# Created by .gitignore support plugin (hsz.mobi) ### Ruby template *.gem *.rbc /.config /coverage/ /InstalledFiles /pkg/ /spec/reports/ /test/tmp/ /test/version_tmp/ /tmp/ ## Specific to RubyMotion: .dat* .repl_history build/ ## Documentation cache and generated files: /.yardoc/ /_yardoc/ /doc/ /rdoc/ ## Environment normalisation: /.bundle/ /lib/bundler/man/ p4-bin/**/p4api-2014.2*/ # for a library or gem, you might want to ignore these files since the code is # intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in: Gemfile.lock .ruby-version .ruby-gemset # unless supporting rvm < 1.11.0 or doing something fancy, ignore this: .rvmrc # Ignore RubyMine project files .idea/ # Ignore the 'working area' convention of p4util work/ # This can exist when running the rake compile task for testing p4.bundle P4.bundle p4.so P4.so # This is the output directory of docbook doc/ # The docbook build scripts seem to generate some compiled python classes p4-doc/**/*.pyc # This is actually under the p4-doc/ folder, and is only copied to prepare # distribution packages README # This is generated so any Jenkins system can pick up variables from the project # easily. build.properties