCounterPutWithHttpInfo($server, $counter, $body) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverCountersCounterPut'); } // verify the required parameter 'counter' is set if ($counter === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $counter when calling serverCountersCounterPut'); } // verify the required parameter 'body' is set if ($body === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $body when calling serverCountersCounterPut'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/counters/{counter}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "PUT"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($counter !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "counter" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($counter), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($body)) { $_tempBody = $body; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverCountersCounterDelete * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $counter The counter ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverCountersCounterDelete($server, $counter) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverCountersCounterDeleteWithHttpInfo ($server, $counter); return $response; } /** * serverCountersCounterDeleteWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $counter The counter ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverCountersCounterDeleteWithHttpInfo($server, $counter) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverCountersCounterDelete'); } // verify the required parameter 'counter' is set if ($counter === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $counter when calling serverCountersCounterDelete'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/counters/{counter}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "DELETE"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($counter !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "counter" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($counter), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverCountersCounterIncrementPost * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $counter The counter ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverCountersCounterIncrementPost($server, $counter) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverCountersCounterIncrementPostWithHttpInfo ($server, $counter); return $response; } /** * serverCountersCounterIncrementPostWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $counter The counter ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverCountersCounterIncrementPostWithHttpInfo($server, $counter) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverCountersCounterIncrementPost'); } // verify the required parameter 'counter' is set if ($counter === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $counter when calling serverCountersCounterIncrementPost'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/counters/{counter}/increment"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "POST"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($counter !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "counter" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($counter), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverDepotsGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\DepotsCommand[] * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverDepotsGet($server) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverDepotsGetWithHttpInfo ($server); return $response; } /** * serverDepotsGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\DepotsCommand[], HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverDepotsGetWithHttpInfo($server) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverDepotsGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/depots"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\DepotsCommand[]' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\DepotsCommand[]', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\DepotsCommand[]', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverDepotsPost * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\DepotCommand $depot The depot spec (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverDepotsPost($server, $depot) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverDepotsPostWithHttpInfo ($server, $depot); return $response; } /** * serverDepotsPostWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\DepotCommand $depot The depot spec (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverDepotsPostWithHttpInfo($server, $depot) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverDepotsPost'); } // verify the required parameter 'depot' is set if ($depot === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $depot when calling serverDepotsPost'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/depots"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "POST"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($depot)) { $_tempBody = $depot; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverDepotsDepotGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $depot The depot ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\DepotCommand * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverDepotsDepotGet($server, $depot) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverDepotsDepotGetWithHttpInfo ($server, $depot); return $response; } /** * serverDepotsDepotGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $depot The depot ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\DepotCommand, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverDepotsDepotGetWithHttpInfo($server, $depot) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverDepotsDepotGet'); } // verify the required parameter 'depot' is set if ($depot === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $depot when calling serverDepotsDepotGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/depots/{depot}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($depot !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "depot" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($depot), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\DepotCommand' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\DepotCommand', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\DepotCommand', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverDepotsDepotDelete * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $depot The depot ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverDepotsDepotDelete($server, $depot) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverDepotsDepotDeleteWithHttpInfo ($server, $depot); return $response; } /** * serverDepotsDepotDeleteWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $depot The depot ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverDepotsDepotDeleteWithHttpInfo($server, $depot) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverDepotsDepotDelete'); } // verify the required parameter 'depot' is set if ($depot === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $depot when calling serverDepotsDepotDelete'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/depots/{depot}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "DELETE"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($depot !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "depot" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($depot), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverDepotsDepotPatch * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $depot The depot ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\DepotCommand $body Fields of the depot to update (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverDepotsDepotPatch($server, $depot, $body) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverDepotsDepotPatchWithHttpInfo ($server, $depot, $body); return $response; } /** * serverDepotsDepotPatchWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $depot The depot ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\DepotCommand $body Fields of the depot to update (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverDepotsDepotPatchWithHttpInfo($server, $depot, $body) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverDepotsDepotPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'depot' is set if ($depot === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $depot when calling serverDepotsDepotPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'body' is set if ($body === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $body when calling serverDepotsDepotPatch'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/depots/{depot}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "PATCH"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($depot !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "depot" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($depot), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($body)) { $_tempBody = $body; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverGroupsGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\GroupsCommand[] * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGroupsGet($server) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverGroupsGetWithHttpInfo ($server); return $response; } /** * serverGroupsGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\GroupsCommand[], HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGroupsGetWithHttpInfo($server) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverGroupsGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/groups"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\GroupsCommand[]' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\GroupsCommand[]', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\GroupsCommand[]', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverGroupsPost * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\GroupCommand $body The group spec (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGroupsPost($server, $body) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverGroupsPostWithHttpInfo ($server, $body); return $response; } /** * serverGroupsPostWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\GroupCommand $body The group spec (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGroupsPostWithHttpInfo($server, $body) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverGroupsPost'); } // verify the required parameter 'body' is set if ($body === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $body when calling serverGroupsPost'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/groups"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "POST"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($body)) { $_tempBody = $body; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverGroupsGroupGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $group The group ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\GroupCommand * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGroupsGroupGet($server, $group) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverGroupsGroupGetWithHttpInfo ($server, $group); return $response; } /** * serverGroupsGroupGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $group The group ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\GroupCommand, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGroupsGroupGetWithHttpInfo($server, $group) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverGroupsGroupGet'); } // verify the required parameter 'group' is set if ($group === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $group when calling serverGroupsGroupGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/groups/{group}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($group !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "group" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($group), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\GroupCommand' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\GroupCommand', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\GroupCommand', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverGroupsGroupDelete * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $group The group ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGroupsGroupDelete($server, $group) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverGroupsGroupDeleteWithHttpInfo ($server, $group); return $response; } /** * serverGroupsGroupDeleteWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $group The group ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGroupsGroupDeleteWithHttpInfo($server, $group) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverGroupsGroupDelete'); } // verify the required parameter 'group' is set if ($group === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $group when calling serverGroupsGroupDelete'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/groups/{group}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "DELETE"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($group !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "group" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($group), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverGroupsGroupPatch * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $group The group ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\GroupCommand $body Fields of the group to update (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGroupsGroupPatch($server, $group, $body) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverGroupsGroupPatchWithHttpInfo ($server, $group, $body); return $response; } /** * serverGroupsGroupPatchWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $group The group ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\GroupCommand $body Fields of the group to update (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverGroupsGroupPatchWithHttpInfo($server, $group, $body) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverGroupsGroupPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'group' is set if ($group === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $group when calling serverGroupsGroupPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'body' is set if ($body === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $body when calling serverGroupsGroupPatch'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/groups/{group}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "PATCH"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($group !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "group" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($group), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($body)) { $_tempBody = $body; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverJobsGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\JobsCommand[] * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverJobsGet($server) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverJobsGetWithHttpInfo ($server); return $response; } /** * serverJobsGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\JobsCommand[], HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverJobsGetWithHttpInfo($server) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverJobsGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/jobs"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\JobsCommand[]' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\JobsCommand[]', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\JobsCommand[]', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverJobsPost * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\JobCommand $job The job spec (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverJobsPost($server, $job) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverJobsPostWithHttpInfo ($server, $job); return $response; } /** * serverJobsPostWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\JobCommand $job The job spec (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverJobsPostWithHttpInfo($server, $job) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverJobsPost'); } // verify the required parameter 'job' is set if ($job === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $job when calling serverJobsPost'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/jobs"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "POST"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($job)) { $_tempBody = $job; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverJobsJobGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $job The job ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\JobCommand * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverJobsJobGet($server, $job) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverJobsJobGetWithHttpInfo ($server, $job); return $response; } /** * serverJobsJobGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $job The job ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\JobCommand, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverJobsJobGetWithHttpInfo($server, $job) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverJobsJobGet'); } // verify the required parameter 'job' is set if ($job === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $job when calling serverJobsJobGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/jobs/{job}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($job !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "job" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($job), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\JobCommand' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\JobCommand', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\JobCommand', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverJobsJobDelete * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $job The job ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverJobsJobDelete($server, $job) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverJobsJobDeleteWithHttpInfo ($server, $job); return $response; } /** * serverJobsJobDeleteWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $job The job ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverJobsJobDeleteWithHttpInfo($server, $job) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverJobsJobDelete'); } // verify the required parameter 'job' is set if ($job === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $job when calling serverJobsJobDelete'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/jobs/{job}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "DELETE"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($job !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "job" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($job), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverJobsJobPatch * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $job The job ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\JobCommand $job_command Fields of the job to update (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverJobsJobPatch($server, $job, $job_command) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverJobsJobPatchWithHttpInfo ($server, $job, $job_command); return $response; } /** * serverJobsJobPatchWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $job The job ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\JobCommand $job_command Fields of the job to update (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverJobsJobPatchWithHttpInfo($server, $job, $job_command) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverJobsJobPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'job' is set if ($job === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $job when calling serverJobsJobPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'job_command' is set if ($job_command === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $job_command when calling serverJobsJobPatch'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/jobs/{job}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "PATCH"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($job !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "job" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($job), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($job_command)) { $_tempBody = $job_command; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverJobsJobFixesChangePost * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $job The job ID (required) * @param string $change The change ID (required) * @param string $status Specify the job status instead of using the default.\nThe default is typically `closed` or some other value defined in the `Presets` field specified in the `p4 jobspec` form.\n\nIf the changelist to which you're linking the job been submitted, the status value is immediately reflected in the job's status.\n\nIf the changelist is pending, the job status is changed on submission of the changelist, provided that the -s option is also supplied to p4 submit and the desired status appears next to the job in the p4 submit form's Jobs: field.\nTo leave a job unchanged, use the special status of same. (optional) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverJobsJobFixesChangePost($server, $job, $change, $status = null) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverJobsJobFixesChangePostWithHttpInfo ($server, $job, $change, $status); return $response; } /** * serverJobsJobFixesChangePostWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $job The job ID (required) * @param string $change The change ID (required) * @param string $status Specify the job status instead of using the default.\nThe default is typically `closed` or some other value defined in the `Presets` field specified in the `p4 jobspec` form.\n\nIf the changelist to which you're linking the job been submitted, the status value is immediately reflected in the job's status.\n\nIf the changelist is pending, the job status is changed on submission of the changelist, provided that the -s option is also supplied to p4 submit and the desired status appears next to the job in the p4 submit form's Jobs: field.\nTo leave a job unchanged, use the special status of same. (optional) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverJobsJobFixesChangePostWithHttpInfo($server, $job, $change, $status = null) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverJobsJobFixesChangePost'); } // verify the required parameter 'job' is set if ($job === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $job when calling serverJobsJobFixesChangePost'); } // verify the required parameter 'change' is set if ($change === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $change when calling serverJobsJobFixesChangePost'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/jobs/{job}/fixes/{change}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "POST"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // query params if ($status !== null) { $queryParams['status'] = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toQueryValue($status); } // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($job !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "job" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($job), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($change !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "change" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($change), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverJobsJobFixesChangeDelete * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $job The job ID (required) * @param string $change The change ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverJobsJobFixesChangeDelete($server, $job, $change) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverJobsJobFixesChangeDeleteWithHttpInfo ($server, $job, $change); return $response; } /** * serverJobsJobFixesChangeDeleteWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $job The job ID (required) * @param string $change The change ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverJobsJobFixesChangeDeleteWithHttpInfo($server, $job, $change) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverJobsJobFixesChangeDelete'); } // verify the required parameter 'job' is set if ($job === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $job when calling serverJobsJobFixesChangeDelete'); } // verify the required parameter 'change' is set if ($change === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $change when calling serverJobsJobFixesChangeDelete'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/jobs/{job}/fixes/{change}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "DELETE"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($job !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "job" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($job), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($change !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "change" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($change), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverLabelsGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\LabelsCommand[] * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverLabelsGet($server) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverLabelsGetWithHttpInfo ($server); return $response; } /** * serverLabelsGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\LabelsCommand[], HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverLabelsGetWithHttpInfo($server) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverLabelsGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/labels"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\LabelsCommand[]' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\LabelsCommand[]', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\LabelsCommand[]', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverLabelsPost * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\LabelCommand $label The label spec (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverLabelsPost($server, $label) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverLabelsPostWithHttpInfo ($server, $label); return $response; } /** * serverLabelsPostWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\LabelCommand $label The label spec (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverLabelsPostWithHttpInfo($server, $label) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverLabelsPost'); } // verify the required parameter 'label' is set if ($label === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $label when calling serverLabelsPost'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/labels"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "POST"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($label)) { $_tempBody = $label; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverLabelsLabelGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $label The label ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\LabelCommand * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverLabelsLabelGet($server, $label) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverLabelsLabelGetWithHttpInfo ($server, $label); return $response; } /** * serverLabelsLabelGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $label The label ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\LabelCommand, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverLabelsLabelGetWithHttpInfo($server, $label) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverLabelsLabelGet'); } // verify the required parameter 'label' is set if ($label === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $label when calling serverLabelsLabelGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/labels/{label}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($label !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "label" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($label), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\LabelCommand' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\LabelCommand', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\LabelCommand', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverLabelsLabelDelete * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $label The label ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverLabelsLabelDelete($server, $label) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverLabelsLabelDeleteWithHttpInfo ($server, $label); return $response; } /** * serverLabelsLabelDeleteWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $label The label ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverLabelsLabelDeleteWithHttpInfo($server, $label) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverLabelsLabelDelete'); } // verify the required parameter 'label' is set if ($label === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $label when calling serverLabelsLabelDelete'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/labels/{label}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "DELETE"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($label !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "label" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($label), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverLabelsLabelPatch * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $label The label ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\LabelCommand $label_command Fields of the label to update (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverLabelsLabelPatch($server, $label, $label_command) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverLabelsLabelPatchWithHttpInfo ($server, $label, $label_command); return $response; } /** * serverLabelsLabelPatchWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $label The label ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\LabelCommand $label_command Fields of the label to update (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverLabelsLabelPatchWithHttpInfo($server, $label, $label_command) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverLabelsLabelPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'label' is set if ($label === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $label when calling serverLabelsLabelPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'label_command' is set if ($label_command === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $label_command when calling serverLabelsLabelPatch'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/labels/{label}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "PATCH"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($label !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "label" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($label), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($label_command)) { $_tempBody = $label_command; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverLoginPost * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\LoginRequest $body The user login and password. (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\LoginResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverLoginPost($server, $body) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverLoginPostWithHttpInfo ($server, $body); return $response; } /** * serverLoginPostWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\LoginRequest $body The user login and password. (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\LoginResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverLoginPostWithHttpInfo($server, $body) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverLoginPost'); } // verify the required parameter 'body' is set if ($body === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $body when calling serverLoginPost'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/login"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "POST"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($body)) { $_tempBody = $body; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\LoginResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\LoginResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\LoginResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverPathsGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $path The path \"under a depot\" to query under, e.g., `//depot/main`.\nThis will list the directories and files underneath that path. (optional) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\Location[] * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverPathsGet($server, $path = null) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverPathsGetWithHttpInfo ($server, $path); return $response; } /** * serverPathsGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $path The path \"under a depot\" to query under, e.g., `//depot/main`.\nThis will list the directories and files underneath that path. (optional) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\Location[], HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverPathsGetWithHttpInfo($server, $path = null) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverPathsGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/paths"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // query params if ($path !== null) { $queryParams['path'] = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toQueryValue($path); } // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\Location[]' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\Location[]', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\Location[]', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverProtectionsGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\Protections * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverProtectionsGet($server) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverProtectionsGetWithHttpInfo ($server); return $response; } /** * serverProtectionsGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\Protections, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverProtectionsGetWithHttpInfo($server) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverProtectionsGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/protections"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\Protections' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\Protections', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\Protections', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverProtectionsPut * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\Protections $protections The new protections table (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverProtectionsPut($server, $protections) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverProtectionsPutWithHttpInfo ($server, $protections); return $response; } /** * serverProtectionsPutWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\Protections $protections The new protections table (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverProtectionsPutWithHttpInfo($server, $protections) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverProtectionsPut'); } // verify the required parameter 'protections' is set if ($protections === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $protections when calling serverProtectionsPut'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/protections"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "PUT"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($protections)) { $_tempBody = $protections; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverServersGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\ServersCommand[] * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverServersGet($server) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverServersGetWithHttpInfo ($server); return $response; } /** * serverServersGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\ServersCommand[], HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverServersGetWithHttpInfo($server) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverServersGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/servers"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\ServersCommand[]' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\ServersCommand[]', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\ServersCommand[]', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverServersPost * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\ServerCommand $server_command The server spec (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverServersPost($server, $server_command) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverServersPostWithHttpInfo ($server, $server_command); return $response; } /** * serverServersPostWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\ServerCommand $server_command The server spec (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverServersPostWithHttpInfo($server, $server_command) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverServersPost'); } // verify the required parameter 'server_command' is set if ($server_command === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server_command when calling serverServersPost'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/servers"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "POST"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($server_command)) { $_tempBody = $server_command; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverServersServerIdGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $server_id The server ID of the server spec (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\ServerCommand * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverServersServerIdGet($server, $server_id) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverServersServerIdGetWithHttpInfo ($server, $server_id); return $response; } /** * serverServersServerIdGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $server_id The server ID of the server spec (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\ServerCommand, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverServersServerIdGetWithHttpInfo($server, $server_id) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverServersServerIdGet'); } // verify the required parameter 'server_id' is set if ($server_id === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server_id when calling serverServersServerIdGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/servers/{serverId}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($server_id !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "serverId" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server_id), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\ServerCommand' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\ServerCommand', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\ServerCommand', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverServersServerIdDelete * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $server_id The server ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverServersServerIdDelete($server, $server_id) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverServersServerIdDeleteWithHttpInfo ($server, $server_id); return $response; } /** * serverServersServerIdDeleteWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $server_id The server ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverServersServerIdDeleteWithHttpInfo($server, $server_id) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverServersServerIdDelete'); } // verify the required parameter 'server_id' is set if ($server_id === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server_id when calling serverServersServerIdDelete'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/servers/{serverId}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "DELETE"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($server_id !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "serverId" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server_id), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverServersServerIdPatch * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $server_id The server ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\ServerCommand $server_command Fields of the server to update (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverServersServerIdPatch($server, $server_id, $server_command) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverServersServerIdPatchWithHttpInfo ($server, $server_id, $server_command); return $response; } /** * serverServersServerIdPatchWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $server_id The server ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\ServerCommand $server_command Fields of the server to update (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverServersServerIdPatchWithHttpInfo($server, $server_id, $server_command) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverServersServerIdPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'server_id' is set if ($server_id === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server_id when calling serverServersServerIdPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'server_command' is set if ($server_command === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server_command when calling serverServersServerIdPatch'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/servers/{serverId}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "PATCH"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($server_id !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "serverId" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server_id), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($server_command)) { $_tempBody = $server_command; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverStreamsGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\StreamsCommand[] * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverStreamsGet($server) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverStreamsGetWithHttpInfo ($server); return $response; } /** * serverStreamsGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\StreamsCommand[], HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverStreamsGetWithHttpInfo($server) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverStreamsGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/streams"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\StreamsCommand[]' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\StreamsCommand[]', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\StreamsCommand[]', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverStreamsPost * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\StreamCommand $body The stream spec (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverStreamsPost($server, $body) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverStreamsPostWithHttpInfo ($server, $body); return $response; } /** * serverStreamsPostWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\StreamCommand $body The stream spec (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverStreamsPostWithHttpInfo($server, $body) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverStreamsPost'); } // verify the required parameter 'body' is set if ($body === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $body when calling serverStreamsPost'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/streams"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "POST"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($body)) { $_tempBody = $body; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverStreamsStreamGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $stream The stream ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\StreamCommand * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverStreamsStreamGet($server, $stream) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverStreamsStreamGetWithHttpInfo ($server, $stream); return $response; } /** * serverStreamsStreamGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $stream The stream ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\StreamCommand, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverStreamsStreamGetWithHttpInfo($server, $stream) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverStreamsStreamGet'); } // verify the required parameter 'stream' is set if ($stream === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $stream when calling serverStreamsStreamGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/streams/stream"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // query params if ($stream !== null) { $queryParams['stream'] = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toQueryValue($stream); } // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\StreamCommand' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\StreamCommand', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\StreamCommand', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverStreamsStreamDelete * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $stream The stream ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverStreamsStreamDelete($server, $stream) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverStreamsStreamDeleteWithHttpInfo ($server, $stream); return $response; } /** * serverStreamsStreamDeleteWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $stream The stream ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverStreamsStreamDeleteWithHttpInfo($server, $stream) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverStreamsStreamDelete'); } // verify the required parameter 'stream' is set if ($stream === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $stream when calling serverStreamsStreamDelete'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/streams/stream"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "DELETE"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // query params if ($stream !== null) { $queryParams['stream'] = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toQueryValue($stream); } // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverStreamsStreamPatch * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $stream The stream ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\StreamCommand $body Fields of the stream to update (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverStreamsStreamPatch($server, $stream, $body) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverStreamsStreamPatchWithHttpInfo ($server, $stream, $body); return $response; } /** * serverStreamsStreamPatchWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $stream The stream ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\StreamCommand $body Fields of the stream to update (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverStreamsStreamPatchWithHttpInfo($server, $stream, $body) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverStreamsStreamPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'stream' is set if ($stream === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $stream when calling serverStreamsStreamPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'body' is set if ($body === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $body when calling serverStreamsStreamPatch'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/streams/stream"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "PATCH"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // query params if ($stream !== null) { $queryParams['stream'] = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toQueryValue($stream); } // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($body)) { $_tempBody = $body; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverTriggersGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\Triggers * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverTriggersGet($server) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverTriggersGetWithHttpInfo ($server); return $response; } /** * serverTriggersGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\Triggers, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverTriggersGetWithHttpInfo($server) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverTriggersGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/triggers"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\Triggers' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\Triggers', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\Triggers', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverTriggersPut * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\Triggers $triggers The new triggers table (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverTriggersPut($server, $triggers) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverTriggersPutWithHttpInfo ($server, $triggers); return $response; } /** * serverTriggersPutWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\Triggers $triggers The new triggers table (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverTriggersPutWithHttpInfo($server, $triggers) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverTriggersPut'); } // verify the required parameter 'triggers' is set if ($triggers === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $triggers when calling serverTriggersPut'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/triggers"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "PUT"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($triggers)) { $_tempBody = $triggers; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverUsersGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param bool $include_service If true, shows service users in the list. (optional) * @param int $max Cap the number of users reported to this amount. (optional) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\UsersCommand[] * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverUsersGet($server, $include_service = null, $max = null) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverUsersGetWithHttpInfo ($server, $include_service, $max); return $response; } /** * serverUsersGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param bool $include_service If true, shows service users in the list. (optional) * @param int $max Cap the number of users reported to this amount. (optional) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\UsersCommand[], HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverUsersGetWithHttpInfo($server, $include_service = null, $max = null) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverUsersGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/users"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // query params if ($include_service !== null) { $queryParams['includeService'] = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toQueryValue($include_service); }// query params if ($max !== null) { $queryParams['max'] = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toQueryValue($max); } // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\UsersCommand[]' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\UsersCommand[]', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\UsersCommand[]', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverUsersPost * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\UserCommand $body The user spec (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverUsersPost($server, $body) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverUsersPostWithHttpInfo ($server, $body); return $response; } /** * serverUsersPostWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\UserCommand $body The user spec (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverUsersPostWithHttpInfo($server, $body) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverUsersPost'); } // verify the required parameter 'body' is set if ($body === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $body when calling serverUsersPost'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/users"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "POST"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($body)) { $_tempBody = $body; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverUsersUserGet * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $user The user ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\UserCommand * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverUsersUserGet($server, $user) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverUsersUserGetWithHttpInfo ($server, $user); return $response; } /** * serverUsersUserGetWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $user The user ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\UserCommand, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverUsersUserGetWithHttpInfo($server, $user) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverUsersUserGet'); } // verify the required parameter 'user' is set if ($user === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $user when calling serverUsersUserGet'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/users/{user}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "GET"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($user !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "user" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($user), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\UserCommand' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\UserCommand', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\UserCommand', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverUsersUserDelete * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $user The user ID (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverUsersUserDelete($server, $user) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverUsersUserDeleteWithHttpInfo ($server, $user); return $response; } /** * serverUsersUserDeleteWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $user The user ID (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverUsersUserDeleteWithHttpInfo($server, $user) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverUsersUserDelete'); } // verify the required parameter 'user' is set if ($user === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $user when calling serverUsersUserDelete'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/users/{user}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "DELETE"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($user !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "user" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($user), $resourcePath ); } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } /** * serverUsersUserPatch * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $user The user ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\UserCommand $body Fields of the user to update (required) * @return \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverUsersUserPatch($server, $user, $body) { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->serverUsersUserPatchWithHttpInfo ($server, $user, $body); return $response; } /** * serverUsersUserPatchWithHttpInfo * * * * @param string $server The server ID that we execute this particular method against. (required) * @param string $user The user ID (required) * @param \HelixWebServices\Model\UserCommand $body Fields of the user to update (required) * @return Array of \HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings) * @throws \HelixWebServices\ApiException on non-2xx response */ public function serverUsersUserPatchWithHttpInfo($server, $user, $body) { // verify the required parameter 'server' is set if ($server === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $server when calling serverUsersUserPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'user' is set if ($user === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $user when calling serverUsersUserPatch'); } // verify the required parameter 'body' is set if ($body === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing the required parameter $body when calling serverUsersUserPatch'); } // parse inputs $resourcePath = "/p4d/v16.1/{server}/users/{user}"; $resourcePath = str_replace("{format}", "json", $resourcePath); $method = "PATCH"; $httpBody = ''; $queryParams = array(); $headerParams = array(); $formParams = array(); $_header_accept = ApiClient::selectHeaderAccept(array('application/json')); if (!is_null($_header_accept)) { $headerParams['Accept'] = $_header_accept; } $headerParams['Content-Type'] = ApiClient::selectHeaderContentType(array('application/json')); // path params if ($server !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "server" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($server), $resourcePath ); }// path params if ($user !== null) { $resourcePath = str_replace( "{" . "user" . "}", $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->toPathValue($user), $resourcePath ); } // body params $_tempBody = null; if (isset($body)) { $_tempBody = $body; } // for model (json/xml) if (isset($_tempBody)) { $httpBody = $_tempBody; // $_tempBody is the method argument, if present } elseif (count($formParams) > 0) { $httpBody = $formParams; // for HTTP post (form) } // this endpoint requires API key authentication $apiKey = $this->apiClient->getApiKeyWithPrefix('Authorization'); if (strlen($apiKey) !== 0) { $headerParams['Authorization'] = $apiKey; } // make the API Call try { list($response, $statusCode, $httpHeader) = $this->apiClient->callApi( $resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $httpBody, $headerParams, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse' ); if (!$response) { return array(null, $statusCode, $httpHeader); } return array($this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($response, '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $httpHeader), $statusCode, $httpHeader); } catch (ApiException $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 200: $data = $this->apiClient->getSerializer()->deserialize($e->getResponseBody(), '\HelixWebServices\Model\CommandResponse', $e->getResponseHeaders()); $e->setResponseObject($data); break; } throw $e; } } }