# Perforce Triggered Build Perforce can trigger Jenkins to build based on an event, such as a submitted change. To enable builds to be triggered by Perforce, select **Perforce triggered build** in the Freestyle job page. A triggered build also requires an administrator to add a Perforce trigger to the Perforce server. For information about adding a trigger, see [Using triggers to customize behavior](https://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4sag/chapter.scripting.html) in [Helix Core Server Administrator Guide: Fundamentals](https://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4sag/index.html#P4SAG/about.html). The trigger needs to POST a JSON payload to the Jenkins end-point `JENKINS_URL/p4/change/`. The JSON payload must contain the `p4port` string that matchs the P4Port field specified in the **Perforce Credential** (please note that the field `change` is not currently used, it has been added for future compatibility). **For example:** - A simple `change-commit` or `graph-push-complete` trigger can use curl: ``` #!/bin/bash CHANGE=$1 P4PORT=perforce:1666 JUSER=admin JPASS=pass JSERVER=http://localhost:8080 curl --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --request POST \ --silent \ --user $JUSER:$JPASS \ --data payload="{change:$CHANGE,p4port:\"$P4PORT\"}" \ $JSERVER/p4/change ``` - It must have an entry in `p4 triggers` for changes on `//depot/...`: ``` jenkins change-commit //depot/... "/p4/common/bin/triggers/jdepot.sh %change%" ``` - or for Graph content: ``` helix4git graph-push-complete //repos/... "/p4/common/bin/triggers/jgraph.sh %depotName% %repoName% %pusher%" ``` ## Server Authentication *Deprecated as of 1.8.10 (CRUMB support is embedded)* If your Jenkins server needs authentication you will also need to provide a security `CRUMB`. The following is an example of how you can get this and use it to trigger a job: ``` #!/bin/bash CHANGE=$1 P4PORT=perforce:1666 JUSER=admin JPASS=pass JSERVER=http://localhost:8080 # Get CRUMB CRUMB=$(curl --silent --user $JUSER:$JPASS $JSERVER/crumbIssuer/api/xml?xpath=concat\(//crumbRequestField,%22":"%22,//crumb\)) # Trigger builds across all triggered jobs (where relevant) curl --header "$CRUMB" \ --request POST \ --silent \ --user $JUSER:$JPASS \ --data payload="{change:$CHANGE,p4port:\"$P4PORT\"}" \ $JSERVER/p4/change ``` Click the browser **Back** button to go back to the previous page.