$Id: //depot/r16.1/p4/POLICY#1 $ $Author: smisra $ Policy document for //depot/*/p4 codelines. This document covers both //depot/main/p4 (mainline development) and //depot/r*/p4 (release lines). This document is skeletal. For the complete release codeline policy, see the file POLICY located in each //depot/r*/POLICY. Mainline Development Policy owner: seiwald@perforce.com Codeline owners: //depot/main/p4 seiwald@perforce.com //depot/r*/p4 evalynne@perforce.com Use policy: //depot/main/p4 This line is for mainline development of the Perforce command line client and server. Release builds should never be made from this line, though beta releases may be. Only release and approved development branches may be made from this codeline. //depot/r*/p4 These lines are for production releases. Customer builds can be made from them. Branches are not allowed from these codelines. Submission policy: //depot/main/p4 Only a few developers are permitted to change this codeline. If you have doubt that you are one, ask the owner. See //depot/main/p4-doc/talks/coding.ppt for coding standards and source code layout. Don't create new directories without permission of the codeline owner. New file names must blend with existing ones. All changes must pass the tests in //depot/main/p4-test/td/* before being submitted. //depot/r*/p4 Generally, only A bug fixes are permitted on released lines. Generally, only porting engineers and developers are permitted to change this codeline. All changes must be approved by the codeline owner. All changes must pass the tests in //depot/main/p4-test/td/* before being submitted. For the complete documentation for release codeline submission policy see //depot/r*/POLICY