_Online documentation for [P4Groovy](https://www.perforce.com/manuals/jenkins/Content/P4Jenkins/pipeline-p4groovy.html)_ # P4Groovy ## Introduction P4Groovy is a Groovy interface to P4Java that allows you to write Perforce commands in the pipeline DSL. ## Setup To allow P4Groovy code to be executed uncheck the 'Use Groovy Sandbox' checkbox under the Pipeline script. The setup P4Groovy create a 'p4' object. For example: // Define workspace def ws = [$class: 'StreamWorkspaceImpl', charset: 'none', format: 'jenkins-${JOB_NAME}', pinHost: false, streamName: '//streams/projAce'] // Create object def p4 = p4(credential: 'phooey', workspace: ws) This code can be created for you using the 'p4: P4 Groovy' pipeline syntax snippet generator. ## Running a command The run command takes a comma separated list of Perforce command and then arguments. For example: p4.run('changes', '-m5', '//depot/path/...') The command will return an array of Maps (specifically Map[]). For example: def changes = p4.run('changes', '-m5', '//depot/path/...') You can iterate through the response by iterating through each array item and extracting the keys. For example: for(def item : changes) { for (String key : item.keySet()) { value = item.get(key) println ("Key: " + key + " Value: " + value) } } ## Working with forms To retrieve the contents of a form as a map use 'fetch' providing a 'spec type' and 'spec id'. For example: def client = p4.fetch('client', 'my_ws') To save the contents of a form use 'save' providing the 'spec type' and spec as a Map. For example: p4.save('client', client) For example to update a job description: def job = p4.fetch('job', 'job000006') def desc = job.get('Description') desc = desc + env.BUILD_URL job.put('Description', desc) p4.save('job', job) Adding additional flags to save, e.g. '-f' (do not add '-i' as this is already built into save): p4.save('client', client, '-f') # Getters P4Groovy provides two custom functions: p4.getUserName() // Get current User name p4.getClientName() // Get current workspace/client name ## Known Limitations * It is not possible to run an interactive resolve with P4Groovy. If a custom resolve is required use 'resolve -n' to display the files that need to be resolved and iterate through the results making changes to the files and resolving as necessary.