# Usage Notes and Tips ## Seeding a Perforce Configuration Take a sample Perforce configuration: ![configuration](images/dsl-config.png) The underlying Jenkins XML representation for this can be found by browsing to the Jenkins project and appending the string '/config.xml' to the URL. For this project, it looks like this: ```` false 95f4c776-2e2c-4a58-a41c-0af7e23bad31 none false poje_jenkins_master_test false false false false false false LOCAL //sandbox/users/poje/... //poje_jenkins_master_test/... true false false true true true ```` Based on the XML, a Jenkins "seed" project can be created to replicate this by using the following groovy code using the [Job-DSL-Plugin](https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Job+DSL+Plugin). When the project is built, it will create a new project named "auto-created-project" that will contains the same SCM perforce configuration as the original "Dummy Test Project" ```` import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils // Start Job creation. job("auto-created-project") { concurrentBuild(allowConcurrentBuild = false) disabled(shouldDisable = true) label("Win") logRotator(daysToKeep = 7, numToKeep = 10, artifactDaysToKeep = 7, artifactNumToKeep = 10) configure { project -> project.remove(project / scm) // remove the existing 'scm' element project / scm(class: 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.p4.PerforceScm') { credential 'fe40e7cf-902b-4de8-ab6a-b7f0cb1a9f6f' workspace(class :'org.jenkinsci.plugins.p4.workspace.ManualWorkspaceImpl') { charset 'none' pinHost 'false' name 'poje_jenkins_master_test' spec { allwrite 'false' clobber 'false' compress 'false' locked 'false' modtime 'false' rmdir 'false' streamName '' line 'LOCAL' view '//sandbox/users/poje/... //poje_jenkins_master_test/...' } } populate(class:'org.jenkinsci.plugins.p4.populate.AutoCleanImpl') { have 'true' force 'false' modtime 'false' quiet 'true' pin '' replace 'true' delete 'true' } } } } ```` ### References Generic documentation about the DSL Configuration block is located [here](https://github.com/jenkinsci/job-dsl-plugin/wiki/The-Configure-Block).